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General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by dismalist - July 23, 2024, 02:15:12 PM
Elections are hardly ever about individual issues. They're about bundles of issues, not to say the revolution.

Harris seems to be a successful California politician. And in California, none of her policy stances would be at all controversial.

Her problem is that California is not the United States.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by Sun_Worshiper - July 23, 2024, 02:03:41 PM
I will also say that this was a masterstroke of timing. Dems will get a polling boost from all the excitement this week around Harris, at a time when Trump should be getting one from the R convention. Then they'll roll into the Democratic convention, which will be a star studded affair, in contrast to the RNC freakshow. If they play their card right, and if the economy continues to cooperate, Dems will be rolling into September in a strong position to win this thing.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by Sun_Worshiper - July 23, 2024, 01:44:54 PM
^^^ Probably true about the numbers. But it is worth nothing that none of those other folks have the nation-wide, name-brand recognition that Harris does. In any case, the Democrats have instantaneously closed the enthusiasm and financing gaps with Republicans. That does not necessarily mean they are in a better place with swing state voters, but it will help to get their traditional base voters off the couch in November.

As for her strategy, I'm sure she will try to stay as far away from commenting on BLM, trans rights, or Palestine as possible - not that those are really the issues that drive the electorate. Instead, her talking points will revolve around a new era of leadership, fighting for working class voters, abortion, and the contrast to Trump (flabby and sick old criminal vs. vibrant and youthful prosecutor).

That may not work if Republicans can successfully tie her to the border, to inflation, to Hamas, to drag queen story hour, to BLM, and to whatever else they think can scare suburban soccer moms. We'll see. We'll also see whether they can keep the racism and sexism that is sure to come from their activists, their politicians, and their nominee from blowing up in their faces.
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by Ruralguy - July 23, 2024, 01:31:42 PM
First of all, I think almost any reasonable Democrat politician under 60 with some national recognition would have gotten similar numbers. Certainly 10's of millions. There was a lot in limbo over the last several weeks.

I do think the culture war issues and Middle East tensions over Israel and Palestine can be a problem. Her best bet is to focus more on abortion rights at least where the culture war is concerned, and then tow the administration's line on Middle East since she's still part of the administration (which in this case can probably help a little, since they are at least perceived to be middle of the road). Unfortunately, I don't think Sinwar or Netanyahu want to give themselves or Biden/Harris the gift of a war pause or end, so "not getting any worse"  may be the best to be hoped for in the next couple of months. An unexpected gift in this area could be at least somewhat helpful to Harris, though as has been said, people will always care more about the economy (which actually isn't bad, but even with decreasing inflation, you can't make the old cummulative inflation go away--at least not most of it). As far as the border goes, yes, at least go as far right as the proposed legislation a few months ago would be smart, and maybe even a bit more. I assume the wall comment was facetious, but if the gist is that she should lean more conservative in that area, then, yes.
The State of Higher Ed / Re: Colleges in Dire Financial...
Last post by jimbogumbo - July 23, 2024, 01:31:24 PM
Quote from: apl68 on July 23, 2024, 01:11:35 PM
Quote from: Mobius on July 23, 2024, 11:31:41 AMWestern Illinois University reportedly laying off at least 100 faculty. Enrollment down 50% since 2010.

That's a pretty drastic drop in enrollment!  It's hard to see how they could not be forced to make some major layoffs and reductions in programs after that.  I suppose that's another case of a compass-point institution taking the brunt of a demographic decline in enrollment.

Out of curiosity, what do they mean by "Unit-A" and "Unit-B?"  Is it faculty vs. admin, or tenured faculty vs. adjunct?

From their union agreement, Unit-A is defined as tenure/tenure track, and Unit-B is comprised of academic support professionals and associate faculty.
General Discussion / Re: The Venting Thread
Last post by Puget - July 23, 2024, 01:30:36 PM
Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 23, 2024, 11:31:29 AMThanks! The only hitch is having to move into it at the start of winter which, even though it's mild here, is non-ideal. There will absolutely be power outages, for up to a week at a time. We're experienced campers, so not too daunted, but it's bound to be a trial.

This sounds like a real adventure, although I'm sure it will be hard at times!

One thing that was surprising to me in buying a home (with a fixed mortgage) was just how much a mental health boost I got from not having to ever worry about having to find new rentals when prices went way up or conditions deteriorated and the landlord failed to do anything about it. I hope you experience similar relief when you have your own home!
The State of Higher Ed / Re: Colleges in Dire Financial...
Last post by apl68 - July 23, 2024, 01:11:35 PM
Quote from: Mobius on July 23, 2024, 11:31:41 AMWestern Illinois University reportedly laying off at least 100 faculty. Enrollment down 50% since 2010.

That's a pretty drastic drop in enrollment!  It's hard to see how they could not be forced to make some major layoffs and reductions in programs after that.  I suppose that's another case of a compass-point institution taking the brunt of a demographic decline in enrollment.

Out of curiosity, what do they mean by "Unit-A" and "Unit-B?"  Is it faculty vs. admin, or tenured faculty vs. adjunct?
General Discussion / Re: 2024 Elections Thread
Last post by secundem_artem - July 23, 2024, 01:11:21 PM
I do find it interesting that until about 4pm on Sunday, Harris was largely viewed as in over her head, ran a poor campaign in 2020, did nothing about the border etc etc etc.  Given the level of attention most people pay to the VEEP, who knows how much of that was actually true.

But, by 5pm Sunday, she was the second coming of Obama, FDR, and Clinton (Bill) combined.  $100 million dollars in donations later, she's the savior of the D's.

But Marshie is right.  If the D's don't quiet down their SJW wing on trans rights, Free Palestine, BLM, and similar hot button social issues, they're going to have a problem.  All are noble goals that I don't especially disagree with.  But when Joe & Mary Middle America are mostly worried about the price of groceries, the woes of those in Gaza don't merit much concern.

If Kamala's first policy statement is "Fvck it.  Let's build the d@mn wall." she'd take half the air out of the R's balloon.