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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QB yesterday WG (with grid).

LB - brazier-rockfish as well. Langue_doc now you have me wondering if bluejay could be spelled as one word?

Anyway, happy solving!


Good morning!

I finally made it to QB yesterday, albeit with some help form Wordplay.  Today I am at QB-7.  I don't know how far I'll get because I'm still immersed in catch-up grading—we'll see.

As for LB, I also got brazier-rockfish.  And I have a 2fer today. 

Langue_doc, I wish you well in recovering form the booster!

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

I've got 2 more words to QB.  I was rolling along and then kind of hit a wall and then stumbled onto a couple related words after recalling one I missed a while back.  Yesterday my final word was falloff.  I kept trying things with off but guess I missed that one.  Congrats on getting your words, Parasaurolophus!

No luck on LB yesterday, so congrats on your solutions! And congrats on your 2fers already today, Langue_doc and cathwen!

Langue_doc, I'm sorry to hear that the booster hit you so hard.  I hope your back-to-bed day helps.  Interesting to hear that there are fewer sites giving boosters.   They are not different than the other doses, are they? So I would have guessed they'd be available wherever the first two are administered.  Sorry you had such a rough time with that facility before.  It is so frustrating and time-consuming to have to sort out insurance and billing errors.   I'm glad you got to see a blue jay, though!

Cathwen, good luck with all the catch-up grading, and I also send my continued good wishes for your recovery and re-mobilization!

Happy solving!


Easily made my way to genius this morning, but no 2fers yet.
I know it's a genus.


QB - 5 with Shunn, trying to stay off the Forum hints. No 2fer yet but plenty of 3fers.


I needed Shunn for help with the first letter of the final two words.  One I should have remembered, and one I thought I already had.  And no 2fer (hopefully yet).


QB, finally, with hints on the first two letters of the last two words.  One I thought I already had, and the other is one I remembered seeing a long time ago once I got it (almost by accident). 

And I even finished my grading!


QB - 1, then it the Forum to learn a new word. So QB.

Still in a 3fer slog. May go back to the Forum for a hint.


Good morning!

Pangram and genius--that's it for today.


ciao_yall, bluejay is two words typed it as a single word to see if the spellcheck program would correct it. Spellcheck dropped the ball yesterday and today, but who knows what to expect as the bee is quite inconsistent with what constitutes an acceptable word.

ETA: Now I see that spellcheck is unhappy with bluejay as a single word.

Happy solving, all!



QB - Last word was a new one: eidetic.

LB - gothic-culpable as well but needed a hint. Odd that I don't recall noticing the -able suffix.

Anyway, happy solving!


Good morning!

My last word yesterday was also eidetic.  I knew I needed a 7L word beginning with ei-, and not remembering the word from before, just started typing combinations--and voilà. Then I remembered having seen in in a former puzzle.

Today I am at genius with the pangram.

LB:  I also had gothic-culpable.  No 2fer today yet, though!

Happy puzzling!


Good morning/afternoon!

I think I have 7 more words, got to GN4L but not Alpha.  I was happy to remember eidetic yesterday after missing it a few weeks ago, but I needed help to remember dietetic.  And I thought I had put decide in, but I guess not.  That was a dumb one to miss.

Congrats on your 2fers! I kept trying with -able, but no luck.

I hope you are feeling better, Langue_doc!

Looks like an update occurred so need to restart the computer again.  And I've got a 3-day conference, but it's on east-coast-centric time so will probably watch a lot of the earlier sessions after the recordings are posted.

Happy solving!


Two-fer and QB! Familiar words or words that have appeared in previous bees.

ab_grp, thank you for asking--the reaction to the booster has been much worse than the reaction to the second shot. I'm taking it easy for another day.

The expiration date for the booster is the end of January 2022 according to the information in my patient portal. That's a mere three and a half months.


Congrats on your QB and 2fer, Langue_doc! I'm sorry you are not feeling totally better, and I hope that your ill feelings abate soon.  Glad that you are taking it easy, though.  Does the expiration mean that you need to get another one after the 3.5 months?

We didn't make it to our own QBs or team QB, both needed Shunn help with the final two words.  Both were familiar, though.  Just not enough time to work further at it today.  I have a couple reasonable LB contenders but nothing there yet, either.


Shunn 2LL, still at QB - 5.

And lots of 3fers, no 2fer yet.