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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on February 15, 2023, 01:50:15 PM
Quote from: AvidReader on February 15, 2023, 05:02:25 AM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on February 14, 2023, 04:06:49 PM
I really need to get one of these for my senior cat. He inhales his food and gets so upset, if he isn't fed immediately, that he will sometimes vomit.

Oh my! Hestia vomits when she eats too fast (we think). The balls have made a big difference, and are entertaining as well. After the first two from the pet store broke, we ordered a larger cheaper pack on eBay and they are still going strong.

Hestia uses treat balls by whacking the ball with a paw so that it skitters across the patio and then walking the path of the ball, sniffing for food and treats. Artemis uses treat balls by placing the top of her head against the ball and walking it in a slow circle until the food drops out. Watching them try to share a ball is hugely entertaining.


Yep. Actually, I meant to say that if he isn't fed at the 'appropriate cat time', then he will vomit in protest. He will also vomit if he eats too quickly. In the past, we had a small cardboard box with holes and some dry food in it that they could bat around. I think I need to make a new one.

Yes, he makes mornings very difficult.


Quote from: clean on February 14, 2023, 07:02:40 PM

Those should be entertaining!

At one point, we gave both of these to our kitties.

We stopped using the treat ball because, if the cats weren't hungry, they would roll the ball around and just watch food fall out without eating it. Made a mess.

The treat tower was a lot of fun; the two cats had very different strategies. Maestro would meticulously move a single kibble at a time from top to bottom and then bring it delicately to his mouth with his paw. Caramelo tried to follow his brother's lead, but didn't understand the underlying principle. He would poke his paw in repeatedly without realizing the food needs to go down the hole. Kibble would shuffle around, but not drop. He eventually developed his own method: head-butting the tower to cause a cascade of kibble to rain down to the bottom.

Less elegant than Maestro's technique, but more effective.

Unfortunately, repeated bashing ultimately resulted in a broken tower.


Quote from: smallcleanrat on February 18, 2023, 04:49:17 PM
Quote from: clean on February 14, 2023, 07:02:40 PM

Those should be entertaining!

At one point, we gave both of these to our kitties.

We stopped using the treat ball because, if the cats weren't hungry, they would roll the ball around and just watch food fall out without eating it. Made a mess.

The treat tower was a lot of fun; the two cats had very different strategies. Maestro would meticulously move a single kibble at a time from top to bottom and then bring it delicately to his mouth with his paw. Caramelo tried to follow his brother's lead, but didn't understand the underlying principle. He would poke his paw in repeatedly without realizing the food needs to go down the hole. Kibble would shuffle around, but not drop. He eventually developed his own method: head-butting the tower to cause a cascade of kibble to rain down to the bottom.

Less elegant than Maestro's technique, but more effective.

Unfortunately, repeated bashing ultimately resulted in a broken tower.

Interesting. We may try to cobble something together over here, or just buy one.


While walking to lunch today I had a black cat cross the street right in front of me.  As if with ongoing HVAC issues, planning for an upcoming outdoor event with a chance of rain in the forecast, and assorted deadlines looming I didn't have enough to deal with.  Thanks a lot, cat!

(Seriously, though, it was a lovely cat.  First time in a good while I've seen a beautiful black cat in our neighborhood.  We used to have a couple of them, but they've gone away.  I hope this one sticks around.)
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


I have a raised bed in the back yard. I will be returning it to use very soon. 
However, there is a cat that has been making good use of it for  a Bed already!
Not sure what people the cat owns. 
Id prefer not to have a cat sleeping in my garden though! 

Tonight I pointed out the cat to My Bride.  I tapped on the glass.  He/she looked at me with great contempt.   "That ALL you got?  Your Intrusion in Unwelcome!"    It put its head down, but its eyes were not quite closed, as it continued to keep an eye on the window.
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


Quote from: clean on March 13, 2023, 05:54:09 PM
I have a raised bed in the back yard. I will be returning it to use very soon. 
However, there is a cat that has been making good use of it for  a Bed already!
Not sure what people the cat owns. 
Id prefer not to have a cat sleeping in my garden though! 

Tonight I pointed out the cat to My Bride.  I tapped on the glass.  He/she looked at me with great contempt.   "That ALL you got?  Your Intrusion in Unwelcome!"    It put its head down, but its eyes were not quite closed, as it continued to keep an eye on the window.

The solution is clear-- you must provide the cat with a superior cat bed of its own near the garden bed.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


I already own a live trap.... OR I can spend more money to give the cat, who is not mine, a bed so that he will have a nearby potty!
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


Your garden plans need to showcase the cat!  Mine enjoy the shade offered by leafy vegetables like chard, the scent of rosemary, and freshly churned soil for napping.


I suppose that I could use a Watch Cat.  I think that last season a squirrel (I hope!) seemed to eat my eggplant off the plant.  Maybe this could serve as a deterrent.... But if I have to deal with vermin eating my produce and cat poop in the boxes, Watch Cat will get FIRED and 'escorted off the property'.   
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


Quote from: clean on March 14, 2023, 09:37:36 AM
I suppose that I could use a Watch Cat.  I think that last season a squirrel (I hope!) seemed to eat my eggplant off the plant.  Maybe this could serve as a deterrent.... But if I have to deal with vermin eating my produce and cat poop in the boxes, Watch Cat will get FIRED and 'escorted off the property'.

You could enclose the entire bed in a dog kennel. :)


A black cat was in my parents' side yard when I visited this past Saturday, walking my father back from the mailbox. We both thought it was a piece of wood until Dad stopped and said, "One of its ears just moved."

So I said "Psss psss psss," trying to invite it to come closer, but sadly scared the little thing so badly it leaped away immediately through the underbrush like a Thoroughbred over fences. Oh, well.


My brother's cats have been having to get used to coexisting with chickens, rabbits, goats, and now pigs.  He's practically turning into a small-scale stock raiser. 
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


I am up late tonight due to illness and also trying to catch up on work. Ricochet the squirrelly tortie is apparently confused as to why both of the large beings are not laying in the bed, so she knows where they are. She has been following me around all night and is now sitting on the couch next to me, which is an unusual behavior for her.  Ninja is of course sleeping next to my husband. Neither cat has offered to do my grading.


Quote from: clean on March 17, 2023, 02:22:56 PM
Write us a Cat Story, and then look at it from the perspective of WINNING!  How did those events help guide your next actions - What did you learn from them??

Since clean set me a writing task...

I suppose this is a win in the category of personal growth: I have made peace with the fact that I am Maestro's second-favorite human.

Each of the cats has chosen a primary human. That would be the human they follow around the most, the one they most want to cuddle up next to, and the one they single out for special interactions exclusive to that human. Caramelo has chosen me; Maestro has chosen SO.

Maestro adores SO. You can see it in the way the cat gazes at him with soft, admiring eyes. While Maestro is happy enough to receive attention from me, he actively seeks out and demands interaction with SO. He cries when SO is out of the apartment, even if it's only for a few minutes. He always wants to be in whatever room SO is in. He frequently rubs foreheads with SO as a sign of affection, something he never does with me.

When Maestro is with me, he's content. When he's with SO, he's in heaven.

Not gonna lie. For a time, this was hard on my ego. Maestro came into my life at a time when he was desperately needed. Loving him helped me get through a deep depression. He's a very special kitty to me. I wanted to be his favorite human.

But I learned to let go of my insecurity, and I can simply enjoy my role as the second-favorite. Now I can just be happy that Maestro and SO have such a strong bond. I still have Maestro's trust and affection; I'm still one of his chosen humans, even if I'm not THE ONE. And I have my special bond with my sweet Caramelo.

All-in-all we're a happy family. I love all my boys and I feel lucky to have them.


Thanks for the update!

Have you figured what best motivates Maestro? Is he food motivated, attention motivated, or play motivated? 
Perhaps you can feed his needs and desires to get a little more 'special' interaction with him.

Also, from my cat serving days, being the Favorite isnt always the best thing!  My cat was FAT (between 15 and 20 pounds.)  He always wanted to sit ON me (not near me, but ON me!) 
Cats are hot! 
They shed too.
It was great to have the attention, but some 'alone time' could be nice every now and again! 
So enjoy your freedom! 
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader