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RIP: To remember those lost to us, whether close or at large

Started by mamselle, June 03, 2019, 05:30:56 PM

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Hugs to everyone who knew and loved your friend, Reener.


    Farewell to my Great Aunt June, who past away yesterday. She truly lived a remarkable life. She and her brother (my grandfather) were raised by a single father in the 1920s after their mother was committed for depression.  She was the first i the family to attend college, had two daughters, and worked her way up being the dean of girls at a local college. One famous story is her fight to be allowed to wear trousers to work. She was twice a delegate to the DNC national conventions.
     After "retirement" she earned a PhD in psychology, and self published at least 20 books. Most were non-fiction historical analyses that required extensive research.  She was married 4 times and outlived them all. With husband #3 she renovated a Victorian era mansion on 1000 acres in the Napa valley. It was a truly idyllic spot, which led her to take up oil painting. I have one of her oil paintings in my home, and it's beautiful.
    In her 80s she decided she wanted to know more about the law so she applied to law school! The only place that would consider her was an up and coming online law school, so she enrolled there and took many classes, although she never finished that degree.  I'm sure there are other achievements that I'm missing as well.
    My mother visited her just a few months ago and said she was still sharp as a tack, but couldn't keep on weight. Her assessment then of the 2020 DNC field was that Bernie and Joe were too old (!!) and the rest had yet to make an impact on her. June died at home, in her sleep having turned 99 on June 1. May we all be so lucky.


Wow, mythbuster!  Great Aunt June sounds like a real dynamo.  Indeed, we should all be so lucky -- and so engaged with life.


Welcome your cephalopod overlord.


Wow, what an amazing person your aunt was mythbuster.

Reneer,  I'm sorry about your friend.

My undergrad mentor I mentioned upthread passed away over the holiday weekend. They're gone far too soon.
"The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate."


All good thoughts and sorrow shared with all who mourn.

I echo the delight in hearing of Jane, and find encouragement in her self-starting initiative in so many fields.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Wow, myth buster, your aunt is inspiring. Thank you for sharing her story.

Archaeo42, I'm so sorry about your mentor.

Thanks everyone for the condolences. They mean a lot. I had a dream about my friend last night. I think even though we'd lost touch, my friendship with her symbolized a lot about my own coming-of-age, and her death too young has reminded me I'm getting older than I'd like. Hearing Mythbuster's story about her aunt was helpful, in that age is just a number, and to make most of whatever you have.


I am Dr. Thunderdome and I run Bartertown.


My mom will be gone 6 years next month. For some reason (new school year?), I'm having more bouts of "I want my mommy" than usual lately. 


David Berman, 52, killed himself last Wednesday in a Brooklyn apartment. Son of Richard Berman, a right-wing lawyer, they had a bitter relationship. David was married to Cassie, although their relationship had ended. David was an indie musician and poet, best known for his band the Silver Jews, who were quite big in the 1990s and who existed until 2009. David struggled with depression and mental illness. He took a lot of drugs in his time. He had been living in his record company's offices in Chicago and was preparing for a tour with his new band, Purple Mountains (basically him and some of the members of Woods). They were going to be doing a big tour. There was much anticipation and most of the shows were sold out. He will be mourned by many who loved his music.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."—Sinclair Lewis

Bede the Vulnerable

My colleague in the next office, who all but "adopted" me when I came here as a new faculty member, and who died suddenly last year.  He was a source of excellent career advice, and also a source of a lot of laughs when I most needed them.  His office door was always open, literally as well as figuratively.  I miss him like crazy.  (And if he knew that I'd said that, he'd laugh in my face and tell me that my next book idea needs work.)
Of making many books there is no end;
And much study is a weariness of the flesh.


Quote from: downer on August 14, 2019, 08:23:46 AM
David Berman, 52, killed himself last Wednesday in a Brooklyn apartment. Son of Richard Berman, a right-wing lawyer, they had a bitter relationship. David was married to Cassie, although their relationship had ended. David was an indie musician and poet, best known for his band the Silver Jews, who were quite big in the 1990s and who existed until 2009. David struggled with depression and mental illness. He took a lot of drugs in his time. He had been living in his record company's offices in Chicago and was preparing for a tour with his new band, Purple Mountains (basically him and some of the members of Woods). They were going to be doing a big tour. There was much anticipation and most of the shows were sold out. He will be mourned by many who loved his music.

<singing> In 1985, I was hospitalized for approaching perfection.


I am Dr. Thunderdome and I run Bartertown.


For all victims of Hurricane Dorian, in the Bahamas and elsewhere...and for the family members as yet unsure of their loved ones' survival.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


The spouse of one of our own, at least on the other forum. I can't remember their moniker. Their spouse died suddenly last week and will be greatly missed, not only by the forumite, but by those of us who were friends by proxy. It was far too soon for someone who had far too much life left to live.