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Herd your cats here

Started by eigen, May 17, 2019, 02:24:47 PM

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Quote from: Parasaurolophus on April 06, 2020, 09:10:50 AM
Our orange cat appears to have ingested something poisoned. He was in a bad way a few days ago, but is much better now. He doesn't want his wet food, but is at least eating a little of the dry we have left over from before we switched to wet exclusively. Poor guy's lost a couple pounds, and looks tiny.

Poor baby orange cat. Glad he is on the mend!

Quote from: Puget on April 06, 2020, 02:09:12 PM
My two are also big fans of this work from home situation. I think they are going to be very displeased when I'm no longer home all day every day.

Luckily they also love each other (they are 1 year old sibs), so we are often all three snuggled on the couch together, or they run around paling and getting into trouble together.

Awww! Our two 4 year old kitties (Ninja and RST) are litter mates that we adopted as tiny kittens (Ninja was just 2 pounds!). When we first adopted them, they often snuggled together, and we thought they might be good friends.  Now, they primarily ignore each other, until Ninja decides she needs to re-assert her alpha status and chases RST around the house. After a brief period of intense wrestling, they retreat to separate corners to ignore each other again.


Our cats are so puzzled why we just won't leave already.  I think it's actually been stressful for Effie cat.  He likes to be in the same room as Mr. Dr. Geneticist and does NOT appreciate if that room is not the same as Effie's chosen napping spot.  Effie looks at him like "OMG will you choose a room and stay there so I can nap already?!?"


I now believe we may have as many as three Siamese cats wandering the streets of our town.  I've seen them in that many widely-separated locations. 
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


The local newscasters are taking turns broadcasting from home.  One woman was on Friday night, and in the background was her huge tuxedo cat, lying on the floor, then later walking around into the kitchen.  Last night there was no tux, but instead a huge Siamese. At 5 p.m. he was sitting on a wing chair behind her, looking toward the kitchen and, later, listening to her read and looking at the camera; at 6, he was stretched across the seat of the chair, tail hanging off the front, dead to the world.

I have no idea what she talked about; I only watch for the cats.  (As I defended myself to ALHS, I bet a lot of older people and kids watch for the same reason.)


The big cat is stuck in a Douglas fir tonight, the poor love. He's not too high (about twenty feet), but we have no way to reach him.

Poor love's in for a long night before the arborist comes.
I know it's a genus.


Poor big cat! Hope he's okay and that he won't get stuck in that tree again!

My kitties received an Easter treat of some plastic Easter eggs with catnip inside! They love this. Because the eggs are ovoid instead of spherical, they don't roll straight when batted with a paw, and this is fascinating. OrangeGuy managed to get one open, and he scarfed the catnip. He was a bit bug-eyed for a while afterward!


Big cat rescued!

Poor love.
I know it's a genus.


Glad he was rescued Parasaurolophus! Hopefully he learned his lesson (not likely for a cat I know!).

It got abnormally quiet and cat-free downstairs during my last Zoom meeting, which is never a good sign with young cats. Sure enough, after I got off I checked upstairs and they had broken into the guest room (which is off limits and therefore highly desirable) and removed a large quantity of soil from the fern pot (the fern being in protective custody in that room expressly to prevent cat attacks). Door now re-latched and cats are zooming around downstairs again.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Yay! Glad big cat is okay!


My mom sent a care package with tea for me and fancy catnip for the cats.  They are quite spoiled.

And I finally figured out how to mostly stop Izzy from shredding the furniture.  I bought a scratching post!  It has a flat plastic disk on the top where I put a few cat treats.  She was well-trained after just one round of treat hunting by climbing the pole.  Izzy is going to be a huge cat.  She's only 6 months old and at least as large as Lady Jane already (7 pounds).


The red cat went back to the vet today. He was barfy, and self-isolating, and panty, and old-man walking, and not eating.

Not rodenticide this time, but he's feverish, so possibly a resurgence of whatever the other thing was. While we were there we met another couple, one of whose cats also appears to have consumed a rodenticided rodent and is presenting with the same weird mix of symptoms the red cat had three weeks ago. They live nearby, but far enough away that it's unlikely to be the same patch of rodenticide. The vet's pretty weirded out, though, because she's never seen so many young cats (apparently there's a few more) presenting with the same weird mix of symptoms, at least one of which is likely rodenticide poisoning.

Anyway. He's in good shape now, and the big cat has recovered from the tree.
I know it's a genus.


I hope red cat feels even better.

On another note, we discovered that Evil cat #1 likes to watch tv! She sat, right in front of the tv, and watched cartoons for about an hour.


I'm also glad your poor kitties are doing better!

On another note, we discovered that Evil cat #1 likes to watch tv! She sat, right in front of the tv, and watched cartoons for about an hour.

OrangeGuy here likes to watch TV with us too, and loves the YouTube cat TV videos of birds and squirrels and mice. He'll jump right up close and paw at the TV or computer screen. The other kitties also like to be around while we're watching TV, but Calico and Twerp just want to snuggle in our laps, and HerMajesty will accept a bit of homage and then curl up on a chair or in her basket and supervise.

Right now Twerp is helping me write this, so it's taken longer than it otherwise would!



Quote from: evil_physics_witchcraft on April 25, 2020, 08:58:26 PMI'm also glad your poor kitties are doing better!

On another note, we discovered that Evil cat #1 likes to watch tv! She sat, right in front of the tv, and watched cartoons for about an hour.

Quote from: Larimar on April 26, 2020, 08:43:57 AM
OrangeGuy here likes to watch TV with us too, and loves the YouTube cat TV videos of birds and squirrels and mice. He'll jump right up close and paw at the TV or computer screen. The other kitties also like to be around while we're watching TV, but Calico and Twerp just want to snuggle in our laps, and HerMajesty will accept a bit of homage and then curl up on a chair or in her basket and supervise.

Right now Twerp is helping me write this, so it's taken longer than it otherwise would!


Evil cat #1 likes the string game on U tube. I've kind of Pavlovian-trained her to run to my computer and play the game when I say 'Look!' It is hilarious.


My two seem completely uninterested in my laptop screen except as something to rub their cheeks on or get in front of when I'm paying too much attention to it and not enough to them.

What they are completely obsessed with are plastic spring toys. It never would have occurred to me to get them but they came with some from their foster when I adopted them and I've since bought a jumbo pack (they are very cheap online) because they keep loosing them under the radiators and fridge. They are hilarious with them-- they bat them all over the place and also carry them in their mouths like victorious hunters. I find them in the oddest places-- in the bathtub, my shoes, the laundry basket. Highly recommend especially if you have wood/hard surface floors for maximum batting fun.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes