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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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Quote from: FishProf on November 29, 2021, 10:18:58 AM
We moved out cat tower to the diametrically opposite corner and the Thundercats LOST.THEIR.MINDS.

Zoomies up around and through the tower, multilevel wrestling, and sneak attacks on feet ensued.

Now it appears to be the command post for the impending assault on the Christmas tree.  They are up to something....

Hilarious. I'm imagining cat rampage.

Youngest evil cat has learned how to jump up on top of the fridge. Why? We occasionally put Eldest evil cat's medicated food up there. Youngest evil cat is VERY food-motivated.


Ricochet did her best attempt at lap sitting this morning! She jumped on to my lap (and only jumped on and off 3 times) and flopped down (she does not appear to understand how to do the circle-before-lying-down move). Then she stayed and purred for 5 minutes! Unfortunately, there will never be documentation of the lap sitting, as I must use my right hand to give her head scritches, and my left hand to gently pet her body (no tummy rubs).  These two things must occur the entire time she is on my lap, or she jumps off. SO stood in another room and peered briefly at the proceedings (if he comes into the room, she immediately jumps off), but she apparently felt his presence and bolted before he could take a picture.


Quote from: OneMoreYear on December 04, 2021, 07:56:04 AM
Ricochet did her best attempt at lap sitting this morning! She jumped on to my lap (and only jumped on and off 3 times) and flopped down (she does not appear to understand how to do the circle-before-lying-down move). Then she stayed and purred for 5 minutes! Unfortunately, there will never be documentation of the lap sitting, as I must use my right hand to give her head scritches, and my left hand to gently pet her body (no tummy rubs).  These two things must occur the entire time she is on my lap, or she jumps off. SO stood in another room and peered briefly at the proceedings (if he comes into the room, she immediately jumps off), but she apparently felt his presence and bolted before he could take a picture.

Good job!

Lap sitting skill development can take time. Last winter, Little Calico was enrolled in Lab Sitting 101, but she has since become a graduate level lap sitter. Every evening she waits for me to turn on the fire and sit in the designated lap sitting chair (if this process is delayed she will encourage it along with lots of squeaking and circling) and settles in until I have to displace her to get up and do something else or go to bed. Panther Boy doesn't lap sit per se, but likes to lie pressed up next to me.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: Puget on December 04, 2021, 08:08:15 AM
Quote from: OneMoreYear on December 04, 2021, 07:56:04 AM
Ricochet did her best attempt at lap sitting this morning! She jumped on to my lap (and only jumped on and off 3 times) and flopped down (she does not appear to understand how to do the circle-before-lying-down move). Then she stayed and purred for 5 minutes! Unfortunately, there will never be documentation of the lap sitting, as I must use my right hand to give her head scritches, and my left hand to gently pet her body (no tummy rubs).  These two things must occur the entire time she is on my lap, or she jumps off. SO stood in another room and peered briefly at the proceedings (if he comes into the room, she immediately jumps off), but she apparently felt his presence and bolted before he could take a picture.

Good job!

Lap sitting skill development can take time. Last winter, Little Calico was enrolled in Lab Sitting 101, but she has since become a graduate level lap sitter. Every evening she waits for me to turn on the fire and sit in the designated lap sitting chair (if this process is delayed she will encourage it along with lots of squeaking and circling) and settles in until I have to displace her to get up and do something else or go to bed. Panther Boy doesn't lap sit per se, but likes to lie pressed up next to me.

:) We adopted Ricochet more than 5 years ago as a little kitten.  Ninja (her litter mate) immediately figured out what people were for (to serve her), and has been a lapcat from the get-go.  Ricochet is continually enrolled in developmental courses in the Human-Feline Interaction certificate. We think we have finally convinced her that we are not going to eat her, but that knowledge is only applied to SO and I; if any other people enter the house, she heads through a wormhole again.


The cats made two unauthorized excursions to the unfinished basement today.

First one this morning-- They weren't in the bedroom when I woke up, which is unusual. A bit later they silently slunk up the stairs together, always a sign they've been up to no good. The cobwebs in their whiskers gave them away (I guess I should vacuum the basement). Sure enough the door was ajar.

I figured I must have accidentally not closed it completely when doing laundry. But then this evening it was again suddenly too quiet and cat free, and I caught them red-pawed down there, and I KNOW I closed it firmly after this morning's escapade. So clearly they have somehow learned to open the door, though it beats me how.

I have now ordered a slide bolt for the door. They are back in the living room, acting all cuddly and innocent. But they've still got bits of cobweb clinging to them to say otherwise.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


One occasionally sees enterprising felines on a YouTube site as it flashes by, hanging onto a doorknob until it opens....

Maybe they're watching your computer at night, too??

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: mamselle on December 05, 2021, 06:20:30 PM
One occasionally sees enterprising felines on a YouTube site as it flashes by, hanging onto a doorknob until it opens....

Maybe they're watching your computer at night, too??


I wouldn't put it past them-- they've almost figured out how to use the remote to turn on the gas fireplace.
They got the door open again last night. Even when fully shut, it isn't quite flush with doorjamb (old house). They (and by "they" I really mean Panther Boy, who is shockingly strong for a cat) must be pawing at the bit of door that sticks out from the frame until it pops open. The barrel bolt should arrive today, and then they will be sadly thwarted.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


My parents' new kitten is now arriving at a mutual understanding with their dog.  In particular, he now understands that the dog's food belongs to the dog.  Meanwhile he continues to be a kitten, both cute and annoying.  He'll probably be a real handful if and when they get their Christmas tree up.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Ours are mostly leaving the tree alone - no climbing, only a few ornaments on the floor.  But Izzy has discovered that she can lurk underneath the tree and dash out to scare the other cats.  It's a new variation in the game called "go away Izzy kitten!".  Izzy LOVES this game. 


We stopped decorating the house for Christmas entirely. Around here, deck the halls would quickly turn into wreck the halls with our four around. They want to investigate and participate in anything new that goes on, and they love to play with anything that crinkles or looks stringy.


Quote from: Larimar on December 08, 2021, 04:41:05 AM
We stopped decorating the house for Christmas entirely. Around here, deck the halls would quickly turn into wreck the halls with our four around. They want to investigate and participate in anything new that goes on, and they love to play with anything that crinkles or looks stringy.

Fortunately our sitting room can be closed off so that is where our tree and decorations are. My wife loves blown glass ornaments and the cats would so love to break every one of them...


Quote from: Larimar on December 08, 2021, 04:41:05 AM
We stopped decorating the house for Christmas entirely. Around here, deck the halls would quickly turn into wreck the halls with our four around. They want to investigate and participate in anything new that goes on, and they love to play with anything that crinkles or looks stringy.

This needs to be an illustrated children's story...

Not bothering with decorations for the home this year, but SO did purchase little red-and-white Santa hats and scarves for the kitties.

The plan was to adorn them right after they'd had dinner, in the hopes they would be sufficiently sleepy and content to tolerate the costumes for long enough to snap a few pictures.

Little Caramelo was a good sport about it, but wriggled out of the outfit as soon as we were done with his pictures. Maestro, that strange and wondrous cat, did not care for the hat, but firmly resisted the removal of his scarf. He LOVES that soft, fuzzy thing.

Red contrasts well with his black-and-white tuxedo coloring and his pictures are a marvel to behold.

Caramelo's expression in his own pictures give a clear vibe of a young child feeling fidgety in their good clothes. Maestro's expression has the relaxed confidence of one who is reveling in the knowledge that they look GOOD. (But it's probably just the look of a kitty who really enjoys being wrapped up in soft fuzziness).

He's always been a dapper kitty, very meticulous with his grooming. He's also had a habit since kittenhood of parking himself in front of a mirror and gazing at his reflection for half an hour or more. Unlike Caramelo, Maestro seems to understand that the kitty on the other side of the glass is his own handsome self.

I think Maestro might be the feline equivalent of a dandy.


THAT needs to be a children's picture book, too!!!

Love the images...

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: smallcleanrat on December 08, 2021, 12:03:45 PM
Quote from: Larimar on December 08, 2021, 04:41:05 AM
We stopped decorating the house for Christmas entirely. Around here, deck the halls would quickly turn into wreck the halls with our four around. They want to investigate and participate in anything new that goes on, and they love to play with anything that crinkles or looks stringy.

This needs to be an illustrated children's story...

Not bothering with decorations for the home this year, but SO did purchase little red-and-white Santa hats and scarves for the kitties.

The plan was to adorn them right after they'd had dinner, in the hopes they would be sufficiently sleepy and content to tolerate the costumes for long enough to snap a few pictures.

Little Caramelo was a good sport about it, but wriggled out of the outfit as soon as we were done with his pictures. Maestro, that strange and wondrous cat, did not care for the hat, but firmly resisted the removal of his scarf. He LOVES that soft, fuzzy thing.

Red contrasts well with his black-and-white tuxedo coloring and his pictures are a marvel to behold.

Caramelo's expression in his own pictures give a clear vibe of a young child feeling fidgety in their good clothes. Maestro's expression has the relaxed confidence of one who is reveling in the knowledge that they look GOOD. (But it's probably just the look of a kitty who really enjoys being wrapped up in soft fuzziness).

He's always been a dapper kitty, very meticulous with his grooming. He's also had a habit since kittenhood of parking himself in front of a mirror and gazing at his reflection for half an hour or more. Unlike Caramelo, Maestro seems to understand that the kitty on the other side of the glass is his own handsome self.

I think Maestro might be the feline equivalent of a dandy.

FTR, I can't take credit for the phrase "wreck the halls". I'm not sure where or when I saw it; it was a greeting card, probably.

And Awww, how sweet. Maestro and Caramelo sound like perfect holiday photo subjects.


Accidentally stepped on the red one earlier, so now the poor love is very leery of me.
I know it's a genus.