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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Pangram and genius so far.  Yesterday we failed team QB, missing nuking, and I was also missing winnowing and ginkgo (which I tried about 50 times and even googled and apparently still spelled wrong... and then almost spelled incorrectly here again). 

No luck on LB, again! Congrats on your 2fers yesterday and today, Langue_doc! Even if you can't remember your solution! I have to take a screenshot if I'm away from my notebook, and even then I sometimes forget that I even solved it by the time I check in here the next day.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB yesterday with 2LL help to find nuking and winnowing.  Today I have two words to go. 

LB:  I had the "official" gecko-ombudsman.  I have one today also. 

Langue_doc and ab_grp, I can never remember my LB solutions if I don't write them down immediately.  And when I look at the grid later, you would think the words would pop into my head—but they don't. 

Happy puzzling, and may the notebooks always be at hand!



QBwH, had to add winnowing to the list which I keep in a note on my phone. And my LB was a strange manbag-geoducks. I screenshot them so I can remember.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangrams and above genius. Almost gave up on the bee last night when I stumbled on the last word, ecotype, while reading about the latest in the Ohio train derailment.


I usually do the puzzles in bed, so the only place to write the LB solution is on the side of the kleenex box, as long as I can reach for a pen or pencil. No screen shots for me--I'm still a writing-by-hand person. If the solution doesn't get written, then it's goodbye to the two words, unless they somehow stand out like yesterday's solution.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius and a bit farther and finally all the pangrams.  We had team QB, but I was missing ecotype, poet, both of which I should have gotten!

No luck on LB yet again.  Congrats, Langue_doc!

It's funny how easy it is to forget even a very recent solution! It would be nice to really be able to take a mental screenshot.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBABM yesterday, with tepee and teepee as the last words—words I usually get right away.  Today I am past genius with all three pangrams, but eight more words to go.

LB:  I also had factor-rhyming.  And I finally found a 2fer today. 

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL, ecotype was a wild guess. Needed a nudge for factor-rhyming.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Finally got to genius, but I only have one pangram.  Same for husband.  We have both reported trying other potential pangrams that got rejected.  Hmm.  Yesterday, we failed to achieve team QB, both missing vivace.  I also missed (in)attentive.

No luck on LB yet again! I tried and tried. 

Happy solving!


Good morning!

ab_grp, you're up early!

Pangram and well above genius so far. Thanks to ab-grp's post, I now realize that there's a second pangram.

Last word yesterday was vain; found the difficult words much earlier; found vivace by typing all possible combinations and permutations; tried venetian and vatican knowing well that they would be rejected--I think I had a forlorn hope that the former would somehow make it.

Happy solving!


Morning! QBWATHICG for vivace. LB deliverance-ephemera(l).

Happy solving!


Team QBWATHWCG at dinner last night with friends. Last word mezzotint. LB czarism-mirthful.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with the pangram pretty easily today.  Yesterday I got down to 5 words, and we failed to get team QB.  I needed minim minimize, monotone, and we needed mezzotint, mini.  I am sure I am not the only one who tried timezone, and I also tried monotonize (so not sure why I missed monotone).  For that second pangram, we had to get the first three letters, Steve G's definition, and Steve G's hint, and then husband guessed it.  Ugh!!

No luck on LB, and I definitely wouldn't have gotten the schmofficial solution.  Congrats, ciao_yall!  But I did get a 2fer on my first try today!

We have started getting up earlier and earlier, partially because now that husband is back on site a couple days a week he wants to be sure to get some riding in on his exercise bike.  The first day up before sunrise was painful for me as a night owl, but now we are regularly getting up before then and earlier.  And going to bed earlier! It is weird for me but not so bad.  I do feel more productive.  Today, however, I gained another year of age, and I slept in to a normal time.  I am aiming for QBABM and need all the brain cells I can get. 

We sat out doing puzzles, and I turned Merlin on, but then I forgot to turn it off when we drove to get the mail and then drove around to give my car battery some action.  I noticed when I got back that there were several new birds, but now I'm not sure if they're for real or not! I am going to start a spreadsheet of bird encounters, in any case.

Hope you enjoyed your dinner with friends, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

QBwH yesterday to find ointment and mezzotint. .  I also tried timezone and noontime and was chagrined when they were rejected.  Today it took me ages to find the pangram!

LB:  I had the "official" czarism-mirthful.  I don't know what made me think of czarism—desperation, I guess.  Still no 2fer today!

Happy puzzling!



Found the pangram and got to well above genius before leaving for a bird walk this morning.

I found the second pangram yesterday just because I've been trying to educate myself on art. I also tried timezone and monotonize several times--on the kindle and also on the laptop. Last word was time.

fulcra/azimuth (don't know the meaning of the latter, but do recall having seen it in print on several occasions)

Speaking of art, I missed the Edward Hopper exhibit at the Whitney. The show ends today, and given the choice between being indoors or outdoors, I opted for the latter.

ab_grp, 🥳🤩🎂🎉

Happy solving!


Thanks for brightening my day, Langue_doc! We have been fortunate to have a really nice day, and it sounds as though you got to appreciate the good weather as well, though it's a shame not to also be able to see the art show if you had wanted to.  Congrats on getting that second pangram yesterday! And I had azimuth(s) as my main contender but could not get a mate.  Every time there's a z I hope that word will be in there.  I'm so glad that you were able to get the 2fer from it!

I am closing in on QBABM but am still not there.  I have some time left, but we'll see.