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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Got a 2fer!

Congrats on your QB and 2fer, Langue_doc.  I know you seemed to be having a hard time after the booster, but I'm sorry to hear it dragged on that long.  I hope you're recovered now.  Hope you have a nice outing if you go and that the dentist can help with that chipped tooth.  Ouch! Don't want that rubbing.


Genius, but not much more than that.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangram and genius.

Last word was dace which I found by putting letters together. I will refrain from commenting on the "hand-curating" of what NYT considers to be acceptable words.


ab_grp, thanks for the good wishes. The aftereffects of the booster lasted for weeks; the doc told me that some people seem to take longer to recover from it. The tooth does rub against my tongue.

Easy crossword--easy for a Saturday.

Happy solving, all!


Good morning!

Genius and pangram today.  Yesterday I got to QB, but with a little help;  dace was also my last word.  Apparently it's a small fish.  I just don't do well with fish vocabulary!

LB yesterday was comparable-entry. . I found a 2fer this morning, too.

Langue_doc, that is a long recovery from the booster shot!  I hope you're beginning to feel more like yourself.  Good wishes, too, for the appointment with the new dentist. 

My reaction to the booster has been relatively mild, so far, at least compared to the second shot.  I had a little nausea and fever during the night, but that has subsided.  Fingers crossed!

Happy puzzling!



SB - new word - dace.

LB - tabac-complementary.

Make it a great day and happy solving!

ETA: GWP and 2fer. Going hiking!


Good morning/afternoon!

I got to GN4L with the pangram but am struggling a bit.  I asked husband how he's doing, and apparently he only has one word left to QB, so I have to step up the pace next break! But he is not doing great at the crossword, and I finished that.  I think my final word yesterday was caveat, but dace was definitely my final 4.  I guessed it but think it was in there before.  Probably would not have come up with it without guessing!

My 2fer was comparably-yenta, so lots of solutions again! Congrats on your 2fers, cathwen and ciao_yall!

Enjoy your hike, ciao_yall!

Hope side effects continue to be mild or go away entirely, cathwen.

Langue_doc, did you get to go on your outing? The crossword took me a while to get into this morning, but then it seemed as though answers came more and more quickly.  Looks like my time on it was my average Saturday time.  It can be tough when there are really long entries, but if you get them it can definitely help!

Happy solving!


I got obsessed with barleycorn yesterday, but couldn't find a pair — so glad Langue_doc made it work! Nothing so far today.


I picked up a few more words in the bee but am still not at Alpha (close) with three words to QB.  Husband still has not found his final word yet.

But I did get a 2fer!

I would never have come up with barleycorn yesterday, so my hat is off to you both, onthefringe and Langue_doc, mate or no mate! I don't think anyone got yesterday's schmofficial solution so far.


I know it's a genus.


Found a few more words, but that's probably it for today.

Thanks for the good wishes, cathwen, and ab_grp, for asking about the trip which turned out to be quite interesting although it was slim pickings as far as the birds were concerned. We saw ruby-crowned kinglets as well as their yellow-crowned counterparts. They should have flown south weeks ago, but are presumably still here because the trees are just beginning to shed. There was a wood thrush on the ground, at close range, a downy woodpecker, a brown creeper wending its way up a tree trunk, the usual robins, blue jays, and cardinals, a great blue heron who flew almost skimming the water across the lake, another, much brighter blue, flying low on another part of the lake, a brightly colored red-tailed hawk circling overhead, and waterfowl that had just migrated--grebes, shovelers, and a few ruddy ducks. I was interviewed on my birding habits and history by a journalism student who was recording the trip leader and also interviewing some of the participants for a class assignment.

The tooth was far more damaged than I suspected. For now, it's a filling. Once the holidays are over I have to go back and discuss treatment options for a few other problems. With the holidays coming up, I didn't want to be scheduling procedures that would involve taking antibiotics.


Langue_doc, that sounds like good bird pickings to me! It's nice that the kinglets stuck around.  Were there particular birds you were hoping to see? How neat that you were interviewed by that student! And I'm sorry to hear about the tooth damage, but I'm glad it was at a stage that you were able to postpone more serious procedures until after the holidays.  Will the filling help with the rubbing, I hope?

I finally straggled to an impure QB but needed help with the final word.  I think it was in there one other time that I can recall, but it had a difficult time coming to mind.  Oh well, at least that's over with!


Good morning!

Found all the words yesterday--last word was luau.

Genius today, but no pangram yet.

ab_grp, the broken edges were filed before putting in the filling, so no more rubbing. As for birds, I like it when the smaller birds are identified for me, as I'm still unable to distinguish the various subspecies of sparrows and warblers. I do like to see herons and ospreys, the latter are here only in summer.

Happy solving, all!



SB - GWP. Met someone in my hiking group who does the NYT Crosswords but didn't know about SB or LB! I showed her SB and the first word she saw was laud, then laundry. Step into my parlor and all of that.

LB - blowing-gypsum.

I broke a lower front tooth years ago. The dentist put on a cap and you cannot see it. I literally don't remember which tooth it was. Apparently there is a seam in back that the dental hygenists can see, but who looks back there?

Anyway, happy solving!


Good morning!

I've got four words left to QB, made it to GN4L, no pangrams yet! Husband doesn't have them either.  Geez.  My final word yesterday was landau, which I recall from a previous puzzle but just don't think of.  Maybe after getting burnt by it a few more times...

I also had blowing-gypsum yesterday.

Langue_doc, I'm so glad that they at least filed the tooth so it doesn't keep rubbing in the meantime.  Is it harder to distinguish the little birds because they are so small or because there are so many different subspecies?

Ciao_yall, it's great that you met a new NYT puzzle friend and could introduce her to the wonders of SB and LB! And cool that you can't even tell which tooth.  Sounds like good dental work!

Husband found out he has to make the drive in for a (hopefully) brief spell to babysit someone so they don't mess up a procedure again.  Fun.   I have most of the crossword done except NW so will work on that and the hard sudoku and LB and try to get some vacuuming and laundry done.  Totally forgot it was fall back day so glad to have the extra hour!

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

It took me an age to find the pangrams for today's SB, but once I did, I got to QB fairly soon after. 

Yesterday my last word was also landau

LB:  Lots of variety this time!  I had upswings-symbol.   I also have a 2fer today.

Langue_doc, I always love reading about your birding expeditions!  The kinglets and the wood thrush were truly special (well, all the birds were, but the kinglets were supposed to have migrated, and wood thrushes tend to be shy).  When I go walking on the trail here, there is one particular spot where I can hear the wood thrushes' distinctive flutey song, but I rarely can see them.

Happy puzzling, everyone!