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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QB with 62 points. The bee is akin to coffee as it gets my brain going.

Tricky wordle today, but got it on the penultimate allowed attempt.

Weird word was weepie; knew to look for the two variants of peewee.


I made it to QBABM as well but didn't get Wordle until the final allowed attempt! Yeek.  I still have a couple contenders but not 2fer yet.

ETA: Finally got a 2fer!


Just a couple short of QB, I'm afraid.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangrams and genius so far.

Last words yesterday were borrow, burrow, and then burro.


Happy solving!


QBw2LL, last word was burro. LB punish-heartily.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBABM yesterday after the new SB was released; last word orzo, which I finally remembered—I missed it a few SBs ago.  Today I'm at Beta with both pangrams.

LB:  I also had punish-heartily, not a very comforting pair!  I have a 2fer today, too.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Finally got to alpha today, so just a few more words to go.  Yesterday my final word was burrow.

My 2fer was similar to Langue_doc's, unites-sharply.  Congrats on another one today, cathwen!

Langue_doc, I saw the news about the Brooklyn subway station shooting and hope you are safe.  I don't know if that's your area, but I was thinking of you! Still not sure what's going on there, but it doesn't sound great.

Happy solving!



ab_grp, thanks for the concern. I had planned to do an errand in Manhattan, but am glad that I dawdled until I saw the news about an hour ago. There are no services on some of the lines and with the rerouting and the slowing down of the trains on the rerouted lines it's probably going to take 2-3 hours for just one leg of the trip. According to the MTA website, there are no planned service changes on these lines (express and local tracks along the subway station where the shooting and explosions took place today), but according to reports on the web service has been suspended, and rightly so.

Things have been going downhill for some time now, with an escalation of crime in just the past couple of months.


Langue_doc, I was really glad to see that you were okay.  Sometimes dawdling is a good thing! Hopefully the errand can get done another day.  This is such a crazy story.  Trying to follow it is definitely a little confusing! Congrats on your 2fer, though!

I have one more dang word to QBABM.  Hopefully I'll figure it out.  Haven't had time to look at LB yet but will do so shortly.


Finally got to QB and 2fer!


I know it's a genus.


QBw2LL, last word was bevy. After getting stuck but finding a 2fer b4ss  mothballed-defence I went for the hints and got fathomable-enhanced.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Didn't really start puzzles at all yet this morning due to sleeping in and then a meeting.  Yesterday I finally realized I was missing one of the spellings of loveable.  Ugh.

For LB, I had defacement-tablecloth.

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

QBw2LL yesterday; bolo (which I thought I had tried multiple times) and eyeball (which should have jumped out at me) were my last words.

I think that those 2LLs might come in handy today.  I am at QB-6 and absolutely flummoxed. 

LB:  I had fathomable-encode.  I have a 2fer today as well.

Happy puzzling!



Above genius; last word yesterday was bola.


Happy solving!