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July writing challenge

Started by Puget, July 02, 2020, 10:30:33 AM

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By now you all know what to do. . .

I need to get back into more regular writing this month, so I'll try to post more regularly here.

1. Draft feedback to MA student who needs to finish already
2. Read through grant reviews (not fundable, but it got discussed not triaged, so hopefully we can revise and resubmit)
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Discussed is good! Reading reviews can be an exercise in frustration sometimes, though. I have some cupcakes over here for you for when you're done.

In the June thread, I talked about a few projects that I had outlined. Yesterday I drafted a section of one paper based on one of those outlines. Today I focused more on a paper draft that I received from a student and sent it back to her with comments.


July Goals:

  • Get paper #1 under review - finalizing with coauthor now and we should be able to get it out soon... but this paper has had its share of setbacks so fingers crossed
  • Get paper #2 under review - got some feedback from colleagues, need to make a few edits before submitting, also coordinating with coathors but I think we are all wanting to get it out the door asap
  • Make progress on paper #3 (this is R&R) - working with coauthors to finalize; due to journal in August but I'd like to get it out in July
  • Complete and submit book chapter - about 2/3s complete and due at the end of July

Stretch Goals (if all other things are done early):

  • Submit IRB for new project
  • Make some progress on new paper with colleague


Oops. I forgot that a new month demanded a new thread.

July's far too ambitious goals:

  • Finish and submit July Paper (if I decide it's worth pursuing).
  • Write a review of Friend's Book.
  • Generate referee report
  • Finish and submit Foggy Paper.
  • Fix up and resubmit Unusual Outlier Paper.
  • Fix up and resubmit Co-Authored Paper 1.
  • Make progress on Co-Authored Paper 2.

There's no way I'll manage to do it all, although surely in principle I could. But the first three are the real goals, the others are stretches. CAP-2 needs a lot of work, but I need to corner my co-author so that we can coordinate, and that's easier said than done.


  • Read a chunk more of Friend's Book.
  • Read a chunk of Partner's Dissertation.
  • Work awhile on July Paper, to see if it's worth continuing with it.
I know it's a genus.


Great thread! For July I need to:

  • complete revisions on an article, resubmit
  • complete edits on a book review, submit
  • complete review of state curricular materials
  • revise grad syllabus for Fall, contact students about day-1 expectations
  • reach goal: write 10 pages of original research; any original research

Today I am working on line edits for the book review.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 02, 2020, 12:19:10 PM


  • Read a chunk more of Friend's Book.
  • Read a chunk of Partner's Dissertation.
  • Work awhile on July Paper, to see if it's worth continuing with it.

The chunks read were fairly small, but I decided I can probably save July Paper, and wrote 1444 more words of it.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: nonsensical on July 02, 2020, 10:42:02 AM
Discussed is good! Reading reviews can be an exercise in frustration sometimes, though. I have some cupcakes over here for you for when you're done.

Thank you! I enjoyed my virtual cupcakes.

Reviews were. . .mixed. Two reviewers liked our ideas  a lot (1s on impact) and had some reasonable suggestions on approach, though I find it kind of annoying when they want everything described in more detail (we'd be happy to-- where do we get the pages for that?). Two were not as happy, but I think we can address most of it. They really want us to add personnel (again, kind of annoying that they don't believe we can do our own stats, but I think that's just what you get with a bunch of psychiatrists who think you need a biostatistician to do your stats for you). Having a fourth review on an NIH grant is highly unusual, not sure what we did to merit that particular honor.

OK, end rant. Will discuss more with collaborator next week.

Today: Write up final report for internal grant.

Then the rest of today I have to spend on teaching prep. Moving my big class to a partially online flipped format for fall is proving very time consuming, but I've kind of been wanting to flip it for awhile now, so if it works well this semester it will be good.

"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Besides ongoing work on an article, I'm still preparing Ppts to transfer my usual Saturday tours to an online format.

One of my students is an online ed. program director and gave me ideas last night for an easier way to do the voiceovers, so I'm more hopeful about getting that right.

Text and pix yet to be fully assembled: that's today's task.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Mine is quite simple!

1. Fix the paper once rejected!!
2. Continue to work on a research-in-progress that is lonnnnnnnnnnnng overdue!
3. And oh! Keep waiting for 2 R & Rs and the feedback from "the" journal.
4. This is unrelated. But start the teaching prep for fall asap!!! :(


Day taken up by tasks out in the world, so my goals for today only involve reading some chunks.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Puget on July 03, 2020, 07:15:50 AM
Today: Write up final report for internal grant.

Done. I finally came around to the idea that they don't really want science, they want good stories they can share with the "stakeholders", and got it done, with nice quotes from students who participated in our program they can use.

Since it is technically a holiday, and finally blessedly cool but not raining here today, I think I will do long overdue yard work and painting this afternoon and go back to work-work Sunday when it is hot again and recording lectures with the AC on is more appealing.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: Puget on July 03, 2020, 07:15:50 AM
Today: Write up final report for internal grant.

Done. I finally came around to the idea that they don't really want science, they want good stories they can share with the "stakeholders", and got it done, with nice quotes they can use for that from students who participated in our program.

Since it is technically a holiday, and finally blessedly cool but not raining here today, I think I will do long overdue yard work and painting this afternoon and go back to work-work Sunday when it is hot again and recording lectures with the AC on is more appealing.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 03, 2020, 08:38:45 AM
Day taken up by tasks out in the world, so my goals for today only involve reading some chunks.

A bad day of tasks unfulfilled, in the end. But I managed to read some decent chunks, and even wrote a small chunk this morning before everything went sour.
I know it's a genus.


Thanks for keeping this up, Puget!

July goals

  • Finish long neglected paper and submit manuscript to target journal - my co-author and I are at the finish line!
  • Start manuscript from grant project
  • Finish up manuscript with superstar and rising star for target journal
  • Continue to help colleague transform part of her dissertation to an article - target journal identified
  • Start new project with the only person in my subfield who I have not collaborated with yet - meeting has been set for the end of the month
  • Finish multi-author report of project I got to present at an international conference two years ago!
  • Hope my conditionally accepted paper for journal special issue gets published, my third revision for another journal finally gets accepted, and my currently under review paper that I wrote with three current and former students gets a R&R



  • More reading.
  • More writing (July Paper).
I know it's a genus.