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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on March 23, 2022, 06:24:39 AM
So, I'm sitting here about to tackle email and a few other things and suddenly I hear the most lugubrious/mournful meow/yowl from elder evil cat. He had dragged one of his blankets upstairs and wanted me to know about it.

He's doing it again. Whenever he's upset, or feels slighted, or we're just not paying enough attention to him- dammit! Driving me up the wall!!!


It seems that you are not exactly fulfilling your duties as a kitty servant. 
Hopefully your kitty overlord will be forgiving (which would be very UNkitty like!) 
Sheba have mercy on your soul. 
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


We have shown our cats the "Mouse for Cats" game on the iPad.  The are addicted.
Sir Puck has the high score with over 1000 points and has beat the game many, many times.  He is rather behind on his morning naps.
Lady Jane managed to not only beat the game, but also reset the sound, opened my email, and I swear she was about ready to order something from Amazon!


Quote from: clean on May 05, 2023, 08:24:52 PM
It seems that you are not exactly fulfilling your duties as a kitty servant. 
Hopefully your kitty overlord will be forgiving (which would be very UNkitty like!) 
Sheba have mercy on your soul.

He's a very demanding senior citizen. Trust me, he gets plenty of treats, love and catnip!


The New Thundercats have been tearing around the place for the last half-hour.  Loki just stole food off my plate, but managed to only get halfway across the room before Thor tackled him and absconded with the prize.

Loki is now attacking my feet under the table as I grade exams.

Cats + Wine + Fatigue = Better for students?

We shall see....
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Just got back from the vet with Little Cat. She's been dropping weight since Christmas but has otherwise been OK--eating, singing, playing, etc. as always.  She got blood work done and has thyroid problems.  So, out with ALL the treats--she lives for Temptations treats--and cat food, both wet and dry. She can only have the Rx food (dry and wet). We'll take her back in 8 weeks to see if it's working; if not, we might have to add a pill once or twice a day. 

I'm glad it can be managed, and that she's overall in good health/has her normal good quality of life.  We lost Fela before Christmas; I'm not ready to lose another pet right now.  She is 17, though, but the vet said she should have a number of good years left, esp. since she's an indoor, pampered cat.

I expect to get the stink eye for a day or so, both for taking her out of the house to the vet (only her second time since being spayed as a kit) and for taking away all the yummy food and treats.


Quote from: AmLitHist on May 15, 2023, 10:11:46 AM
Just got back from the vet with Little Cat. She's been dropping weight since Christmas but has otherwise been OK--eating, singing, playing, etc. as always.  She got blood work done and has thyroid problems.  So, out with ALL the treats--she lives for Temptations treats--and cat food, both wet and dry. She can only have the Rx food (dry and wet). We'll take her back in 8 weeks to see if it's working; if not, we might have to add a pill once or twice a day. 

I'm glad it can be managed, and that she's overall in good health/has her normal good quality of life.  We lost Fela before Christmas; I'm not ready to lose another pet right now.  She is 17, though, but the vet said she should have a number of good years left, esp. since she's an indoor, pampered cat.

I expect to get the stink eye for a day or so, both for taking her out of the house to the vet (only her second time since being spayed as a kit) and for taking away all the yummy food and treats.

Not sure if it's available near by, but the radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism is well worth it.  One (expensive!) week at a radiation clinic, needing to scoop & flush cat litter for a few days, and that's it.  And since it's a cure, she can eat whatever she wants after a few weeks.


Our LittleGirl (of blessed memory) lived for a lot of years with thyroid disease managed by meds.  When she was diagnosed, our vet told us this was the best possible "older cat" problem to have because it was the most manageable.  Best of luck to AmLit Hist and LittleCat learning to manage this new chapter. 

Our excitement last night involved the stealing of socks by one of my (not little any more) Yin/Yang boys.  Yin stole a pair of my new wool socks off my dresser and paraded them through the living room to show us his prize (he was SO PROUD).  I finally managed to negotiate a trade for a feather toy, but we might need to get Yin a sheep. 


Quote from: statsgeek on May 16, 2023, 05:11:26 AM
Our LittleGirl (of blessed memory) lived for a lot of years with thyroid disease managed by meds.  When she was diagnosed, our vet told us this was the best possible "older cat" problem to have because it was the most manageable.  Best of luck to AmLit Hist and LittleCat learning to manage this new chapter. 

Our excitement last night involved the stealing of socks by one of my (not little any more) Yin/Yang boys.  Yin stole a pair of my new wool socks off my dresser and paraded them through the living room to show us his prize (he was SO PROUD).  I finally managed to negotiate a trade for a feather toy, but we might need to get Yin a sheep.

Just don't let him near the shears!


(ducks and runs)


Saturday morning I heard meowing outside the staff entrance in back of the library building.  A bit later a newly-arrived staff member spoke of seeing a cat out there.  Sure enough, we had an orange cat none of us had ever seen before perched in the window of a back office.  It meowed at me and did not flee.  It was obviously not feral, and seemed well cared-for. 

A check of local social media found a report of a missing orange cat from a neighboring town about fifteen miles away.  We doubted that that could be it.  Although I did recently hear of one accidentally hitching a ride on the undercarriage of a family's car from their home to the local McDonald's....

A patron ended up coming with food and a cat carrier to take the cat in.  So it's in good hands.  Don't know whether it will end up back at its original home, assuming it still has one.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Quote from: apl68 on May 22, 2023, 07:25:58 AM
Saturday morning I heard meowing outside the staff entrance in back of the library building.  A bit later a newly-arrived staff member spoke of seeing a cat out there.  Sure enough, we had an orange cat none of us had ever seen before perched in the window of a back office.  It meowed at me and did not flee.  It was obviously not feral, and seemed well cared-for. 

A check of local social media found a report of a missing orange cat from a neighboring town about fifteen miles away.  We doubted that that could be it.  Although I did recently hear of one accidentally hitching a ride on the undercarriage of a family's car from their home to the local McDonald's....

A patron ended up coming with food and a cat carrier to take the cat in.  So it's in good hands.  Don't know whether it will end up back at its original home, assuming it still has one.

Smart cat to request help at the library!
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Booboo was totally freaked out yesterday when servicemen came and replaced the carpet in her favorite rooms!  After they finished, she refused to step into her rooms for several hours.  After we remade the bed, she decided it was ok to sit on the bed.  We fed her this morning and she had to walk on the new carpet to get to the food. When I left for work, she was sitting on the new carpet so perhaps all is ok. I did replace her litter with fresh litter to hopefully prevent a major protest.  She warned me that alterations of her environment without her permission are unacceptable!!


Sad news. We lost elder evil cat and I am crushed. He was such a good boy.


Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on May 31, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
Sad news. We lost elder evil cat and I am crushed. He was such a good boy.

I'm so sorry-- always such a hard thing, even when they've had a good long life it is never long enough.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on May 31, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
Sad news. We lost elder evil cat and I am crushed. He was such a good boy.
I'm so sorry, EPW.  We lost Fela before Christmas, and I've been worried about our Little Cat.  Hugs and head bumps from here.