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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: octoprof on July 02, 2019, 07:23:50 AM

Title: Summer Self-Care
Post by: octoprof on July 02, 2019, 07:23:50 AM
What are you doing for yourself this summer?
What are you doing to take care of your body and your mind?
How's it going?
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: octoprof on July 02, 2019, 07:31:35 AM
Summer self care for me involves traveling with my spouse, taking a language class together, and generally being as lazy as possible, and also getting gentle exercise and good sleep, while keeping the online classes going with as little effort as possible (both things I've taught before).

I am also indulging my love for fountain pens buy buying new ones as we travel and writing lots of postcards as well as lists of new vocabulary words in little notebooks, and practicing new sentences.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: downer on July 02, 2019, 07:55:27 AM
I bought myself a yoga bolster and I'm trying to sit on it regularly in an effort to increase flexibility and open up my hips. Also more yoga generally.

More cooking. More kimchi.

A lot of catching up on books that I have been wanting to read.

More afternoon naps.

Hopefully some swimming.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: octoprof on July 02, 2019, 08:03:05 AM
Sounds like a great plan, downer!

What yoga bolster did you buy? Link please?
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: downer on July 02, 2019, 08:21:19 AM
I got this: Node Fitness Organic Cotton 25" x 12" Rectangular Yoga Bolster

You will find it's available though most of the big name stores. I'm pleased with it so far, although it may not be as firm as the ones I use at the yoga studio I sometimes visit.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: backatit on July 02, 2019, 09:15:58 AM
I finally went to the Dr. and had a sleep study; found out I have sleep apnea. Oh joy; has anyone else seen that Wanda Sykes standup where she discusses wearing the sleep mask with her very hot young wife? Oh yeah, that's me now...
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: octoprof on July 02, 2019, 09:50:09 AM
I did that last spring. I am used to the CPAP now and even bought a second tiny CPAP for travel. I had an allergic reaction to the nasal mask and now am using the nasal pillows instead. They are weird but I got used to them.

Your brain appreciates getting full oxygen now, for sure.

So glad you did this self care ting, backatit.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: AmLitHist on July 02, 2019, 10:02:13 AM
I finally went to therapy (general anxiety and depression).  The first visit was great and I really like the therapist, but the night before my second visit I kept waking up with panic attacks.  I called and she suggested I skip the visit and see how it would go--no more panic attacks.  Great......I'm too screwed up even for therapy.  Sigh.

In lieu of a psychologist, I'm spending quality time crocheting.  Since May I've already made three afghans and two baby afghans, so clearly the anxiety is being redirected in a productive way. And I'm feeling better.  Now I have to figure out how to sell all these afghans....

The other self-care has been scheduling my mornings for work (teaching one online class and prepping for fall, as well as thinking about a sabbatical proposal), with the afternoons and evenings reserved for t.v. and crocheting.  It feels luxurious!
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: sinenomine on July 02, 2019, 10:02:59 AM
I'm indulging in reading for fun (frequently on the patio with a refreshing drink), and just ordered the first three seasons of a French miniseries on a friend's recommendation.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: drbrt on July 02, 2019, 11:08:55 AM
I'm meditating every day. I also am on a Major Vacation. I'm hoping the stupid work conference at the end doesn't undo this. I get horrible anxiety at conferences, and this is our theory conference.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: nescafe on July 02, 2019, 01:04:22 PM
I'm spending the summer in a place where evening jogs aren't a thing, and so looking for new ways to exercise. I've never tried yoga; perhaps now is the time to start!
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: Conjugate on July 02, 2019, 01:29:48 PM
The spouse and I are visiting my in-laws. It's relaxing for her. I just vegetated and caught up on old episodes of Dr Who during June, so I got my stress-relief taken care of earlier.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: octoprof on July 03, 2019, 04:30:49 AM
Quote from: Conjugate on July 02, 2019, 01:29:48 PM
The spouse and I are visiting my in-laws. It's relaxing for her. I just vegetated and caught up on old episodes of Dr Who during June, so I got my stress-relief taken care of earlier.

Good for you. If I had to visit in-laws, I'd implode. Whew.

Vegetating is good! I recommend more of it.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: kaysixteen on July 03, 2019, 09:22:24 PM
Use the CPAP.  It changed my life, and I should have been on it ten years before I got it in 2011.  I would almost certainly be dead now if I did not finally obey the doctor then.  It is painless and easy.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: octoprof on July 04, 2019, 01:32:07 AM
Quote from: kaysixteen on July 03, 2019, 09:22:24 PM
Use the CPAP.  It changed my life, and I should have been on it ten years before I got it in 2011.  I would almost certainly be dead now if I did not finally obey the doctor then.  It is painless and easy.

I've had mine a year and it's been a life changer. Instead of 3-5 migraines a week, I get one every six months, and we had no idea the migraines were even related. I sleep so much better now. Still not perfect, but at my age, perfect isn't going to happen anyhow.

Today is our last day (probably) of total calm and relaxation while traveling. I hope to listen to the birds and the farm animals and sit in the sun a bit, and probably ride my bike a little. Aaaaaah.

Tomorrow we go for a long weekend into a major city where we don't speak the language and there is a huge event so probably not so relaxing (the train transfers and not getting lost are always stressful) but exciting and something on our major "to do and enjoy" list. I don't call it a bucket list because 1) why buckets? and 2) it's not that exciting.

Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: drbrt on July 04, 2019, 04:49:48 AM
Bucket list is shorthand for the things to do before you kick the bucket list
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: backatit on July 04, 2019, 07:04:10 AM
Quote from: octoprof on July 04, 2019, 01:32:07 AM
Quote from: kaysixteen on July 03, 2019, 09:22:24 PM
Use the CPAP.  It changed my life, and I should have been on it ten years before I got it in 2011.  I would almost certainly be dead now if I did not finally obey the doctor then.  It is painless and easy.

I've had mine a year and it's been a life changer. Instead of 3-5 migraines a week, I get one every six months, and we had no idea the migraines were even related. I sleep so much better now. Still not perfect, but at my age, perfect isn't going to happen anyhow.

Today is our last day (probably) of total calm and relaxation while traveling. I hope to listen to the birds and the farm animals and sit in the sun a bit, and probably ride my bike a little. Aaaaaah.

Tomorrow we go for a long weekend into a major city where we don't speak the language and there is a huge event so probably not so relaxing (the train transfers and not getting lost are always stressful) but exciting and something on our major "to do and enjoy" list. I don't call it a bucket list because 1) why buckets? and 2) it's not that exciting.

Thanks for the feedback - that is interesting about the migraines. I've suffered from them for years, so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Preventative meds have been helpful but I still get two or three per month and some morning headaches that aren't quite migraines but that probably ARE related. Now that I know that this is a problem I've been waking up every morning feeling like I've been wrestling bears. I hope the company calls me soon for a fitting.

As for getting lost in a strange place; good luck and enjoy. Since the advent of Google maps I've gotten really bad about that aspect of traveling, and it's on my list of things to get better about. I USED to be really good at getting lost, and my husband is a pro at it, but I've lost my comfort level with the experience. Not something I'm proud to admit.
Title: Re: Summer Self-Care
Post by: InfoPri on July 30, 2019, 07:10:32 PM
I have to admit, every day is summer for me now, given that I apparently am retired, and also given that I now live in Somewhere Warm, where the only way we know it's summer is that it's even hotter than usual (and maybe rainier).  (I do spend three or four months in MyCity, where I still have a house, but the moment fall threatens to turn cold--or, heaven forbid, snowy--we're out of there and on our way back to Somewhere Warm.

That said, my self-care is to spend at least six and preferably eight or ten hours a week in the gym, working out.  (I just posted on another thread about why, after a lifetime of avoiding exercise as if I were allergic to it, I have by all appearances turned into a gym rat.)  I just got back from five days visiting my sister (which is most definitely not self care and is, in fact, arguably its opposite), so I'm overdue for some exercise, and I feel it in my stiffness and increased general discomfort.

I am also binging on long-deferred and recently discovered streaming TV shows, and even finding time for some reading.  Also, while I use a 125cc scooter in Somewhere Warm for my daily transportation (unless it's pouring or I need to carry more than my boot will carry), here in MyCity I ride my 400cc scooter, often just for the sheer joy of taking it out into the country (just 10 minutes from my house in the center of the city) where there are no traffic lights, no traffic, and only an occasional stop sign.

Life is good, and I feel fortunate every single day.