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Started by spork, July 16, 2020, 02:53:57 PM

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When I'm lecturing I use GoodNotes on my iPad to write on since it does the things you say -- allows you to save the document and have multiple slides etc.  My Zoom account does automatically download the whiteboards after class but its not the best.

But when the students are working on a small problem in the breakout room, they use the Jamboards.  My TA set up all the links ahead of time for each group.  Then I have a browser with all the links open so I can rapidly flip through them and see which group is stuck, which ones need an extension problem etc.  That is faster for me to monitor many groups than going in and out of the breakout rooms and looking at work on their whiteboard there.  I also have the links and so do the students after class if they want to refer to what they wrote.  Jamboards do allow you to generate multiple new slides.  It doesn't have fancy features like GoodNotes but its been working well with 100 students in intro physics.

I'm not sure if your application is the same as mine so maybe irrelevant -- just wanted to mention Jamboard as the google white board option.

Quote from: spork on February 24, 2021, 07:56:00 AM
Quote from: doc700 on February 24, 2021, 04:02:29 AM
We are using the Google Jamboards as a whiteboard for online collaboration.  I teach physics and the students use the jamboard during class and office hours to work on problems collaboratively.  Its been working great for us.  I think Jamboard is the "whiteboard" analogue for Google, not slides, if that is what you are looking for? 

Quote from: spork on February 24, 2021, 02:53:51 AM
Has anyone used Mural? It looks like a whiteboard tool for online collaboration. Students in my courses do a lot of team projects and I'm wondering if this product does anything that Google Slides can't.

Interesting, did not know about Jamboard. When teaching, I find it easier to just write in a screen-shared Google or Microsoft file than to use Zoom's whiteboard feature because I can save it if needed. Also, if I'm jotting down more than just a few words, I can keep writing on a new page/slide if needed. Maybe there is an easy way to do this in the Zoom whiteboard, but early on I found it awkward. As for collaborative student projects, I've been setting up Google files for student teams. But IT doesn't like this, because Google is "unsupported."


Quote from: Aster on October 23, 2020, 09:20:35 AM
This might help. I'm going to try this out myself today.
Blackboard Tip: Use Adaptive Release to Grant a Deadline Exception

So far, this is the #$%&* "workaround" that I have ever attempted to use on an LMS. Trying to use this method to give an extension to a student has currently resulted in the exam vanishing for everyone else *except* for the person wanting the exception. I have been cursing for over 10 minutes trying to fix this.

Any updates on a way to make this work?

I think you can use the "require password" setting to only let the needed student start the exam, but I don't know about the visibility issue.