Hello, does anyone here use Trello to manage articles at different stages of writing? I do since this summer, and it works amazingly. I highly recommend it.
I use it for different grant-related tasks, including papers. I like how it keeps everything organized and how it supports email.
I briefly checked out Trello when deciding what to use for lab management/task tracking, but it didn't really do all the things we wanted (it may have new features now, that was a few years ago), so we went with Asana and have been very happy with that (the free version does everything we want).
I do use Asana to track papers-- I like being able to see what is where in the pipeline and make sure we keep the pipe full and everything moving along. It works especially well for managing writing with grad students, because they can attach each new draft to the task, assign it to me, and then I attach the commented version and assign it back to them-- so we always have version control and always know who's turn it is with the paper, and best of all I never have to think about who's waiting on what from me because its all there in my task list.
I use Asana. My dream app would be that, but with the sort of Microsoft Project scheduling/gant-chart built in. Just tell me each day what I'm supposed to work on and for how long... and automagically reschedule when I or a co-author are running behind.