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RIP mamselle

Started by mystictechgal, January 01, 2023, 09:55:43 AM

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Thanks for letting us know, mystictechgal. My condolences to everyone here who met and knew her personally. She'll be missed here on the Fora.

Mamselle and I traded PMs a few times off the board. I'll keep her messages/responses archived in my message box.


This is distressing news.  Mamselle was the first forumite I met in real life and she was generous with her time and thoughts in PMs as well.

IF there is news about a service, I would like to know (post or PM) and attend.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


I am terribly sorry to hear this. I did not know Mamselle in person, but I always admired her contributions to these boards. I will miss her voice.

Mystictechgal, thank you for letting us know and my condolences for your loss of a good friend. (I hope life is treating you well these days. I am mostly a lurker, but I remember your moniker from the old fora.)


Condolences to all here who had personal and professional connections to Mamselle.  May she rest in peace.

Thank you for letting us know, MTG. (And you are missed here!)


Wanted to let you know that I am providing a link to this thread to her family so that they can see the impact their sister made on so many lives. I hope that it may provide some measure of peace to them knowing that she touched so many lives in such a positive manner.

I will also post any information I receive regarding whatever arrangements they might make for a funeral/memorial service. So far, I don't believe anything has been done in that regard.

And, yes. I've missed all of you, too. I may stick around. Mamselle had been trying to get me to return. It sucks that it ended up happening this way.


Oh. I like many others above had hoped there would be more time after her earlier post. I hope the swift ending means she was in very little pain. I only knew mamselle through these fora and the CHE, but she brought much joy to our discussions and was a source of great encouragement for me personally.

Thank you mystictechgal for coming back to bring the news.



Oh no!

Once on the old forums, I mentioned I would be in Providence and she came down from Boston for a meetup. She took me on a loooooong walking tour of the city, pointing out all sorts of interesting things based on her extensive knowledge of history and architecture. We kept in touch via email, just a few months ago she sent a book recommendation for my wife. She was a brilliant and wise soul.


I'm so sorry to hear this--I shall miss her.
One of the benefits of age is an enhanced ability not to say every stupid thing that crosses your mind. So there's that.


So sorry to hear this.


I am stunned. My interactions with Mamselle were always positive.

Thank you, MTG, for sharing this news. I will always remember Mamselle's quick wit, many kindnesses, amusing asides, and gentle/brave/strong spirit.

little bongo

Very sad news--like many others, I thought there'd be a little more time. This community has lost a good friend and a kind spirit.


This is a true shock.  Though I never met mamselle face-to-face, I was one of several posters here who got on a real-name basis with her in PMs.  We exchanged book recommendations and reference help on several subjects.  And also some prayer requests.  Just a couple of weeks ago she asked for suggestions about finding a home for parts of her personal library, as she tried to put her affairs in order.  I'd been wanting to hear how that was going.  I was also looking forward to reading Margaret Oliphant's Salem Chapel, which I had just gotten at her recommendation, and discussing it with her.

We never had a chance to say goodbye.  Just a reminder that it is always later than we think.

Well, goodbye, mamselle.  Cherishing the fond hope of seeing you again, in God's own good time.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Sad news. She helped make this community a more vibrant and thoughtful place.

Wahoo Redux

mamselle sent me a number of PMs, even though we never met in person, checking on me and offering to help in any way she could.  She gave me her actual contact information.  I was and am stunned at what a wonderful, nurturing, and generous person she was. 

Someday, in the afterlife, I hope I get a chance to properly thank her.

Peace be with her friends and family.  You will be missed, mamselle.
Come, fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring
Your Winter-garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To flutter--and the Bird is on the Wing.


What sad news indeed. She let us peer into the mind of a remarkable scholar, a polymath and optimist. May her joy and thoughtfulness remain in our thoughts.