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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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Quote from: Harlow2 on February 03, 2021, 09:35:46 AM
I so miss having a cat that liked fetch.  Ulysses will bat an aluminum ball around a little, but fetch is beyond her interests.   Recommendations for fetchable toys?

Our kittens self-selected the things they would fetch.  Little furry mice were the only actual purchased cat toy that they would fetch, and only specific brands were acceptable for fetching. Other items that they fetched were twist ties, milk rings, and paperclips.


My first kitty would play bottle-cap hockey up and down the hallway.

I sent the botllecap skidding along the floor, she intercepted, and ran it down the hall for a far-end goal.

But bringing it back to start over was my job, so I guess it wasn't really a "fetch" game, unless you count me as doing the fetching...

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: AmLitHist on February 02, 2021, 09:58:59 AM
Little Cat has to go to the vet tomorrow--she has a bad tooth/cyst/who knows what in her mouth?  She's developed an Elvis sneer since Sunday night, and I'm not brave enough to put my fingers in there and aggravate her to find out.  It doesn't seem to hurt, and she's still eating, so we'll see.  This will be her first time to the vet--or even outside of the house--since she got spayed >12 years ago. (She's never been sick in her life.)  Getting her in the carrier and to the vet ought to be fun.  Not.

How is Little Cat?


Quote from: mamselle on February 03, 2021, 05:56:29 PM
My first kitty would play bottle-cap hockey up and down the hallway.

I sent the botllecap skidding along the floor, she intercepted, and ran it down the hall for a far-end goal.

But bringing it back to start over was my job, so I guess it wasn't really a "fetch" game, unless you count me as doing the fetching...


Same experience here of willingness to play for a bit provided I do most of the work.


Quote from: OneMoreYear on February 03, 2021, 05:51:12 PM
Quote from: Harlow2 on February 03, 2021, 09:35:46 AM
I so miss having a cat that liked fetch.  Ulysses will bat an aluminum ball around a little, but fetch is beyond her interests.   Recommendations for fetchable toys?

Our kittens self-selected the things they would fetch.  Little furry mice were the only actual purchased cat toy that they would fetch, and only specific brands were acceptable for fetching. Other items that they fetched were twist ties, milk rings, and paperclips.

I'll have to try the last 3!


This morning I saw some odd objects in the edge of the woods on the edge of town.  Stuffed animals?  Dead animals?  I paused and took a closer look.  Then I saw that it was a trio of cats.  One of them was looking at me with that wary look that cats get when they're thinking about fleeing your presence.  I apologized for interrupting and went on my way.

I hadn't seen that many cats in one place in months.  The temperature spike and overcast sky must have them stirring more.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Quote from: apl68 on February 04, 2021, 07:16:17 AM
This morning I saw some odd objects in the edge of the woods on the edge of town.  Stuffed animals?  Dead animals?  I paused and took a closer look.  Then I saw that it was a trio of cats.  One of them was looking at me with that wary look that cats get when they're thinking about fleeing your presence.  I apologized for interrupting and went on my way.

I hadn't seen that many cats in one place in months.  The temperature spike and overcast sky must have them stirring more.

Maybe they were having one of their secret meetings?


Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on February 04, 2021, 07:41:29 AM
Quote from: apl68 on February 04, 2021, 07:16:17 AM
This morning I saw some odd objects in the edge of the woods on the edge of town.  Stuffed animals?  Dead animals?  I paused and took a closer look.  Then I saw that it was a trio of cats.  One of them was looking at me with that wary look that cats get when they're thinking about fleeing your presence.  I apologized for interrupting and went on my way.

I hadn't seen that many cats in one place in months.  The temperature spike and overcast sky must have them stirring more.

Maybe they were having one of their secret meetings?

Well yes, that's why I apologized for interrupting!  Plus it seems to embarrass them when humans sneak up on them.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Quote from: Harlow2 on February 04, 2021, 06:36:37 AM
Quote from: OneMoreYear on February 03, 2021, 05:51:12 PM
Quote from: Harlow2 on February 03, 2021, 09:35:46 AM
I so miss having a cat that liked fetch.  Ulysses will bat an aluminum ball around a little, but fetch is beyond her interests.   Recommendations for fetchable toys?

Our kittens self-selected the things they would fetch.  Little furry mice were the only actual purchased cat toy that they would fetch, and only specific brands were acceptable for fetching. Other items that they fetched were twist ties, milk rings, and paperclips.

I'll have to try the last 3!

Ricochet particularly liked when we strung several large paperclips together so we could wing it down the hall. She'll still sometimes chase it if we do that, but won't fetch anymore. Ninja would indicate her interest in fetching by dropping the item in our shoes. I hope you find some Ulysses approved fetch toys!


Maybe they were telling each other their ineffable names and didn't want you overhearing.

Or they were relating anecdotes from their parmeous days...

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Effie cat (RIP) would fetch the rings from the top of milk jugs.  But only the red ones.

I think the cat will determine what toys are worthy of being fetched.  Ours like to play with stuffed mice, plastic springs, fabric balls with a bell inside, and stolen hair ties.


Spouse and I both grew up with and love cats but have never been able to have them because of allergies. We had an unexpected opportunity to acquire a pair of very friendly outdoor cats a few weeks ago and we are both head-over-heels in love. Artemis is a sleek black huntress* about a year old, and Hestia is the most beautiful tabby I have ever seen (about 6 mos.). They are the gentlest and quietest cats I have ever met. Hestia loves to be petted and will leap into the first available lap and begin purring before her overture has even been acknowledged. When no lap is available, she will flop down on the ground, roll onto her back, and invite bystanders to rub her belly. Artemis prefers to sit serenely beside us, ever watchful and aloof, but she responds instantly to having her head scratched and grows affectionate when she has not been around people for a few hours (or when she is the focus of attention). Having lived on the same farm until they came to us, they play and cuddle often and so far seem to be the best of friends. They bring me great joy.


*So far Artemis has only hunted cat toys, cat food, her shadow, grass, twigs, leaves, wood shavings, bottle caps, string, ribbon, blankets, towels, feet, shoes, and Hestia, but we have high hopes that she will eventually expand her repertoire to include small rodents and large insects.


Quote from: the_geneticist on February 04, 2021, 10:16:57 AM
and stolen hair ties.
Yikes! Orestes EATS those.  Ended up having surgery TWICE last year because of it.

Yup.  He's a moron.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Quote from: nebo113 on February 04, 2021, 05:02:58 AM
Quote from: AmLitHist on February 02, 2021, 09:58:59 AM
Little Cat has to go to the vet tomorrow--she has a bad tooth/cyst/who knows what in her mouth?  She's developed an Elvis sneer since Sunday night, and I'm not brave enough to put my fingers in there and aggravate her to find out.  It doesn't seem to hurt, and she's still eating, so we'll see.  This will be her first time to the vet--or even outside of the house--since she got spayed >12 years ago. (She's never been sick in her life.)  Getting her in the carrier and to the vet ought to be fun.  Not.

How is Little Cat?

Ah, thanks for asking.  (Been up to my eyeballs in grading and am just now back to the Fora as I sneak a bite of lunch!)

She did well in the carrier/car, though she did meow periodically on the trip. Thank goodness it's only about 3 miles to the vet!  They did an exam, and she has a loose lower left canine tooth.  She's scheduled for their earliest dental appt. next Thursday morning.  She still isn't acting like anything hurts. There's no cyst or infection, which I'd been worried about. She is snaggle-toothed, though, and looks uncomfortable.

The really good news is that all her other teeth are good, and she seems to be in great shape otherwise:  clear eyes, good heart and lung sounds, good weight, and overall in excellent health for a 14-year-old kitty.

We're still trying to figure out why only this one tooth came up loose, out of the blue. My money is on a knock-down-drag-out with her big gray housemate.  Usually the big cat is the one who gets jumped and just walks away, although one time this past winter she had had enough of LC's bullshit and threw LC against the closet door and sat on her. 


Quote from: AmLitHist on February 05, 2021, 11:01:25 AM
Quote from: nebo113 on February 04, 2021, 05:02:58 AM
Quote from: AmLitHist on February 02, 2021, 09:58:59 AM
Little Cat has to go to the vet tomorrow--she has a bad tooth/cyst/who knows what in her mouth?  She's developed an Elvis sneer since Sunday night, and I'm not brave enough to put my fingers in there and aggravate her to find out.  It doesn't seem to hurt, and she's still eating, so we'll see.  This will be her first time to the vet--or even outside of the house--since she got spayed >12 years ago. (She's never been sick in her life.)  Getting her in the carrier and to the vet ought to be fun.  Not.

How is Little Cat?

Ah, thanks for asking.  (Been up to my eyeballs in grading and am just now back to the Fora as I sneak a bite of lunch!)

She did well in the carrier/car, though she did meow periodically on the trip. Thank goodness it's only about 3 miles to the vet!  They did an exam, and she has a loose lower left canine tooth.  She's scheduled for their earliest dental appt. next Thursday morning.  She still isn't acting like anything hurts. There's no cyst or infection, which I'd been worried about. She is snaggle-toothed, though, and looks uncomfortable.

The really good news is that all her other teeth are good, and she seems to be in great shape otherwise:  clear eyes, good heart and lung sounds, good weight, and overall in excellent health for a 14-year-old kitty.

We're still trying to figure out why only this one tooth came up loose, out of the blue. My money is on a knock-down-drag-out with her big gray housemate.  Usually the big cat is the one who gets jumped and just walks away, although one time this past winter she had had enough of LC's bullshit and threw LC against the closet door and sat on her.

Glad to hear Little Cat is ok. We have cat fights here too. :( Actually, there was one this morning, when I was on the phone trying to pay a bill (of course). Elder evil cat was giving Eldest evil cat 'the forehead' and everyone was poofed and pissed off. I broke it up before it could escalate any further. Do they all just have cabin fever, or are most cats just buttheads?