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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good evening!

QBABM yesterday; last word thigh.  I got to QB today, but only with help.

LB: I had strongboxes-sheaves. I have one today, too, with the second word being one of those what-the-heck-I'll-try-it words. 

Ab_grp, it must be some relief to have at least the initial consultations scheduled to get the ball rolling on your husband's surgery.  I think that being up in the air is very stressful. Continued good thoughts for him, and for you.


Good morning!

I almost groaned when I saw the letters, but it was a quick run to genius, the second pangram, and then QB.

Missed allocable, ballcock, and also a few other words that I knew I had entered.

pilot/turnback; blackout/timber

Happy solving!


QBwALTHICG and a new word, ballcock. I'm sure I've seen it before but must have forgotten. LB pilot-turnback.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius but just with one pangram.  Congrats on already getting QB, Langue_doc! That is a long puzzle! And not necessarily a fun kind.  Yesterday I had a bunch left I think, but we had three left after comparing that we needed hints for: allocable, callaloo, cookbook.  Ugh.

I almost forgot that I did get a 2fer until I saw the schmofficial solution and remembered that I had a solution including the second word.  I got backlot-turnip.  Congrats on 2, Langue_doc, and on yours as well, ciao_yall!

We are heading to Other City this afternoon for consult tomorrow morning at 10.  It will be weird to be elsewhere, as we have not even eaten outside our house in several years (other than me briefly eating in the hospital cafe last week... dismal place! no one there).  Hilariously, I also just got called for jury duty for tomorrow.  Hopefully they will see this as an excusable absence, but I don't know.  I have to call them in addition to also finishing packing, a guy is here to look at our roof that appears to be leaking, and the materials that were supposed to be overnighted to the surgical group have still not arrived, so we have to stop and hopefully pick up whatever is needed on the way from the cardiologist.  Luckily that appt was canceled.  Busy day!

Happy solving!


ab_grp, keeping fingers crossed and also sending you good thoughts and wishes that the consult and everything else goes smoothly.

As for jury duty, here you just go online and upload the relevant documentation such as medical appointments and the like.


Thanks, Langue_doc! Here the jury service is really something else.  I will spare the details, but I finally got through and had to send an email with whatever documentation I have, which is just the email with directions saying they will see us tomorrow.  The judge will apparently decide what my status is based on that.  I asked if I could be arrested, but they said they don't do that, so that's good.  I really wish it could be a bit more concrete of a "you're excused", but what more can I do.  Guess I'll get back to packing.  I really appreciate the good thoughts and wishes!


I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangram (first word) and well above genius. Last word yesterday was foodie.


ab_grp, sorry to hear that you have to deal with the logistics of jury duty while coping with the upcoming surgery. Perhaps husband's doctor's office could write a letter about the urgency of the appointment in Other City and that you also needed to be there. Continuing to keep fingers crossed that all goes well.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB yesterday with help for the last word:  edified.  Today I have one word to go. 

LB:  No solution yesterday!  Congratulations on yours, Langue_doc.  No solution yet today, either.

ab_grp, I hope that all goes well with your husband and your call to jury duty—certainly they will have to excuse you.  I was called in March, but I deferred it to September because I had to drive my husband to and from chemo.  Then when September rolled around, my husband could not drive post-surgery and I asked for another deferral.  At that point, the Director of Jurors (or whatever the title was) emailed me with more questions about my husband's condition, and whether other family members could help (the nearest one is two hours away).  Finally, she excused me from *all* jury service due to the uncertainty of his condition. 

Happy puzzling!

Happy puzzling!


Morning! QBwH, last word fogie. LB no 2fer but a b4ss roadmap-pluckier and lots of 3fers. My favorite was dip-plumeria-acock and I was bummed that I couldn't make a 2fer out of it with adock.

Happy solving!


I know it's a genus.


Pangram and we'll into alpha now.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangram and genius; it's a sloggy one today, so not sure how many more words I'm going to find. Last word yesterday was genteel, which I should have recalled much earlier because it was in the bee just a few days ago.

Happy solving!


QBwH after my attention span ran out.

LB just a 2fer b4ss forums-sibilant and a 3fer balm-munitions-surf.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with the pangram so far.  And yesterday I got QBABM! Last word was gentled, which I just guessed as I was adding -ed and -d to everything I had.  The day before I had way too many to count.

No luck on LB either day.  Sounds like they were tough ones!

So surgery will be next Fri.  Looks like we will be in Other City from next Wednesday until possibly the new year.  Hopefully we can head home sooner than that but are booking it just in case so I am not homeless toward the end.  It will be an interesting Christmas! The surgical group seems very good.  The surgeon and surgical PA seem to complement each other well.  He got a lot of his preop stuff done while we were there.  I still haven't heard about jury duty but got an additional note from the surgery group that I should be excused since the surgery is scheduled and etc.  I am really flummoxed that this case (and yours as well, cathwen!) would not be immediately excused with sympathy.  I figure here the ratio of possible jurors to criminals must just be too low.  Really, you do not have enough people available? I know everyone is probably trying to get out of it due to Christmas and related celebrations (sure, I'd like that, too) or their children being home from college (would be nice to have that visit), but this is a medical emergency.  He's not having a boob job.  Anyway, we'll see, but this is souring me even further on that whole thing.  Especially since I have been summoned more often and have served more often than anyone I know! Thanks again for your support and kindness, Langue_doc and cathwen!

Happy solving!