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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Got to genius with pangram so far and am having trouble now.  Yesterday we almost made it to team QB but needed bee buddy for balladry.

I also got the schmofficial fixtures-scowl yesterday.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBw1LH yesterday for my last words, genteel and tenet. Today I have all three pangrams and two words to go, but I am just not seeing them.

LB: I finally found warmonger-ratified. I found one today also.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Patted myself on the back for having found "the" pangram and made it to genius. Now I have to look for the other two!

Last words were delete, deleted.

Off to an outdoors event--weather's going to be in the high fifties.

Happy solving!



QBwG, last word detente. LB after swirling in 2fer b4ss and 3fers went for hints to get wifedom-migrant. That's a word?

Busted my 92-day streak on Wordle today - WAH! Oh well, back to zero. At least I got a 2fer this morning.

Happy solving!


Good day!

Got to genius with pangrams.  Yesterday I got to QBABM and was so startled that I yelled.  I had had such a hard time with it! My final words weren't even difficult.  I think delete(d), gentle, genteel were among the last ones.  Not sure why it's so hard to see normal words sometimes!

No luck on LB, so congrats on the interesting solutions!

We were out and about this morning, doing a loop to pick up some dumbbells, groceries, and wine.  I feel like I lost most of the day, but it's nice to do something different once in a while.  I got to meet the owner of the bar that husband orders wine through.  He doesn't look as much like a cross between Harrison Ford and Shaggy as was advertised, but he was a nice guy and interesting to talk with.

Langue_doc, I hope you enjoyed your outdoor event and that the weather held up! It has been rainy and cold here today.

Happy solving!



QBwH and learned a new word chivalric. LB typographic-clod.

Enjoy the SuperBowl, for those who celebrate. And happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwSBB to find my last word, caviar. Ab_grp, I laughed when I read that you yelled in excitement on getting QBABM! Congratulations!

Today I'm at genius with the pangram, not far to go.

LB: I had the "official" haptic-cardiology.

Not much on the agenda today—it will be a lazy Sunday. I will probably bake a loaf of whole wheat sandwich bread, since we have only a few slices left.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday to those who follow football! I'm not a football fan, but my husband is, so the game will be on. I'll enjoy the commercials, though.

And happy puzzling!


Good day!

Got to genius with pangram so far.  No excited yelling yesterday, as we ended up needing bee buddy for cavil.  I had meant to try that and had forgotten to.  Oh well! I am using my bee mug today, so hopefully that will help.

For LB, I got photic-cardiology, close to one that I got a week or two ago (photic-cardinality).  Congrats on your solutions!

Cathwen, it's great that you are making some whole wheat! We haven't made bread in a while.  Do you usually make your bread? I need to find a good and easy recipe for whole wheat hamburger buns.  They can be hard to find sometimes around here.  I had a good one for APF buns, but it can be a little more difficult with other flours (or, at least I am not as familiar with baking with them and the adjustments that have to be made).

We aren't planning to watch the Superbowl, but I am making "my" Superbowl of Gumbo and some (from a can) biscuits.  I will be looking for the game and commercial highlights tomorrow!

Happy solving!



QB. Last word was vicar.

patch/hydrologic (I think)

Happy evening!


Good morning!

QB. Last words yesterday were minim, minima, minimum.


Happy solving!



QB w Grid, last word ganging. LB ambivalence-etude. Got Wordle in 2. It'll be a while before I even touch this last streak of 92.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to a bit past genius with pangrams.  Yesterday we needed bee buddy for jinn(i).  I always seem to miss those.

I also had ambivalence-etude.  Kind of surprised that is not schmofficial (well, it's half-schmofficial).  Congrats on a different one, Langue_doc!

Good job on Wordle, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB-1 this morning, hoping for inspiration for that last word. Yesterday my last words were ganging and gigging.

LB: I had ambulance-evicted, then found invincible-emulated while supposedly watching the Super Bowl. Lots of variety this time!

Ab_grp, yes, I do make almost all the bread we consume. Whole wheat sandwich bread, oatmeal-raisin bread, ciabatta, and bagels are the things I make most frequently. I do buy English muffins, though—I've made them, and while they taste good, the texture is never quite right (not enough large holes). And we usually buy hot dog rolls. Bagels are surprisingly easy, and way better than anything you can buy outside of New York. Most of my recipes are from the King Arthur Baking site, or from Bread Illustrated by America's Test Kitchen. For whole wheat hamburger buns, if you have a good recipe for APF buns, just reduce the white flour a bit and replace it with the same quantity of whole wheat flour. How much depends on how "wheaty" you like your buns. Start off conservatively, though, and if you decide you like them wheatier, then increase the WWF the next time you make them.

Happy puzzling (and happy baking?)!


Thanks, cathwen! I will have to dig up the APF bun recipe and give it a try.  When I find a recipe that works, I tend to cling to it, so it must be around here somewhere.  You sound like quite the baker, and you have a lucky husband and family to get to have all those delicious baked goods! One year during winter break (back east) I tried to make kaiser rolls.  Whew was that frustrating, and it did not end up well! Have you had any luck with those? I'd also like to try to make some bagels at some point.  It always seemed like a major process, but maybe that is worth reconsidering.  I was just looking at bagels in the area thinking that I would like to try some for my birthday and see if I can find any good local bakeries.  I think we have some adjustments to make due to the elevation and the water here for most baking, unfortunately.   

And congrats on your two 2fers! More variety!



QBwH, last word calcify. LB nudge/hint for prizing-grotesque.

Happy solving!