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May writing challenge

Started by Puget, April 30, 2020, 06:47:28 PM

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New month, new writing challenge! Basic idea (but use however works for you of course):

1. Every weekday, post specific, measurable, and achievable writing goal(s) for the day (no "work on paper", something more like "draft first two paragraphs of discussion section").

2. Do that writing task for at least 30 minutes during the day

3. Check in with your progress.

My* goals for May:

1. Grad student #1's next paper fully drafted and sent to coauthors
2. Grad student #2's next paper -- analyses run and results drafted maybe?? (she tends to be slow, and analyses are complex, but we'll see)
3. Grad student #3's next paper finished and maybe submitted (I think she is close but keeps not sending it to me. . .)
4. Finally finish the revisions and resubmit the dang long neglected paper
5. Do the preregistration for New Study paper 1. Stretch goal is to get the analyses done.

This is a very ambitious list, but I like to start the month optimistic, and with the semester over and everyone stuck at home, what else do we have to do?

*A lot of this work obviously has to be done by the grad students. My job is to nudge, coach, and help them revise (and revise, and revise).

"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Overly ambitious goals for May:

  • Write June Paper

And a disjunction of the following:

  • Finish Foggy Paper
  • Fix up and re-submit Coauthored Paper 1
  • Make meaningful progress on Coauthored Paper 2
I know it's a genus.


(Typically Ambitious) Goals for May:
Finish the longstanding paper (one more figure, then polish text).
Edit and help finish a new coauthor paper #1
R&R a coauthor paper #1
R&R coauthor paper #2 with editorial revisions
Finish and write a paper #2 based on recent analysis.
Finish a dataset paper #3
Assist graduate student with new paper which will upset many people in the field #4
Submit the short narrative for my external review for tenure (EEK).
Finish preparing the proposal I started last month (due June 1).

If I somehow get these done, then I guess it is on to the massive beast of a paper that I need to get done this summer.


May goals:
- Finalize paper and get it under review
- Get book chapter off the ground
- Revisit old project and decide whether it is worth salvaging... if so, salvage!
- Keep chipping away at paper with co-authors
- Work on developing some new ideas

And hopefully I'll hear from some journals where I currently have papers under review.  Those will become priorities when they do come back.


1. At least 30 min on long neglected paper revisions
2. Port existing method text into new study preregistration
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Today, let's see what an hour on June Paper gets me.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 01, 2020, 09:20:04 AM
Today, let's see what an hour on June Paper gets me.

Two hours, 700 words. Not bad! I mean, they suck. But it's something!
I know it's a genus.


Today, made progress in clearing my sheet, finishing up the last of class responsibilities. Tomorrow - making progress on at least one of the papers.


Quote from: JCu16 on May 01, 2020, 07:37:46 AM
R&R a coauthor paper #1

Success on this front today after a full days work (its a big journal paper), and completed 2 paper reviews over the weekend clearing my plate of those for the moment. Grading wraps up this week, and need to submit my dossier for external review. Tomorrow, its time to tackle the long-standing paper. Good news was a paper acceptance at the end of last week in a good journal.


May writing goals:

  • Finish lit review of new project by 5/26
  • Draft special issue manuscript due 6/15
  • Draft manuscript of 5 year old study
  • Work with co-authors on R&R
  • Start drafting manuscript for grant project that ends 5/31

I am tired just thinking about this since I have to turn in spring grades and prepare summer classes that start 6/8!


May I join you all? I don't usually plan out goals in month-long chunks, and I may not remember to visit and update each day. But for today, my goal is to make as much progress as possible on an R&R with a grad student. Hopefully I will be able to comment on the entire manuscript and send back to her, but I haven't opened the file yet and don't know how extensive my feedback will need to be.


Quote from: nonsensical on May 04, 2020, 05:19:36 AM
May I join you all? I don't usually plan out goals in month-long chunks, and I may not remember to visit and update each day. But for today, my goal is to make as much progress as possible on an R&R with a grad student. Hopefully I will be able to comment on the entire manuscript and send back to her, but I haven't opened the file yet and don't know how extensive my feedback will need to be.

Of course! Welcome!

Today's goal for me:

  • 500 words of June Paper.
I know it's a genus.


1. Feedback for grad #2 on preregistration draft edits
2. Feedback for MA student on thesis results section
3. Long neglected paper - 30 min.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 04, 2020, 08:11:09 AM

  • 500 words of June Paper.

561 words, and I've stopped to do some much-needed background reading. I don't let my lack of research stop me, but at some point it needs to be remedied!
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Puget on May 04, 2020, 12:08:49 PM
1. Feedback for grad #2 on preregistration draft edits
2. Feedback for MA student on thesis results section
3. Long neglected paper - 30 min.

For tomorrow:

1. At least 60 min. on long neglected paper
2. Port analysis text into new study preregistration
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes