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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Wow! Congrats on your QBABYs and 2fers, cathwen and Langue_doc! I am aiming for at least one but am very impressed with two.

ETA: I just realized that some of you might be interested in yet another word game: Semantle (  My eldest and I play it and end up trying to help each other because it can be pretty difficult.  Basically, you guess a word, and it tells you how similar it is in contextual meaning to the target word via a similarity score.  There is a list of the top 1000 words that are most similar to the day's target word.  If you guess a word on the list, you are told what rank it is in similarity with respect to the target word (although it kind of does a backward rank, depending how you think about it, so 999/1000 is closest but no cigar, and 1/1000 is on the list but far-ish away).  If your guess is not on the list, you are given a similarity score for it but as far as whether you are getting close, you are considered (cold).   There was one the other day that I thought was really difficult, because I had a whole bunch of words that were ranked but ended up finding out that the target word was really nothing like them as far as I could tell.  My daughter had solved it, looked at my list, and said ignore the top ones and look for something similar to a couple others she mentioned that were scattered throughout.  Yesterday it was much more straightforward, even though coming up with the specific word can take quite a few guesses! Anyway, I did a search on the fora and didn't see it mentioned so thought I would post it here for my favorite wordy friends.  There is quite a long FAQ if you are interested in the scoring, corpus, and such.


Ooooh, thanks!

GWP today.
I know it's a genus.


Let me know what you think if you try it out, Parasaurolophus!

Got a 2fer, finally, though I wasn't sure one part was a word.


Good morning!

Pangram early on, and then well past genius.

Last word yesterday was chili.

Rather clunky pornographic/cautionary, and then aunt/typographic.

ab_grp, thanks for the info about the new game. Not sure if I'll have the time for it though as I'm cutting down my online activities.

Happy solving!



Good morning!

Langue_doc, congratulations on your QB!  I am at QB-1 and hoping for QB before too long.

Yesterday my last word was also chili.

LB:  I had graphic-cautionary.  I found a 2fer today as well.

Happy puzzling!


QB, needed a hint because I couldn't remember how to spell cicely. And graphic-cautionary.

Is anyone else's LB not showing the button for "yesterday"?

Anyway, happy solving.


Good morning!

Got to genius and the pangram for now.  Congrats on QB already, Langue_doc, and good luck on your final word, cathwen! Cicely was one of the two I needed help with.  Chicly was the other.  Just doesn't look right!

For LB, I got pyrographic-caution.  Ciao_yall, you're right! Mine has a different opening screen now on my computer, though I can still click Yesterday's Answers once I enter.  Congrats on another 2fer today, cathwen!

Happy solving!



Team QB!  I was still fussing over that remaining 6L word over lunch, when my husband looked at the screen and saw it right away. 

LB:  I, too, noticed the different screen this morning without yesterday's answers.  On my iPad, when I enter the game, I still don't see yesterday's answers.  However, when I access the game on my computer, they're in the upper right hand corner.  (They're autograph-hypnotic.). Strange! 

Ciao_yall, congratulations on your QB and 2fer!


Can't quite get there today, but well done everyone! It seems like a tough one!
I know it's a genus.


QBwG, last word was nohow which I thought I put in earlier and it didn't take? Oh well, tried it again. And unthinkable-egad.

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

Got to genius and pangram today (though it took me a while to find, and same for husband).  Yesterday I had 3 words left, final one with help being onion, of all things. 

No luck on LB.  I didn't even write anything down so am not sure if I looked at it.  Hopefully today! We are still busy trying to get the house in shape for our dinner guest tomorrow, and now there are two burgeoning wasp colonies out on the back patio that have to be handled as well.  Whee! Congrats on your solution, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

Yesterday the word that confounded me, but which my husband saw right away, was winnow.  Today I have four words to go, but I may need at least first letter hints to get them.  I'll hang on a little longer.

LB:  I had unthinkable-engaged, but ciao_yall, yours is much more efficient with egad.  I have a 2fer today, but the second word was a wild desperation guess that turned out to be accepted.

Ab_grp, good luck with those wasp colonies!  Eek!

Happy puzzling!



Genius earlier this morning.

Couldn't find a mate for dingbat, but did a little jig when it was "It's unthinkable, egad!"

Went birding, then phone calls, so might not get to the puzzles today.

ab_grp, good luck with the wasps, and happy dinner tomorrow.


I know it's a genus.