reappointment at the rank of Assistant Professor

Started by violet, July 09, 2021, 01:30:51 PM

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I guess I was assuming that violet was a least screened by phone or Zoom, though Violet didn't say that.
So, yes, possible in a big pool that no one realized at the time that Violet applied , though they might figure it out eventually. More to the point is what someone else said about not really being at the right rank, though perhaps Violet already had tenure somewhere else at the time she applied.

In any case, I'm pretty sure I'd say no to almost all of these.I think too many schools are too quirky in their processes, and I'm not convinced that outside objectivity helps as much as one might think. It feels like swatting a hornets nest to me.


I think the fact that Violet feels uncomfortable doing this suggests they should recuse themselves. Violet, trust your gut and (politely) walk away.


Obviously I know nothing about the specific situation. Just ringing in to echo suggestions that rank/tenure may have been uncoupled. That's what happened at my place; I thought it was really weird (except for things like hiring at higher ranks, with short tenure clocks), but I guess it's not all that odd.
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