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Teaching / Re: Topic: Bang Your Head on Y...
Last post by marshwiggle - Today at 05:22:57 AM
Quote from: the_geneticist on July 25, 2024, 09:20:04 AM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on July 24, 2024, 01:16:41 PM
Quote from: the_geneticist on July 24, 2024, 11:48:08 AM
Quote from: apl68 on July 24, 2024, 10:18:36 AMWhat data did they use?  Was it from something else studied in the course, or did they make stuff up?

Given that they all gave different wrong information, looks like they just made it up.

Wow! Did they flip the axes, or just do something totally off the wall?

Axes were fine.  They just drew
some random bars & put numbers on the Y-axis that weren't even close to accurate.

Reminds me of this.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by marshwiggle - Today at 05:19:40 AM
Quote from: jimbogumbo on July 25, 2024, 09:43:11 AMmarsh: I completely understand, but it still frustrates me. Specifically, when people have an issue with something that doesn't really exist (like my migrant crime example). I probably should have asked on a different thread, because I'm still trying to wrap my head around real issues people actually agree to disagree on (or work to solve) versus ginned up fake stuff to score talking points.

FWIW, I don't think many people are thing about BLM, and Free Palestine went from a topic really only seen on college campuses to something I would term real due to all the destruction and actual death. Whether or not the Israeli response to Oct. 7 is justified or not really does cross party lines.

Issues that people are really concerned about are things like men in women's sports and changing rooms (and prisons). Even more important is that Dems will disparage peoples' character for even expressing concern about these issues.

Cowtowing to the extreme activists instead of telling them when they have gone too far does not go well with centrist voters.

(And it doesn't matter what I think; if I'm wrong, everything I say is irrelevant. But if I'm right, then unless and until any party wanting to be in power actually pays attention to voters, rather than trying to tell them what to think, they will be out in the cold.)

Research & Scholarship / Re: July Research Thread
Last post by Parasaurolophus - July 25, 2024, 05:39:41 PM
Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 25, 2024, 08:22:27 AMFinishing up the intro incorporation today, then hopefully moving on to more book work. Followed by reading for a referee report.

T3Cis done, pending a little additional material on my translation partner's end. Wrote ~400 words of the book. Read the submission, which is good and exciting.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by Ruralguy - July 25, 2024, 12:06:45 PM
I for one would like to work to solve many problems, including migration and the border, and I thought many politicians across parties id too, and then it got demagogued.

I won't get into particulars of foreign policy, but I'll just say, once people are willing to die for a cause (and take others with), you are probably screwed for a really really long time (as in *millenia*). How do you reason with that?
General Discussion / Re: What's your weather?
Last post by apl68 - July 25, 2024, 12:05:25 PM
It sounds like Seattle generously loaned us some of their rain this week.
General Discussion / Re: The Venting Thread
Last post by Parasaurolophus - July 25, 2024, 11:45:18 AM
Thanks for the input, everyone.

I had a chat with the bank today, and the signs are good: with our incomes and the fact that we own the land without a mortgage, they can loan us a couple hundred more than we expected, and just front us 60% of that outright. Plus, no downpayment is needed. So it looks like we can build pretty easily.

A friendly acquaintance (I run a parent and child program which she attends every week with her twins) also just put up a decently priced (20% more than we currently pay, but still way less than the average) rental suite, and it sounds like they'd want to be able to AirBnB it in the summer. So the current thinking is that we can stay there for the winter, buy a cheap tiny house outright with the savings we expected to sink into a downpayment, start building, and then move onto the land in the summer, and end up with a small house and a suite for in-laws.

It's an attractive plan, apart from all the adulting required.
The State of Higher Ed / Re: Government intrusion into ...
Last post by RatGuy - July 25, 2024, 11:06:11 AM
Quote from: mythbuster on July 25, 2024, 07:11:10 AMSo I just looked up the Hamilton Center. This Fall they are teaching 17 courses. All of them either Interdisciplinary or IDS with Honors. Likely relatively small classes. From my experience in the Florida SUS system, courses like these don't generally count towards Gen Eds, as they haven't put through the mountain of paperwork required. And very few majors count them in terms of electives. So the number of students who will be taking these courses is a minuscule part of the overall student population- at least right now. I'll keep an eye out to see if they try to replace Gen Eds like sociology with some of these.
    Of course, the vast majority of UF students come in with almost all Gen Eds completed in High school- not sure how they will get around that fundamental issue.

If it's anything like the center at my university, it's almost strictly for non-traditional students who want to construct their own course of study outside of the main university majors. Some of them are students who want to study something super specific, while many others are online students. Very few of these students actually meet F2F. AFAIK, none of the full-time instructors in that center are tenured faculty (they don't hold titles of professors) and I have no idea how many of these students earn a BA/BS from the university.
General Discussion / Re: What's your weather?
Last post by FishProf - July 25, 2024, 09:51:54 AM
Spent a couple of days in Seattle who here were mid 70s and sunny.  This was amusing to smolt and myself b/ MFP has spent the whole lead up complaining about going to someplace that  always rains. She would not listen when I told her that Seattle isn't as rainy as people make it out to be
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by jimbogumbo - July 25, 2024, 09:43:11 AM
marsh: I completely understand, but it still frustrates me. Specifically, when people have an issue with something that doesn't really exist (like my migrant crime example). I probably should have asked on a different thread, because I'm still trying to wrap my head around real issues people actually agree to disagree on (or work to solve) versus ginned up fake stuff to score talking points.

FWIW, I don't think many people are thing about BLM, and Free Palestine went from a topic really only seen on college campuses to something I would term real due to all the destruction and actual death. Whether or not the Israeli response to Oct. 7 is justified or not really does cross party lines.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by Ruralguy - July 25, 2024, 09:32:36 AM
Yes, if you want to win and go on to represent them.