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General Discussion / Re: NYT Spelling Bee
Last post by ab_grp - Today at 10:00:36 AM
Good morning!

Got to genius, but no pangrams! It took husband a while, but he finally found both, so hopefully I will get there.  Yesterday I got to QBABM with final words hedge(d) as well.

No luck on LB, despite workforce(s) being one of several good contenders.  Argh.  Congrats!

Happy solving!
Teaching / Re: Topic: Bang Your Head on Y...
Last post by the_geneticist - Today at 09:29:53 AM
I planned for that particular "loophole"!
The instructions say to draw a graph of the data in table [X] page [N]

But, I imagine I'll get whining anyway. "But the instructions say we get 2 points for drawing the average data as a bar graph.  I drew 2 bars on the graph!  You owe me more points!"
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by Parasaurolophus - Today at 09:01:13 AM
Quote from: marshwiggle on Today at 06:43:41 AM
Quote from: ciao_yall on Today at 06:31:25 AM
Quote from: marshwiggle on Today at 05:19:40 AM
Quote from: jimbogumbo on July 25, 2024, 09:43:11 AMmarsh: I completely understand, but it still frustrates me. Specifically, when people have an issue with something that doesn't really exist (like my migrant crime example). I probably should have asked on a different thread, because I'm still trying to wrap my head around real issues people actually agree to disagree on (or work to solve) versus ginned up fake stuff to score talking points.

FWIW, I don't think many people are thing about BLM, and Free Palestine went from a topic really only seen on college campuses to something I would term real due to all the destruction and actual death. Whether or not the Israeli response to Oct. 7 is justified or not really does cross party lines.

Issues that people are really concerned about are things like men in women's sports and changing rooms (and prisons). Even more important is that Dems will disparage peoples' character for even expressing concern about these issues.

Cowtowing to the extreme activists instead of telling them when they have gone too far does not go well with centrist voters.

(And it doesn't matter what I think; if I'm wrong, everything I say is irrelevant. But if I'm right, then unless and until any party wanting to be in power actually pays attention to voters, rather than trying to tell them what to think, they will be out in the cold.)

Because it's Not. An. Issue.

Fox News has people so freaked out about the occasional trans person who, trust me, doesn't want to make a big deal of their presence, that they are convinced Trump is the only person protecting their daughters from some perv in a wig.

I just moved to the suburbs and the neighborhood Facebook group had a post from a local mom with a rising middle schooler worried about whether there were "furries."

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick.

If voters think it's an issue, it's an issue. That is the point.
Telling them they're stupid and out of touch won't get their votes.

Voters don't care about it.
Teaching / Re: Topic: Bang Your Head on Y...
Last post by Sea_Ice - Today at 08:40:01 AM
Quote from: the_geneticist on July 25, 2024, 09:20:04 AM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on July 24, 2024, 01:16:41 PM
Quote from: the_geneticist on July 24, 2024, 11:48:08 AM
Quote from: apl68 on July 24, 2024, 10:18:36 AMWhat data did they use?  Was it from something else studied in the course, or did they make stuff up?

Given that they all gave different wrong information, looks like they just made it up.

Wow! Did they flip the axes, or just do something totally off the wall?

Axes were fine.  They just drew some random bars & put numbers on the Y-axis that weren't even close to accurate.

[whine ON] But... all you SAID was to draw a graph!  I drew a graph.  You NEVER said that we had to use YOUR numbers!!  If you can't write clear and understandable questions, you can't expect a specific answer - it's not FAIR! [whine OFF]

I feel your pain!  Would an elaborate coffee help?  Perhaps an adult beverage?
Research & Scholarship / Re: July Research Thread
Last post by Parasaurolophus - Today at 08:25:57 AM
Quote from: treeoflife on Today at 08:02:28 AMGot an article picked up by a Law Review (high ranking!!!) so August will be dedicated to editing that based on student editor comments.

Sweet, congrats!

For my part, I'll start on the referee report today, and maybe start work on T5 just for fun.
Research & Scholarship / Re: July Research Thread
Last post by treeoflife - Today at 08:02:28 AM
Got an article picked up by a Law Review (high ranking!!!) so August will be dedicated to editing that based on student editor comments.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by marshwiggle - Today at 06:43:41 AM
Quote from: ciao_yall on Today at 06:31:25 AM
Quote from: marshwiggle on Today at 05:19:40 AM
Quote from: jimbogumbo on July 25, 2024, 09:43:11 AMmarsh: I completely understand, but it still frustrates me. Specifically, when people have an issue with something that doesn't really exist (like my migrant crime example). I probably should have asked on a different thread, because I'm still trying to wrap my head around real issues people actually agree to disagree on (or work to solve) versus ginned up fake stuff to score talking points.

FWIW, I don't think many people are thing about BLM, and Free Palestine went from a topic really only seen on college campuses to something I would term real due to all the destruction and actual death. Whether or not the Israeli response to Oct. 7 is justified or not really does cross party lines.

Issues that people are really concerned about are things like men in women's sports and changing rooms (and prisons). Even more important is that Dems will disparage peoples' character for even expressing concern about these issues.

Cowtowing to the extreme activists instead of telling them when they have gone too far does not go well with centrist voters.

(And it doesn't matter what I think; if I'm wrong, everything I say is irrelevant. But if I'm right, then unless and until any party wanting to be in power actually pays attention to voters, rather than trying to tell them what to think, they will be out in the cold.)

Because it's Not. An. Issue.

Fox News has people so freaked out about the occasional trans person who, trust me, doesn't want to make a big deal of their presence, that they are convinced Trump is the only person protecting their daughters from some perv in a wig.

I just moved to the suburbs and the neighborhood Facebook group had a post from a local mom with a rising middle schooler worried about whether there were "furries."

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick.

If voters think it's an issue, it's an issue. That is the point.
Telling them they're stupid and out of touch won't get their votes.

General Discussion / Re: NYT Spelling Bee
Last post by cathwen - Today at 06:42:58 AM
Good morning!

QB yesterday, last words hedge/d. Genius with pangrams today.

LB: disavow-workforce. Found one today also.

Happy puzzling!
General Discussion / Re: NYT Spelling Bee
Last post by ciao_yall - Today at 06:36:49 AM

QBwG last word hedged. LB hint for disavow-workforce. Saw workforce early on but wasn't seeing disavow.

Happy solving!
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by ciao_yall - Today at 06:31:25 AM
Quote from: marshwiggle on Today at 05:19:40 AM
Quote from: jimbogumbo on July 25, 2024, 09:43:11 AMmarsh: I completely understand, but it still frustrates me. Specifically, when people have an issue with something that doesn't really exist (like my migrant crime example). I probably should have asked on a different thread, because I'm still trying to wrap my head around real issues people actually agree to disagree on (or work to solve) versus ginned up fake stuff to score talking points.

FWIW, I don't think many people are thing about BLM, and Free Palestine went from a topic really only seen on college campuses to something I would term real due to all the destruction and actual death. Whether or not the Israeli response to Oct. 7 is justified or not really does cross party lines.

Issues that people are really concerned about are things like men in women's sports and changing rooms (and prisons). Even more important is that Dems will disparage peoples' character for even expressing concern about these issues.

Cowtowing to the extreme activists instead of telling them when they have gone too far does not go well with centrist voters.

(And it doesn't matter what I think; if I'm wrong, everything I say is irrelevant. But if I'm right, then unless and until any party wanting to be in power actually pays attention to voters, rather than trying to tell them what to think, they will be out in the cold.)

Because it's Not. An. Issue.

Fox News has people so freaked out about the occasional trans person who, trust me, doesn't want to make a big deal of their presence, that they are convinced Trump is the only person protecting their daughters from some perv in a wig.

I just moved to the suburbs and the neighborhood Facebook group had a post from a local mom with a rising middle schooler worried about whether there were "furries."

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick.