CV question re. invited lectures and subsequent publication

Started by Ancient Fellow, June 13, 2020, 04:24:03 AM

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Ancient Fellow

This is, I suppose, a question about how far one goes to connect the dots for CV readers.

If you were to deliver the yearly _____ Lectures at a university, which are then published by that university, would you make a note of that publication in the line for the invited lectures? Or would you list it completely separately without comment: book under "publications" and lecture series in "invited lectures?"

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this!

Ancient Fellow

Just checking in and realized my post reads as though I'm considering leaving off the line in "publications." I'm only asking about the possibility of including a note on publication in the "invited lectures" line.

Oh, the difference the second cup of coffee makes!


Is the presentation already given, or are you an invitee?

Is the publication out, in press, or in the process of being edited for submission?

The status of the two activities may determine the best approach.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.

Ancient Fellow

Thanks for replying Mamselle. I wouldn't put it on the CV until it's done and dusted, so please consider it a question about the finished product.


I think I would do the latter. I'm pretty sure that's how I've usually seen it done, at any rate.
I know it's a genus.


I'd go with the second option, but as long as it's clear what is going on, my personal view is that it doesn't matter.
It's not like anyone is going to use that singular entry to make an important decision.

I've seen or heard of people trying to persecute colleagues over such issues in their CV.  Don't. Op said it was just about his work, so I trust that is, but I figured I'd mention it.

Ancient Fellow

Yes, my post was in reference to myself. As recent posts suggest, the CV is getting lengthy and I am looking to find ways to clarify or highlight the things that are more significant.

Quote from: Ruralguy on June 14, 2020, 07:04:45 AM
I've seen or heard of people trying to persecute colleagues over such issues in their CV.  Don't. Op said it was just about his work, so I trust that is, but I figured I'd mention it.

It took several tries to figure out what you meant. I have to say it never occurred to me that people would run others down based on how something was listed on their CV. Fake publications? Sure, and I knew someone who faked his way into our PhD program based on education and publications he claimed, that no one verified, and that all proved to be air-soluble. Even then, there was no need to trash him, he'd gotten in over his head and eventually withdrew from the PhD program.