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May writing challenge

Started by Puget, April 30, 2020, 06:47:28 PM

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I managed to give feedback on the entire paper plus supplemental materials yesterday. Woohoo! But that means that today, I have a more modest goal of catching up on other things by writing many e-mails between meetings. At least one of those e-mails has a draft of a different paper from a different student, so answering e-mails could include giving feedback on that draft, but I am not counting on it.


Todays goal:
word 1 hour on neglected and unloved paper



  • 500 words of June Paper
  • Moar research for June Paper
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: JCu16 on May 01, 2020, 07:37:46 AM
Finish the longstanding paper (one more figure, then polish text).

Made significant progress on this today and yesterday, solving a problem thats been bugging me for a couple of months, and in doing so finishing off that last irritating figure. I also did all the updates to the figure captions that I needed to do. In fact, I've made so much so that I am rapidly converging on being to send this for the internal review process of one of my coauthors tomorrow. Last steps - polish up the section that figure analysis was relevant to, and put the relevant table in latex format. Last two steps and its ready to fire off (and in final exam week no less). Grading monster will have to be satiated tomorrow as well.


Today's progress:

  • Drafted 6,300 words on the special issue manuscript due 6/15 (with a 7,000 word max including cover page, abstract, and references, oops) but woohoo that is progress!
  • Worked on manuscript for 5-year old study! I did not see how many words I wrote but it was a good amount! I worked on this first before the other one, but I would guess at least a few hundred words

Quote from: darkstarrynight on May 03, 2020, 06:28:51 PM
May writing goals:

  • Finish lit review of new project by 5/26
  • Draft special issue manuscript due 6/15
  • Draft manuscript of 5 year old study
  • Work with co-authors on R&R
  • Start drafting manuscript for grant project that ends 5/31

I am tired just thinking about this since I have to turn in spring grades and prepare summer classes that start 6/8!


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 05, 2020, 09:20:14 AM

  • 500 words of June Paper
  • Moar research for June Paper

Done and done. Alas, the research never ends, but only ever points to more relevant material!

Quote from: darkstarrynight on May 05, 2020, 05:40:53 PM

  • Drafted 6,300 words on the special issue manuscript due 6/15 (with a 7,000 word max including cover page, abstract, and references, oops) but woohoo that is progress!

Hole. E-carp! That's fantastic!
I know it's a genus.


I'm new to the fora and this seems like a good place to jump in. I am hoping to use summer to wrap up some long neglected projects.

May Goals
1. Finish and submit former student #1's long-neglected manuscript.
2. Submit internal grant proposal. (not yet started)

Today's Goal
1. Spend 60 minutes editing former student #1's long-neglected manuscript.


Welcome Bonnie, glad you could join us!

I only got to one of my goals yesterday, for no very good reason. I think I'm in a bit of a post-semester slump, but trying to get re-motivated!

Just finished feedback on an honors thesis, and going to try to make up for yesterday with at least 2 hours on long neglected paper revisions today. 
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes



  • 700 words on June Paper
  • More reading for June Paper
I know it's a genus.


I managed 90 minutes with the former student #1 long-neglected paper. Made good progress. It needs more work than I expected, but I am still aiming for getting it out by end of month.

Today's Goal
1. Spend 60 minutes editing former student #1's long-neglected manuscript.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on May 06, 2020, 10:22:09 AM

  • 700 words on June Paper
  • More reading for June Paper

733 words. I'm a little frustrated with the slow going (at least, it feels slow; I haven't quite found my feet yet, and don't yet have the structure down). But I've now got a conference-length paper, so that's a start!
I know it's a genus.


Parasaurolophus, it does sound frustrating to feel like something is slow going ... but that is so much better than no-going. Slow going for several days can add up to a lot of progress. So I am cheering for you from over here.

I gave feedback on the entire paper my student had sent me. Today's goal: address one reviewer comment on a grant proposal that I am aiming to resubmit this summer.


Quote from: nonsensical on May 07, 2020, 04:47:27 AM
Parasaurolophus, it does sound frustrating to feel like something is slow going ... but that is so much better than no-going. Slow going for several days can add up to a lot of progress. So I am cheering for you from over here.

Thanks! That's very true. And it's only the first week of May. Technically, I still have a full month before June Paper is actually due.


  • 500 words of June Paper
  • Research call with friendly acquaintance
I know it's a genus.


Good morning all! I am plugging away at grading this morning. Writing mid afternoon after a college meeting. I should have scheduled the writing for this morning, as I will be exhausted by the time that meeting ends. But...grading...

1. 60 minutes on former student #1's long-neglected paper, focused on paring down results
2. Budget and budget justification for internal grant


I addressed not one, not two, but three whole grant-related comments -- and all before noon. I am putting this grant down for today, but my goal is to address at least one additional comment tomorrow.