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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangram (second word) and 94 points. Missed a couple of words yesterday. Annuli?! But not croft?


Happy solving!


Ruing? Absolutely not! It's 'rueing', and that's final.

I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Made it to genius with pangram so far.  We didn't make it to team QB again.  I think we were missing inurn, inurning, unilingual.  I had a couple others I can't currently recall.

No luck on LB despite a ton of trying again! I had embankment, phile.  Ugh.  But I also had two ships: alphabet~kimono, and pamphlet~boink.  Not that that counts for anything.  Congrats, Langue_doc!

Have to go to a follow up medical test this morning that I am not looking forward to.  Maybe I'll get time to puzzle while there.

Happy solving!


QBwH for annulli... okay that is not a word. Or it is a word, obvi, but still... QB-1 today and really don't want to go to the 2LL or hints but alas, I may need to.

LB just 3fers including hip-plomb-blanket, khaki-implementation-nob. Only 3fers so far today as well, but the day is young.

And ab-grp, "ships" do count! Great finds!

Anyway, happy solving!


Good afternoon!

I didn't make it to QB yesterday—I missed annuli, guar, and linguini.  Today I have three words to go. 

Parasaurolophus, I agree about ruing!  It should be rueing

LB:  Frustration!  I had both bibliophile and embankment, but did not put them together!  Argh!  So, no 2fer yesterday, but I finally found one today.

Happy puzzling!


Ciao_yall, I'm glad you are a ship fan too! Thanks! I did find another ship today but still no 2fer.  So close, dang it.  Cathwen, congrats on yours!

I still have two words left to QB.  Good luck to us all!

Langue_doc, I hope you are feeling better today. 


QB--I don't think there were any difficult words today.

ab_grp, thanks, I'm almost back to normal--went on a bird walk this morning. Hope your medical tests were painless and that the results are positive.

I have an early morning and probably a long day, so might not get to the puzzles or the fora until much later in the day.

Happy solving for tomorrow!


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius. Don't recall yesterday's last word.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

One of the two pangrams, and two words to go.  Yesterday my last two words, found with letter hints, were kowtow and mako.

LB:  No 2fer yet this morning, but yesterday I had shanties-semiology..

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Finally got the second pangram and got past genius.  We each got QBABO yesterday with similar last words.  My final one was kowtow, and mako, amok were among the others. 

Tried and tried again on LB to no avail.  I did have mahogany and ships: histology~mane.  Congrats, cathwen!

Hope you enjoyed your bird walk, Langue_doc! I'm so glad you are feeling so much better.

Happy solving!


QBw2LL, last word kowtow. Just 3fers yesterday but got close with egotism-manly-yah.

Happy solving!


Close, but I'll have to finish it tomorrow.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangram and well above genius. Thanks to those of you who mentioned the second pangram yesterday, I looked for and found it, and then made it to QB.

sexual/liquefying (I think)

Happy solving!


QBwH for gazillion. LB just a 3fer quai*-influxes-saying and a 2fer b4ss which might not even be a word but hey quails-sexifying.

Happy solving!

* quai is an alternative spelling of quay.