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Thanksgiving 2022

Started by Langue_doc, November 05, 2022, 10:16:40 AM

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Thanksgiving is almost upon us. What are your plans? Are you hosting, guesting, traveling, or staying home?

I'm looking forward to good company and good food. As long as the weather is reasonable--no blizzards or freezing rain--I don't mind the long drive. We'll probably have a traditional dinner with turkey and the assorted trimmings/side dishes.


I'm heading out of the country to do archival research Thanksgiving week, after staying within 50 miles of my house for almost three years.
"How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks...."


I'm wondering whether it's Covid-safe to have a few cautious people over. I have health vulnerabilities, so I am risk-averse. Another obstacle is that two of my usual guests dislike each other intensely, and one of them snipes unpleasantly at the other, making everyone uncomfortable. It's not a situation where I can leave one of them off the guest list, if there is a guest list, and not cause offense. It kinda just makes me want to hide under the covers.


Several of us are within30 miles of each other and like the idea of simplicity.  Haven't figured out whose house yet.


Second year of going to fringelet's college town and hosting dinner at a AirBnB for fringelet and friends who can't head home for T'giving (her school only guves Thursday and Friday off).


We are going on a 'Love Boat' Honey Moon Cruise.  It is our 2nd anniversary, but COVID is down enough to give her a honeymoon cruise. 

It is from LA to Puarto Villarta, Mantlazon, Cabo and back to LA.  I think that we will be in Cabo on Thanksgiving. 

The excursions that I think that she wanted most were already filled before I really started to book them.  It was only a wait list when I saw them, but I asked, and she didnt want to be on the wait list, so now we are on NO LIST at all! 

We will do Salsa and Salsa on one day.  Where they show you 5 kinds of salsa and then you learn to dance some.  A similar activity was available in 2 ports, but she didnt want to have 2 exercise days in a row! 

We fly out in 2 weeks, and fly back the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Because of the flight costs,  (even Southwest flights were $450 each on the way back) I went ahead and spent the extra money to get First Class flights on the way up and the way back.  I wasnt concerned about the way up, but the way back.... after Thanksgiving when the flights are likely full, as will be the airports, I figured I didnt want to add a 3rd to sit on our post cruise, expanded laps.  Also, IF there are problems with flight cancellations, I expect that first class tickets will get some sort of priority. 

"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


A friend's parents have invited me to join them for Thanksgiving weekend, as Nephew and Partner will be visiting Nephew's remaining grandparent in Austria. We'll dine at their retirement home's excellent restaurant on the day,  spend a day making Christmas candy for their friends and helpers, then enjoy an opening night performance at the local dinner theatre.

I'm hoping the Austrian trip goes well, because Nephew's grandparent is at the stage where minor health issues become major quickly. I've reminded them to make short daily trips to see sights and bring back little treats, so grandparent can have a lie-down.
Enthusiasm is not a skill set. (MH)


Traveling to visit family this year.

It is always a tradeoff: The time/money/hassle of traveling vs. the stress of hosting. I usually prefer the latter, but actually looking forward to getting away this year.


Quote from: Hegemony on November 05, 2022, 04:08:17 PM
I'm wondering whether it's Covid-safe to have a few cautious people over. I have health vulnerabilities, so I am risk-averse. Another obstacle is that two of my usual guests dislike each other intensely, and one of them snipes unpleasantly at the other, making everyone uncomfortable. It's not a situation where I can leave one of them off the guest list, if there is a guest list, and not cause offense. It kinda just makes me want to hide under the covers.

You could include this statement in the invitation or when you call the snipe-er to invite that person:

We would like to have you, if you can refrain from expressing your known dislike of Guest X, who will also be present. If you do not feel you can refrain from doing so, I will understand why you have chosen to stay home.


Just planning to drive a little over two hours to my parents' house to spend a long Thanksgiving weekend.  I've been greatly blessed to never miss a Thanksgiving or Christmas at home, even when I lived out of state.  And greatly blessed to have both of them still with me and well.  I do miss the old family gatherings we used to have when my grandmother was still alive.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Those who are spending time with loved ones you want to see are indeed blessed and have something to be grateful for.

We have never lived near extended family, so it's always been our nuclear group.  As adults, our small nuclear family dislike each other. It's not due to politics or any major drama, but due to clashing personalities. I keep making an effort to get us together for occasions because I feel someone must try, but after a day or two we are thankful to be done with that and go our own ways again. No one else bothers.   

We are taking a road trip to a minor tourist attraction that is open on the holidays, so that will help dilute our dynamics. Also the dogs. Two days plus driving time each way.

Oh well.


Quote from: Hegemony on November 05, 2022, 04:08:17 PM
I'm wondering whether it's Covid-safe to have a few cautious people over. I have health vulnerabilities, so I am risk-averse. Another obstacle is that two of my usual guests dislike each other intensely, and one of them snipes unpleasantly at the other, making everyone uncomfortable. It's not a situation where I can leave one of them off the guest list, if there is a guest list, and not cause offense. It kinda just makes me want to hide under the covers.

Sending you good wishes for a happy Thanksgiving, Hegemony. Sorry to hear about your sniper guest--hope hu behaves if you decide to have people over.


We're still not up for hanging around people, but youngest is coming to visit us and others for the first time this semester of living away at college.  Thankfully, it sounds as though the old favorite, chili, will be the main meal during the very brief visit, since I was having trouble finding Thanksgiving-related food for vegetarians who don't like vegetables with the added challenge that things now need to be diabetic-friendly.  Or, I guess we could all just eat different meals.  The longer winter break will be more of a challenge.  So the holiday will be pretty low key overall.  Hopefully we'll get the Christmas tree up during the visit.


I would love to just hide in a cave, but I'll probably be dragged into some extended family gathering. That in itself may work because there will be enough people to use as a buffer against the really toxic ones.

We even have a turkey that we bought last year (hiding in our freezer) for about 50 cents a pound which is unheard of right now.


QuoteWe even have a turkey that we bought last year (hiding in our freezer) for about 50 cents a pound which is unheard of right now.

That's not even wrong!
--Wolfgang Pauli