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Preparing for Coronavirus?

Started by Cheerful, February 25, 2020, 09:33:33 AM

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Quote from: Hegemony on April 28, 2020, 12:54:39 PM
The fluid in those commercials is blue precisely because blue is not the color of any bodily secretion. That is also why washing machine liquid detergent is blue. Imagine if detergent were red or brown — a little smear of it on a white towel — no. Having studied this stuff, I mean academically, I don't buy that if commercials don't show realistic red-streaking-with-brown fluid on sanitary pads, they are body-shaming women. The fact is that we are biologically wired to find certain combinations of colors and substances repulsive, because they signal biological contamination. We are wired to regard those signs as risky, as regards ingesting them or getting them on our hands, and to keep away from them. This includes a slimy texture on meat; all kinds of viscous, stringy liquids; signs of blood; clots; and the like. If this list seems unappetizing or off-putting, that is precisely the response nature programmed. As the saying is, "Disgust is intuitive microbiology." The fact that women menstruate does not make them unclean, but the actual substances are designed to be unappealing, and giving a realistic display on TV is not going to sell products. In fact I imagine even the fact of this post seems pretty tasteless.

How much cultural variation is there in the signaling of biological contamination? In my dissertation research days, it was common for people to eat chunks of congealed pig blood. And I've been to a few East Asian wedding banquets, where "slimy" seems to be a culinary theme.
It's terrible writing, used to obfuscate the fact that the authors actually have nothing to say.


Quote from: spork on April 28, 2020, 11:14:39 AM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on April 28, 2020, 10:40:48 AM
Quote from: ciao_yall on April 28, 2020, 10:33:08 AM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on April 28, 2020, 10:27:52 AM
Quote from: ciao_yall on April 28, 2020, 10:06:23 AM
The fluid is blue, so somehow that makes it more... realistic?
Not more realistic. I suspect it is to mollify the people who are upset by it.

If I had anything bright blue oozing from my body, I would be really upset.

:) Me too. As a human, I have not experienced this. Perhaps other alien life forms have blue menses. Octopi have blue blood, but I'm pretty sure they don't menstruate. Then again, I am not a biologist.

Down with the Paper Industrial Complex! Use a menstrual cup.
Or you could make your own pads to replace the 'paper' ones.


Quote from: Hegemony on April 28, 2020, 12:54:39 PM
The fluid in those commercials is blue precisely because blue is not the color of any bodily secretion. That is also why washing machine liquid detergent is blue. Imagine if detergent were red or brown — a little smear of it on a white towel — no. Having studied this stuff, I mean academically, I don't buy that if commercials don't show realistic red-streaking-with-brown fluid on sanitary pads, they are body-shaming women. The fact is that we are biologically wired to find certain combinations of colors and substances repulsive, because they signal biological contamination. We are wired to regard those signs as risky, as regards ingesting them or getting them on our hands, and to keep away from them. This includes a slimy texture on meat; all kinds of viscous, stringy liquids; signs of blood; clots; and the like. If this list seems unappetizing or off-putting, that is precisely the response nature programmed. As the saying is, "Disgust is intuitive microbiology." The fact that women menstruate does not make them unclean, but the actual substances are designed to be unappealing, and giving a realistic display on TV is not going to sell products. In fact I imagine even the fact of this post seems pretty tasteless.

Good points. I suppose any of the other 'warm' colors wouldn't work either (orange or yellow). Purple?

I don't think the commercials are necessarily focused at body-shaming women by using blue coloring to simulate a period (Ooo, like in a Big Brotherish way- nah, well, I hope not).

I think that certain cross-sections of the world population do shame women (go to Temple? No! You're Unclean!) and that it has become ingrained as a negative aspect of beimg female in certain cultures, despite the intended biological purpose.


Quote from: Cheerful on April 28, 2020, 01:14:57 PM
The things I learn on the Preparing for Coronavirus thread....

:) I find it all interesting. I suppose I'm just slowly losing the precarious grip on reality that I have and have found solace in virtual socialization. Sorry if I'm starting trouble.


I'm surprised to hear about the congealed pig blood. I guess a number of cultures eat blood. It's when the blood seems as if it's human blood that it's most alarming, I suspect.


Quote from: Hegemony on April 28, 2020, 03:44:47 PM
I'm surprised to hear about the congealed pig blood. I guess a number of cultures eat blood. It's when the blood seems as if it's human blood that it's most alarming, I suspect.

Duck blood soup, good stuff.

I am Dr. Thunderdome and I run Bartertown.


No brand-name TP available locally, but there is off-brand consistently available now.  Bleach is also now in fair supply in some places.  One had a note saying "Only one thing of bleach to a customer."  I guess they figured that using high-toned words like "container" or "jug" would confuse people.

Still no hand sanitizer to be seen anywhere.  But we were able to order it for our workplace.  It should be here today.  Still no disinfecting spray available from our supplier, and they say they won't have masks until next month.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Quote from: apl68 on May 07, 2020, 10:17:19 AM
One had a note saying "Only one thing of bleach to a customer."  I guess they figured that using high-toned words like "container" or "jug" would confuse people.

Sounds to me like someone spent way too much time trying to decide what term to use and just gave up!


Quote from: sprout on May 07, 2020, 11:07:21 AM
Quote from: apl68 on May 07, 2020, 10:17:19 AM
One had a note saying "Only one thing of bleach to a customer."  I guess they figured that using high-toned words like "container" or "jug" would confuse people.

Sounds to me like someone spent way too much time trying to decide what term to use and just gave up!

At least they didn't write "sorry for the inconvence."  If there is one word they should teach retail workers how to spell, it's "inconvenience."  I have tons of respect for retail workers but I have seen that word spelled wrong on signs more times than spelled correctly.


I dont know... I think that there would be Hell To Pay!  IF Granny found Bleach in her Jug!

Jugs are for Roomatiz medicine.  (corn squeezins) 
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


Quote from: Cheerful on May 07, 2020, 11:26:27 AM
Quote from: sprout on May 07, 2020, 11:07:21 AM
Quote from: apl68 on May 07, 2020, 10:17:19 AM
One had a note saying "Only one thing of bleach to a customer."  I guess they figured that using high-toned words like "container" or "jug" would confuse people.

Sounds to me like someone spent way too much time trying to decide what term to use and just gave up!

At least they didn't write "sorry for the inconvence."  If there is one word they should teach retail workers how to spell, it's "inconvenience."  I have tons of respect for retail workers but I have seen that word spelled wrong on signs more times than spelled correctly.

My pet peeve is when businesses say something to the effect of "sorry for the inconvenience." Be positive!

  • We are closed for a private event. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you would like to host an event with us, please call...
  • Quantities are limited to X per customer. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for sharing with your neighbors. We will be restocking as quickly as we can.
  • We do not take American Express. Sorry for the inconvenience. Visa, MasterCard, ApplePay and cash are always welcome.
  • And so on.


What I find more annoying and offensive is "For your convenience, a $30 charge will be applied for any check returned for insufficient funds".   Convenience?
I am Dr. Thunderdome and I run Bartertown.


Stores have been out of wheat flour for at least two weeks now.
It's terrible writing, used to obfuscate the fact that the authors actually have nothing to say.


Now that my grades are about done and most of my teaching responsibilities fulfilled, I plan to go to the food store! We've had groceries delivered for the past few weeks and I tend to have a large pantry anyway, so we've managed.

I have also noticed on websites that stores are rationing meat, tp, bleach and cleaners. Looks like we have flour though. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Most of the smaller stores are well-stocked.  The big box stores (Walmart, Costco, etc) are out of ALL THE THINGS - bottled water, toilet paper, wipes, bleach, etc. 
The only things that are typically out of stock are garlic and yeast.  Apparently there is a national garlic shortage.  The US crop was mostly lost due to bad weather and China isn't exporting much.