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The Post For Stuff You Wanna Tell People

Started by Parasaurolophus, May 17, 2019, 10:11:39 AM

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Had a dream last night about $1,000 sweatpants. Woke up thinking "no way those exist" and not only do they exist, there is news about them.

In fact, one can spend a lot more than $1,000 for sweatpants. Is the market that big for people willing to pay that much? I have a pair from Sweaty Betty I thought were stupid expensive but... they are flattering. And comfortable. They are my nice sweatpants.


While searching for a new laptop case last night I found prices ranging from $30 to $1400.  I wanna tell people not to buy a $1400 laptop case; buy a computer instead.


I know it's a genus.



I didn't realize that Ben & Jerry's was owned by Unilever
QuoteUnilever to Cut 7,500 Jobs and Spin Off Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Unit
The consumer goods giant said the moves would make for a "simpler, more focused company" as consumers trade down to cheaper brands amid high inflation.


I bought a car online over dinner with my phone. Signing the paperwork on my phone and picking it up today.

Price and mileage were right and it's a cute color!

(Okay, slight exaggeration. Truth is I picked it out, then had to save the purchase while I moved some money around.)


Congratulations on the new vehicle, ciao_yall!
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


We had a fire in town this week at a small industrial plant.  It's a little operation that has been open for a dozen years or so.  It is currently on its fourth owner and name.

Nobody was hurt, but you could see the smoke from here, about two miles away.  The authorities temporarily closed the main highway and evacuated the local big-box store out of an abundance of caution.  The plant makes chemical resins, so there was no telling what might have been pouring out of it.  Apparently it was only a structural fire, and nothing nasty was released.

The interior was reportedly damaged, but not gutted.  The owner came to town to announce plans to rebuild the plant and put it back into service.  Hopefully they'll follow through--and work some more on that whole fire prevention thing.  The current owner is not on the run from the law, so that's an improvement right there over past management.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


I was trying to remember a series of books I rather enjoyed when I was in grade four. I struggled mightily, briefly came up with The Great Brain (which was possible, but didn't quite feel right), and suddenly just remembered: it was Soup!

I'm pretty proud of myself. It feels like a feat of memory. That, and remembering the real name of the teacher who introduced us to it, because he was called "Mr. D", but the D referred to his first name, not his family name.

I know it's a genus.


We just got a batch of donations that included a whole armload of paperbacks about alien abductions.  And the collected works of Erich von Daniken, and a book on out-of-body experiences.  And the novelization of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which at least professes to be fiction.

This all turned up anonymously on our doorstep.  Which is just as well, since sometimes when somebody donates a bunch of material on the same subject all at once it makes me feel like I've just learned too much about that person....
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on March 18, 2024, 03:52:43 PMThe hatchling is three. Three!

Belated happy birthday to the hatchling!  Was the birthday the day you posted?


Quote from: ciao_yall on March 26, 2024, 08:44:19 AMI bought a car online over dinner with my phone. Signing the paperwork on my phone and picking it up today.

Price and mileage were right and it's a cute color!

(Okay, slight exaggeration. Truth is I picked it out, then had to save the purchase while I moved some money around.)

That's outstanding @ciao_y'all!  Especially finding one with the right price in this day and age. Congratulations!


Quote from: ciao_yall on February 19, 2024, 03:18:40 PMHad a dream last night about $1,000 sweatpants. Woke up thinking "no way those exist" and not only do they exist, there is news about them.

In fact, one can spend a lot more than $1,000 for sweatpants. Is the market that big for people willing to pay that much? I have a pair from Sweaty Betty I thought were stupid expensive but... they are flattering. And comfortable. They are my nice sweatpants.

Were the kilo-sweatpants at least washable and wearable, unlike some high priced designer skirts that can't be washed or dry cleaned or anything, apparently, and some exorbitant jeans seemingly pre-worn and dirtied and 'destroyed'  to save you the bother.
Outsource authenticity.


I got an email from presidentdonaldtrump--that was the first part of the email account of the sender; the sender's name was capital P, capital D, and capital T. I think the subject line was about the upcoming trial, but other than that, have no idea of what the so-called president had to say as I promptly deleted that email.

I suspect that traffic's going to be snarled near the court area.


The government has announced the arrests of three men who are alleged to have carried out a hit on behalf of the Indian government. CBC reports that at least some had student visas here in the last couple of years. Presumably in my province, since that's where the murdered guy lived.

All three are the names of students I've had in the last couple of years. Now, they're fairly common names, so it may not be them. But...
I know it's a genus.