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the "things you wish you could say" thread

Started by archaeo42, May 30, 2019, 01:30:59 PM

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Why do you use reviewers who barely] read the submission?  You are not doing me
any service and not your journal either. Do they know the subject? And you have the gaul
To take 6 months of my time for nothing It is very possible that the author knows the
material in more depth than the reviewer does.


Dear Administrator,

Look, I know you are stepping down soon, but could you do your job until then?  We have these needs, you see.



How do you not realize that shutting off all purchasing on the day BEFORE you release the funds for my summer course is totally idiotic1. It is literally impossible to do what your moronic2 policy demands.   WTF?3

Closer to what I actually said- substitutions

1 problematic
2 contradictory
3 please advise
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Kid #1, I love you and have cut you sooooo much slack over the years because of your mild TBI/multiple concussions/bipolar dx. But the ongoing and increasing and increasingly nasty verbal abuse is done. Saying "sorry if (IF???) I was being a d*ck" doesn't cut it anymore. I understand you can't completely control it, but becoming increasingly unapologetic and refusing to even make any attempt to control it (by your own account) aren't working for me anymore.

I have my own anxiety, depression, and other unavoidable issues to deal with, without having a civil conversation turn into a swear-fest literally every time I've been around you in the past few weeks.

I'm fine with going no-contact for a while. You need to accept that, as well.

(Of course, actually saying this will only unleash louder, nastier abuse from them. I am limiting all contact to simple "yes/no" answers though. We'll see if/how that works.)


Oh @AmLitHist, I am so sorry to hear about these challenges. They make the days so heavy.

Do you have any support, e.g. from NAMI or anywhere else? Hope you have been able to access some help.

I parent an adult with autism and their factory settings appear to be anxious and angry, so we often receive verbal abuse. 

In our great state, we get almost nothing in support and the waitlist for disability services is something like 15 to 20 years (we are in the bottom three states of the US, per data reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation). 


Dear Stu,
If you were even a fraction as diligent at listening to the lectures and taking notes as you are about arguing your incorrect positions, you'd have an A+ by a huge margin.

No love
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question.


Thank you for the text letting me know that I have unpaid tolls.  Problem is, I haven't ventured beyond the state line in over six months.  And there are no toll roads or bridges whatsoever in this state.  I think I will decline to click on the link you so helpfully provided to pay my toll.
God gave Noah the rainbow sign
No more water, but the fire next time
When this world's all on fire
Hide me over, Rock of Ages, cleft for me


Quote from: apl68 on June 18, 2024, 07:21:45 AMThank you for the text letting me know that I have unpaid tolls.  Problem is, I haven't ventured beyond the state line in over six months.  And there are no toll roads or bridges whatsoever in this state.  I think I will decline to click on the link you so helpfully provided to pay my toll.

Room for something here about the fraudsters and the tolls they exact from the unsuspecting...