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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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My little Foster Fail girl just left her spot on the blanket to resettle on my lap.  How far we've come, and how much my heart just soared...


Have we heard from SCR since her move?  Have the kitties adjusted to their new digs?  How did the trip go?
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader


Quote from: clean on November 12, 2023, 03:06:20 PMHave we heard from SCR since her move?  Have the kitties adjusted to their new digs?  How did the trip go?

We made it!

The drive took four days. The cats protested vociferously on day 1, but after that seemed to resign themselves to life on the road. They completely stopped resisting when I was getting them in and out of their carriers, as if thinking, "Well, I guess this is my life now." All things considered, everything went very smoothly, including all the transfers from car to hotels and back again.

Poor things barely ate the whole trip though, even when offered their favorite wet food (the kind with gravy).

At the new house, we started them off in the laundry room, and Caramelo almost immediately got himself wedged behind the dryer and had to be rescued.

When we opened the door to let them explore their new digs, Caramelo refused to budge while Maestro seemed totally at ease surveying his new kingdom. He scared us half to death by jumping on the second story railing and walking across it like a tight-rope walker. SO had to line the railing with aluminum foil to discourage Maestro from jumping up there again.

As we unpack and arrange our stuff, the cats have to explore anew as their home changes around them. Hopefully, we will have everything organized and settled soon.

Meanwhile, their appetites have returned in force and Caramelo has ventured to join his brother in exploration. They are also back to galloping and chasing each other around during zoomie time.

Welcome home, cats!


Congrats, SCR, Caramelo, and Maestro on your new home.


So glad to hear the move went well. We have videos of our previous cats when we would let them loose to explore the new digs. One was very adventurous while the other would not venture out until she was sure the first one hadn't been eaten by something!
   Is this their first experience with stairs? If so you are in for a treat as they learn about traversing them at speed.


Our middle cat, kitten prodigy (not even a year old yet), has now learned how to open doors. Jesus! I'm going to have to start locking them again. The only other cat who opened doors was elder evil cat who passed this year.


My parents' cat was inconvenienced over the Christmas season by decorations and gifts stacked in places that made it harder for him to get around the room without ever touching the floor.  He had to be called down now and then to keep from damaging stuff.  As far as I know, he didn't damage anything.  Now things are returning to normal, and so is his life.  He did get to enjoy exploring some empty Christmas gift bags, at least.

He has turned out to be quite good at catching mice.  Unfortunately he only wants to play with them, and so lets them get away.  Dad has to finish running them down.  Given the cat's idea of "play," you'd think the poor little things would collapse from a heart attack.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


I haven't mentioned it, until now, but the newest member of the evil clowder tested positive for FeLv (swollen glands gave it away). Our vet thinks that he must have just been infected when we found him and he tested negative. We were and are still devastated to discover this. Currently, he's isolated from the other two, who were also separated so that we could test them all again (TWICE!) to make sure that nobody else was infected. The other two evil cats are negative and now mingling again. We really can't foresee a happy life for him alone by himself, so we're looking for a place that adopts FeLv + cats. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm listening.


I witnessed something odd on my morning walk yesterday.  I was walking down the street a little after six when I saw a cat walking across the street right behind a little creature of some kind.  I supposed at first that it was a mother cat escorting a kitten.  As I drew closer, I saw the cat go back across to the yard she had just left.  The little creature kept going on the far side of the street.

Then I got close enough to see that it was not a kitten.  It was a juvenile possum!  The cat had not been chasing it or trying to catch it.  It was almost as if the cat was making sure that the unwelcome possum went on its way, but was being nice about it.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


That's cute apl68!

How are all the fora cats enjoying summer mode?

Since I got myself some new patio furniture I thought I should get some new catio furniture for the cats - they now have a ventilated bed and hammock out there, and we are all enjoying outdoor lounging (well, the cats are lounging, I've been mostly working, but sitting outside to work vastly beats sitting at my desk)
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Kid #1's cat Waffles had a kitten two weeks ago yesterday. He's a cute little guy--orange, like mama! (We call him "he," though it's too soon to know). Waffles and her 2-year-old kitten PJ have been taking turns caring for the baby. Yesterday, neither was around from late afternoon until about 10 p.m. I told Kid #1 that they just took a girls' day!


Glad your cats are enjoying the catio upgrade, Puget.

And awww, how sweet about Waffles and her children, AmLitHist.

The change of season has meant that the Larimar cats do even more lounging than usual. We minimize using the air conditioning, so that's how they're keeping off the heat. And Calico is shedding even more that she usually does, which even in the winter is prodigious. So far, all three still have wanted to cuddle at night. As summer deepens and the weather gets hotter, this may change.


Smallcleanrat, how are you and Maestro and Caramelo?


Last week my parents discovered a pretty small kitten at their house.  They live on a rural road out of sight of any other houses, and couldn't tell how it had gotten there.  They began setting food and milk out for it, and made some shelter available.  It started coming closer to them.  Several times they saw it up on the window sill, exchanging glances with their indoor cat.  At one point Dad went out to look for the kitten, and it almost dropped down on him from above!

Saturday evening I arrived to spend Memorial Day weekend with them.  The newcomer came over to me and rubbed against my ankles.  Apparently I was now accepted.

Next day, we didn't see hide nor hair of the new kitten.  Nor did we see it on Sunday.  It's looking like the kitten may have disappeared as mysteriously as it came.  Ideally perhaps whoever had lost it found it again.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Loki and Thor managed to escape, undetected, from a window with an 8 foot drop to the ground.  I only discovered tis when I returned for a walk and spoked Loki away from the back door.  I spent 20 minutes luring him back in the house.  Then I gave treats for returning, and discovered that Thor wasn't showing up.  Eventually, I found him outside, but it took 2 hours of trying to lure/catch/trap him before I finally gave up, sat on the porch steps long enough for motion detector lights to go out, and THEN he snuck up beside me and then bolted around me into the open door.

Loki seems fine  Thor is both skittish and highly affectionate when he decides I am okay to touch.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.