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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Pangram and above genius, but don't think I can find any more words with today's letters.

Last words were minx and mint.


Twofer already!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Genius with pangram, not many words to go—but I have hit a brick wall.  Yesterday I did not finish the puzzle—but I did finish writing a final exam, so that feels like a major victory!  Words I missed were eminence, entice/ment, imminence, innie.

LB:  I had drifter-removable.  I have a 2fer today also.

I have checked out the spelling bee buddy—thanks for the link, Langue_doc! 

In addition to finishing the final exam, I also sent in my official letter of resignation to my supervisor, who wrote a very nice letter back.  Part of me thinks:  Whee!  All that free time!  And:  Aaargh!  What will I do with all that free time?  I'm sure I'll figure it out!

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got the pangram and a bit past genius.  Yesterday I didn't think we would make it, but we did get team QB, so I didn't get to try out the bee buddy yet.  I missed entente, icemen, innie somehow.

For LB I also got drifter-removable, and I have another today.  Congrats, Langue_doc and cathwen!

And cathwen, big congrats on finishing writing the final, and even bigger congrats for submitting your resignation letter! You're almost free! Lots of puzzles (and probably other activities) await!

Happy solving!


QBwH because I never seem to get innie, mentee on my own. LB fabler-remotivated. Quick 2fer this morning.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Not to genius, no pangrams! I did get the crosswords and Wordle done, but no real excuse.  I think husband found two of the pangrams so far.  Hopefully I will wake up eventually.  Yesterday I almost made it to QB but was missing acquit and just couldn't see it despite the pangram! But we did have team QB, so I still didn't get to try bee buddy.  With today's long list and us each having long phone calls, maybe today is the day.

For LB I had fanatic-caramelized, so I guess a variation on the schmofficial solution.

I forgot to mention that according to Merlin there is a great egret around!  I am kind of guessing that's a false positive since if there's anything we do not have here, it's water.  But who knows, apparently if you are in a non-breeding area you can still see them when they migrate, though that is listed as late summer.  In any case, we did not lay eyes on it if it was here, but we will keep an eye out!

Happy solving!


QBwATHICG for cinquain. LB frantic-climatized.

Happy solving!



Pangrams (2) and genius. I don't have the energy to chase after the remaining 100 or so points. Last word yesterday was cinquain.


Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

QB with help to find cinquain, and, annoyingly, cancan and titanic.  Today I clawed my way to genius with two of the three pangrams, but I'm not hopeful of making much more. 

LB: I had frantic-caramelized, frantic-climatized, and fanatic-caramelized.  But no 2fer yet today!

Has anyone been playing Digits?  I love it!  I hope it becomes permanent. 

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Pangram and genius. Missed a few words yesterday, but made it to above 300 points.


Easy wordle--found the solution on the second try.

cathwen, I finally got the hang of Digits, and have been getting all 15 points the last couple of weeks.


Good morning!

I ran out of time yesterday and missed a bunch of words, found only through 2LL help.  Then one whose definition in hints I had to look up—nacelle.  Today it took me a long time to find the pangram, but now I stand at QB-2. 

LB: I didn't find the 2fer yesterday, but I have one today, even though the second word seems odd to me. 

Last day of classes today—oof.  Then the grading begins. 

Happy puzzling!


QBwH and help from hubby for nacelle. LB poking-graveyard.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Finally got to genius, still no pangram (and none for husband).  Yesterday with each having a call of several hours length, we had a ways to go by the time we compared.  And, several words I know I entered had disappeared.  So, we failed to get team QB but did get to try out the bee buddy! I thought it was helpful and like the various hint info given on the page in addition to the constantly updating personalized hints.  I also like that each personalized hint seems to have a link to a reader hint for that word as well and that they have a section on hints for words starting with each letter and such.  I would have liked to get further without help, but it was a good opportunity to try it out, and I think that will be our go-to from now on when we fail to achieve team QB.

No luck on LB! Congrats on your 2fer today, cathwen, no matter what! And good luck on your final day and start of grading!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Genius, but no pangram. Missed teletype which I've seen before, and according to the bee, also missed bleep which I knew I had entered quite early in the puzzle.


cathwen, happy retirement from teaching!

Happy solving!


Morning! QBwH for poppet. LB needed a hint for quipsters-shank but had 3fers coming out of my ears.

Happy solving!


I tried the bee buddy just to see how it worked. It showed me that I had four words left, and then when I clicked on the hint button, displayed the first two letters. I would have found these words anyway, including the one that I knew I had entered much earlier, but it's good to know that there is help when you are stuck.

So, QB.