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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QBwH, cranky about unban, unbanning. Those are not words. LB fams-subtraction.

Happy solving!


SB now includes Stats, (the first of the three listings on the top right-hand side of the page, just before Yesterday), which shows our performance on the bee.

Did someone refer to this earlier this month?

ab_grp, the mockingbirds are quite lovely, especially in flight. But they start their vocalizing soon after 4 AM and go on until well after sunset. Now that I have the windows open, I can hear them even from the bedroom which doesn't have windows opening out into the yard. They're relatively quiet today.

Hope you and cathwen get to see the fireflies, you perhaps in one of your parks, and cathwen in your yard. I still think they are magical.


Cathwen, congrats on your different 2fer yesterday and another today! I also have fond memories of catching lightning bugs (we called them either) and thought it magical to see them flashing here and there in the dark backyard.

Ciao_yall, congrats to you, too, on another solution! The un- stuff always bothers me, as it seems inconsistent.  Why isn't unball(ing) accepted? If you ball up a piece of paper, can't you unball it? While I was still on my computer toward the end of the day, I just put un- in front of every word I had and ended up picking up a couple words that way! But that is not a fun way to play.

I guess I also thought gabling could be a word, meaning some architectural feature of a house? I did not try gabbling without assistance, since I did not think that was a word at all.

ETA: Langue_doc, I think I mentioned the Stats tab, but it was pretty uninformative (just what level you get to, and since we always kept going with help if needed to QB, it didn't wasn't too interesting).  As for the mockingbirds, I am not sure I would want to be graced with their beautiful presence if they were very vocal at unfortunately times.  But I also think fireflies are magical! I am just not sure they even exist out here.  I'll have to look that up.


Fireflies... I was born in New Jersey but moved to CA when I was four so had vague memories of them.

Went back to NJ at the age of 12 and was absolutely mesmerized by the real thing. Couldn't get over them.


Just as a side note, I also lived in NJ until I was four!  But, I was born in PA and returned to PA after that until I moved here to the land of few fireflies.  They apparently need moisture, and that is not exactly something one thinks of as being a major characteristic of my area.


I'm another mid-Atlantic native.  I was born and raised in Delaware, not all that far from the Pennsylvania border, and often went to New Jersey to visit my father's family and go to the shore (not the beach!).


I know it's a genus.


I've been feeling guilty all morning about having caught fireflies as a child, but apparently, this doesn't harm the beetles, according to the Nature Conservancy

They need moisture and the equivalent of mulch, the latter for the larvae which take about a couple of years to emerge as fireflies.

As for the bee words, I try all possible combinations with the result that I find words that I didn't know existed, and still don't know what they mean. This is how I came up with binning yesterday. Tried gabling, but that didn't work. I also try all possible combinations with suffixes and prefixes. Pardon the snark, but the so-called hand-curating of the permissible words often results in perfectly normal words not being accepted, and oddballs making it to the list.



Good morning!

Pangram and genius. It's a tricky one today, so I might not be able to find any more words.

Last words yesterday were undo and undid which I thought I had entered much earlier.

Happy solving!


QB - just needed the grid to remember dunno, cutout.

LB was 3fers only - huge-emirate-evolve, eagle-thrum-movie, trivial-laugh-home among others. Well, let's see what today brings!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I got to pangram and genius, but it is definitely a tough one! Yesterday we sort of got to team QB, as in my husband got to QB by himself and then helped me along for my remaining three.  I think some of my final ones were outdid, outdo.

No luck on LB again, though I thought I had some good contenders.

Happy solving!


Good evening!

I needed hints for udon and coconut.  And it took me an age to find outdo, even though I had already found outdid.

LB:  I had the "official" might-travelogue.  I have a 2fer today.

Happy puzzling!



QB - Needed a hint for wildland.

LB just 3fers including whodunit-talc-cap as well as whodunit, alpaca but no way to connect the two. Ships, as ab_grp calls them.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I am not quite to genius yet but do have the pangram.  Yesterday I got down to one word but couldn't figure it out.  Appropriately enough, it was nitwit.  Husband got to QB again.

No luck on LB again.  Congrats on your ships, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Genius with pangram. Yesterday I needed a hint for twilit.

I had a weird LB:  platic-chowhound.  Platic was a stab in the dark after I found chowhound, and it took.  I haven't found a 2fer yet today!

Happy puzzling!