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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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The war is, if not over, at least in abeyance.  One of the Thundercats (Elektra) is now curled up with the new Boy (Orestes). 

Nox, demon cat from Tartarus, is not onboard.  But, she does seem to have noticed that Orestes (Maine Coon) has surpassed her in size....
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Asking for advice here on how to reencounter a particular stray.

Our building complex has a large parking area with garages for each unit. There are a number of curbside plants and it is not uncommon to spot stray cats here. They also like the area around the dumpsters and I've seen a mother cat shelter with her kittens underneath a van.

A few days ago SO and I were heading out to a doctor appointment when I spotted a kitty happily rubbing its face against a nearby plant, occasionally taking a nibble out of the leaves. While SO was pulling the car out I walked over, crouched and called to the cat. It turned to look at me, trotted over while mewing adorably, and leaned into my hand when I reached out. I was instantly smitten.

The cat was quite dirty, skinny, and had no collar so I assume it's one of the strays; the friendliness indicates comfort with humans, but that could be from other residents giving handouts and pets, not necessarily an owner. When SO called out that we had to get going, I stood to signal to him to wait a moment. With the cessation of petting, cat stood on hind legs and pawed my leg, mewing for more. When I made a move towards the car it followed on my heels. SO insisted we were not having a strange cat loose in the car when we had an appointment to get to. He said we could try to find the cat again later, assuming it was one of the parking lot "regulars".

I am kicking myself for not insisting we take the cat home. Been scouting the lot ever since without any sightings. SO says if we find it we can post a picture on the neighborhood social media group and have a vet scan for a chip. If there are no claims, it can be our cat. But I need to find it again first!

I am not an intuitive person. I analyze everything to death. But I feel like this cat is special; like we had a spark, a connection at that first encounter. All I want to do is love and care for this kitty for the rest of its life. I've never fallen in love with a cat so fast.

The parking area covers a lot of grounds, serving many buildings, and there a numerous twists and turns. Lots of places a cat could potentially be.

I thought of leaving a plate of treats regularly in a specific spot in hopes cats will learn it's a good spot to check out. Then I could pop out to the spot a few times a day and hope to get lucky. But it doesn't seem like the odds would be too great. I could start working outside, staking out. Wander the lot at times the cats are more likely to be out (would that be early morning and twilight?)

Or is finding the same cat again just a pie in the sky fantasy?

Anyone have experience wrangling strays?


Leaving food is a good idea, but let there be gaps between times when you put it out. Feral cats need to retain their independence and ability to hunt or they will starve when the weather gets bad.



That cat sounds like a stray rather than feral given how friendly it was. Is there are stray rescue group operating in your area? You could contact them or the humane society to help trap the cat and other strays in the area  (If they trap ferals in the process, they may have a catch-spay/neutral-release program). They will give it a vet check including checking for a microchip. You can let them know you'd like to adopt if no owner can be identified. If there is an owner missing it, I hope you can transfer that love to being happy to reunite them and adopt a different cat. Good luck!
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Maybe this should be in the minor venting thread... I swear my large moo-cat knows when to gargle, howl, yowl, make biscuits, etc. when I am trying to concentrate on grading. He's doing it right now...


Quote from: smallcleanrat on April 29, 2020, 09:58:23 AM
Asking for advice here on how to reencounter a particular stray.

Our building complex has a large parking area with garages for each unit. There are a number of curbside plants and it is not uncommon to spot stray cats here. They also like the area around the dumpsters and I've seen a mother cat shelter with her kittens underneath a van.

A few days ago SO and I were heading out to a doctor appointment when I spotted a kitty happily rubbing its face against a nearby plant, occasionally taking a nibble out of the leaves. While SO was pulling the car out I walked over, crouched and called to the cat. It turned to look at me, trotted over while mewing adorably, and leaned into my hand when I reached out. I was instantly smitten.

The cat was quite dirty, skinny, and had no collar so I assume it's one of the strays; the friendliness indicates comfort with humans, but that could be from other residents giving handouts and pets, not necessarily an owner. When SO called out that we had to get going, I stood to signal to him to wait a moment. With the cessation of petting, cat stood on hind legs and pawed my leg, mewing for more. When I made a move towards the car it followed on my heels. SO insisted we were not having a strange cat loose in the car when we had an appointment to get to. He said we could try to find the cat again later, assuming it was one of the parking lot "regulars".

I am kicking myself for not insisting we take the cat home. Been scouting the lot ever since without any sightings. SO says if we find it we can post a picture on the neighborhood social media group and have a vet scan for a chip. If there are no claims, it can be our cat. But I need to find it again first!

I am not an intuitive person. I analyze everything to death. But I feel like this cat is special; like we had a spark, a connection at that first encounter. All I want to do is love and care for this kitty for the rest of its life. I've never fallen in love with a cat so fast.

The parking area covers a lot of grounds, serving many buildings, and there a numerous twists and turns. Lots of places a cat could potentially be.

I thought of leaving a plate of treats regularly in a specific spot in hopes cats will learn it's a good spot to check out. Then I could pop out to the spot a few times a day and hope to get lucky. But it doesn't seem like the odds would be too great. I could start working outside, staking out. Wander the lot at times the cats are more likely to be out (would that be early morning and twilight?)

Or is finding the same cat again just a pie in the sky fantasy?

Anyone have experience wrangling strays?
Put food and water near the plant where you found the kitty.  Hang out there are the same time of day you saw it the first time as it likely has a routine.  Cats are territorial so I'm guessing it will be back.  Sending good "kitty finding vibes" your way!


Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on April 30, 2020, 10:25:52 AM
Maybe this should be in the minor venting thread... I swear my large moo-cat knows when to gargle, howl, yowl, make biscuits, etc. when I am trying to concentrate on grading. He's doing it right now...

Do you rent this marvelous creature out?  I'd be interested in having him perform in several upcoming virtual meetings (and could have really used him in one contentious session yesterday)!


On my morning walk I saw a black cat crossing the street in front of my path (Thanks a lot, Neko-chan!).  It was moving very slowly for a cat, and did not bolt when it saw me.  I got the impression that it might not be feeling well.  Hope it will be okay.

Later on the walk I heard an altercation between cats nearby.  They went at it for a while.  Unusual to hear that in broad daylight.  They sound so vicious when they fight!  It makes you wonder whether they've ever succeeded in devouring each other like the cats of Killkinney.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Quote from: AmLitHist on May 01, 2020, 05:14:21 AM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on April 30, 2020, 10:25:52 AM
Maybe this should be in the minor venting thread... I swear my large moo-cat knows when to gargle, howl, yowl, make biscuits, etc. when I am trying to concentrate on grading. He's doing it right now...

Do you rent this marvelous creature out?  I'd be interested in having him perform in several upcoming virtual meetings (and could have really used him in one contentious session yesterday)!

You know, I never thought of that... until now. He is quite vocal and likes to carry various toys around in his mouth while yowling. He has sat in on a few online meetings (when he's quiet).

Oh, did I mention that he can open doors too?


Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on May 01, 2020, 07:47:48 PM

You know, I never thought of that... until now. He is quite vocal and likes to carry various toys around in his mouth while yowling. He has sat in on a few online meetings (when he's quiet).

Our biggest does that too! And drops them at our feet then walks off.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 01, 2020, 11:45:52 PM
Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on May 01, 2020, 07:47:48 PM

You know, I never thought of that... until now. He is quite vocal and likes to carry various toys around in his mouth while yowling. He has sat in on a few online meetings (when he's quiet).

Our biggest does that too! And drops them at our feet then walks off.

Twerp actually does that too! She's not a large kitty, though, and can't open doors - thank goodness! She gets into enough trouble as it is.

Also, smallcleanrat, hope you find the stray. Keep us posted!



Oldest kid and "puppy" (4 months old today and already bigger than any GSD I've ever see or been around) came by and helped me set out some flowers.  Kid turned over some dirt in the raised bed; puppy tried to do his part by digging on outside of the bed, until he got told off.

He's behaving much better and all was well until they tried to go into the house to wash up and get a drink.  Large Gray Cat was already lying by the back door; I could hear her hissing across the yard.  Kid and dog were stood off for a couple of minutes, then went inside, with LGC howling and hissing and spitting the whole time.  I think she was as upset as anything just because the puppy wasn't scared off.


Thanks to all for the encouragement and advice for finding my sweet stray.

I went out with a small portion of tuna-flavored wet food every morning and evening. I left the food by the plant of the original sighting and planted myself some distance away to observe.

I saw a couple of adolescent cats eating the food, but neither was the kitty I was looking for. These kitties were also a bit skittish of humans, so I let them alone.

Turns out it was all for naught (well, at least two kitties got some nourishment out of it). SO found out from the neighborhood social media group that someone had already trapped the cat I encountered and found an adoptive home for him.

I'm relieved that cat is safe and now has a home and human guardians (I was having nightmares about kitty being picked off by a bigger predator or being crushed by a car). But I'm heartbroken I couldn't be the one to give him that home. We probably should have made a post that we encountered the cat and would like to care for him should anyone happen to find him. I should have trusted my gut at that first encounter and over-ruled SO about taking the cat with us, then and there.

I know there are lots of great cats out there needing homes. I still want to adopt one. But I think it will take me some time to get over this. Something just felt so perfectly right with this kitty from the first touch. I've only felt this with an animal once before, as a child, with the puppy that would become my loyal and affectionate companion for the next twelve years. Out of all the pups at the shelter, he was the most awkward, odd-looking, and morose. But the instant I reached out and he put his head in my hand I knew that he was my dog.

I wonder if I'll ever feel that spark again.


I suspect you will. Cats are so easy to love! Maybe keep an eye on the colony of strays and see who you meet?


Quote from: smallcleanrat on May 03, 2020, 08:13:50 AM
I wonder if I'll ever feel that spark again.

I also suspect you will smallcleanrat.

I was heartbroken when I lost my fluffy calico companion too soon to complications of diabetes.  But I am smitten with our two current furry goofballs, Ninja (who adopted my husband as her human and follows him around the house) and Ricochet, who remains baffled by humans, yet continues to attempt to interact with us, despite the fact that we are clearly too dumb to understand how the rules work in her world.

I hope that you will find a kitty who feels right for you when the timing is right for you, whether they come from your stray colony or a shelter.