Dealing with trauma in your research - clinical supervision for PhD students?

Started by adel9216, November 05, 2019, 11:04:53 AM

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Hello, I was wondering if I can ask my thesis advisor for referals for emotional support in regards to my thesis topic. I deal with trauma in my research, and I feel like I am going to need a bit of mental health support in order to be able to work on this topic. I am passionnate about my topic, but I want it to work on this long-term and it's a difficult subject. I don't think my supervisor should be this person, I have a feeling that it must be someone external to be able to vent and deal with the emotions generated by my research.


It's great you have insight on this and are being proactive in taking care of yourself-- Yes, please find someone external. I wouldn't recommend asking your advisor for referrals -- that's really not their role, and may complicate your relationship with them in ways that aren't helpful. At most universities grad students have access to the campus counseling center (which they often are unaware of), so if that's the case, start there. Even if they don't see grad students, they can most likely point you to clinicians in the area since they frequently refer students out who need more extensive therapy than they can provide.
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I did my M.A. at a school with several Special Ed and MSW grad programs, as well as a strong, responsible, intermodal art therapy program. I took several courses in the department there, and was consistently impressed with the reminder to students to get a supervisor--not the person giving oversight in their job, but a private, qualified counselor to help them, as one teacher put it, "wick off all the extraneous countertransference."

So, yes, get someone you can see working with long term, pay them, and plan to work together for the long term.

This might be better being someone who is not your regular supportive personal will want a different kind of relationship with them.

And chime to the thumbs-up for you recognizing this need on your own.

You have good instincts.  Listen to them.

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Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


I found a therapist! I will speak with her shortly, to see if we're a right match, but I have a very good feeling.

Thanks for your messages!