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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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A vet visit may be in order to be sure that there are no issues that are preventing the kitty from solid food. 
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


We are having a major t-storm. I love it (we really really need the rain). The cats, not so much- they are now both hiding in the cupboard above the fridge.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


The Larimar cats don't like thunderstorms either. They'll jump or cringe at sudden loud thunder or bright lightening.


Quote from: Larimar on August 26, 2022, 05:43:02 PM
The Larimar cats don't like thunderstorms either. They'll jump or cringe at sudden loud thunder or bright lightening.

They usually don't mind too much but this one was pretty intense- some simultaneous flash bang going on, so they sensibly took shelter in their cave. Now peace and tranquility have been restored, and they once again prowl their domain.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


The Thundercat-Asgardians merger is in full swing.

Yesterday, Thor, Loki (newbies) and Nox (the older, shier one) had breakfast together!  Growling, Elektra made her way in, growling the whole time, and then got into it with.....Nox.  Her sister she's been with her whole like.  WTF?

Thor and Loki ignored it and just kept eating.

Today, all 4 of them ate together, and when Elektra started growling, BOTH the kittens hissed at her (first time!) and she ran off.  Nox snuggled in between the boys and ate heartily.

These are all good signs.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


You know it's going to be a fun day when one of your cats hurls on the floor and you have to fight off the other cat (who is on an Rx diet) so he won't eat it. Or is that just a normal day?


Hubby went to bed earlier than I did last night and opened the windows for air circulation.  A little while later, he comes back through the living room, opens the front door, and Ninja prances inside. Apparently, the screen was not down and Ninja decided to go for a night walk.
We are lucky that:
1. He heard noises outside and realized that he didn't have the screen down (I'm deaf at night without my hardware and would not have heard the cat)
2. Ninja came back to the front porch instead of exploring the neighborhood.
3. Ricochet did not jump out the window. We would have never found her.


Quote from: OneMoreYear on August 28, 2022, 08:06:07 AM
Hubby went to bed earlier than I did last night and opened the windows for air circulation.  A little while later, he comes back through the living room, opens the front door, and Ninja prances inside. Apparently, the screen was not down and Ninja decided to go for a night walk.
We are lucky that:
1. He heard noises outside and realized that he didn't have the screen down (I'm deaf at night without my hardware and would not have heard the cat)
2. Ninja came back to the front porch instead of exploring the neighborhood.
3. Ricochet did not jump out the window. We would have never found her.

Glad that ended well!
I've had a couple of instances when Panther Boy has managed to slip out of his harness in the back yard, and know the panic of an indoor cat loose outside. Luckily both times he didn't take off, and let me pick him up and carry him back inside without fuss.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes



Ricochet continues to work on her computer skills by jumping onto my laptop. Today's skills:

1. Mute the specific program, but not the computer speakers
2. Mute the computer speakers
3. Disable the mousepad
4. Open a new web browser
5. Pause a video
6. Rotate the screen 90 degrees
7. Close an open Word document
8. Draft an email with the text reading "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq280356"

I think she may be more computer literate than some of my students. 


Fabulous work, Ricochet! (Can you film the cat and post those as instructional videos for your students?)

Artemis and Hestia are mostly outdoor cats but sometimes (er, often, when I am home, but less often when spouse is home) allowed inside. Artemis is very happy to be an outdoor cat (she is, in fact, a fearsome huntress of dragonflies and lizards), but Hestia is a fan of being let in, then back out, then back in, etc. Often, when Hestia wants to come in, she will jump onto the window ledge adjacent to my desk and miaou at me. If I open the back door, she will sprint over with great haste and come in for a few minutes.

This morning Hestia jumped up and cried with great urgency, so I eventually went to the door to let her in. Artemis came bolting across the yard and into the house (unusual), and Hestia strolled over, watched Artemis enter, and then sat down outdoors to have a very contented bath. How kind of her to ring the figurative doorbell for Artemis!



Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on August 28, 2022, 07:49:49 AM
You know it's going to be a fun day when one of your cats hurls on the floor and you have to fight off the other cat (who is on an Rx diet) so he won't eat it. Or is that just a normal day?

Sounds pretty normal.  We tried to keep our adult cat from eating the mega-high calorie kitten food (and the kittens from eating the adult kibble) for about 1/2 a day.  Then we just gave up.


Quote from: AvidReader on September 17, 2022, 06:49:36 AM
Fabulous work, Ricochet! (Can you film the cat and post those as instructional videos for your students?)

Both the OMY cats have made appearances in my teaching videos, particularly videos made during the last two years when I brought a doc cam home. Both cats looooved to lay under the doc cam and play with things I was demonstrating. My videos are frequently entitled: Explanation of [basketweaving skill] with special appearance from my cat.

Quote from: AvidReader on September 17, 2022, 06:49:36 AM
This morning Hestia jumped up and cried with great urgency, so I eventually went to the door to let her in. Artemis came bolting across the yard and into the house (unusual), and Hestia strolled over, watched Artemis enter, and then sat down outdoors to have a very contented bath. How kind of her to ring the figurative doorbell for Artemis!

This was incredibly sweet of Hestia and so smart! I don't either of my two kitties would put any effort into helping the other cat do anything.


Learned recently that one of my brother's cats has been presenting them with freshly-killed moles lately.  He's performing quite the service for them.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Now that it's cooled off at night, Lady Jane has decided that she needs to sleep on the bed.  But we are NOT allowed to move or disturb Her Ladyship.
I wake up with my legs cramped up due to being scooted into a weird position by a 6 pound cat.  How?!