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July writing challenge

Started by Puget, July 02, 2020, 10:30:33 AM

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-Sign off in final preregistration draft for online study Done! Grad student will start analyzing this week.
- MA student discussion section draft comments (Please, please let this be done soon!)

Other than that, continuing to work on class prep for fall.
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 06, 2020, 08:35:52 AM

  • More reading.
  • More writing (July Paper).

Just one longish chapter of my friend's book left, and I managed to write 900 words of July Paper. Maybe I'll put a little work into Foggy Paper now. We'll see.

EDIT: Yup, put a small chunk of work into Foggy Paper. I should be ready to do some re-arranging and writing on it tomorrow.[/list]
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Puget on July 06, 2020, 09:11:40 AM
-Sign off in final preregistration draft for online study Done! Grad student will start analyzing this week.
- MA student discussion section draft comments (Please, please let this be done soon!)

Other than that, continuing to work on class prep for fall.

Done-- the discussion draft remained painful. This student is a very sweet person, but not a clear scientific thinker or good writer. She's made a lot of progress this year, but I hope she will come around on her own terms to stopping with the MA (she was in our terminal MA program so she's done with us anyway as soon as she finally finishes this thesis, months behind schedule). She took a para-professional clinical position which is good because I was dreading having to write carefully phrased LoRs for research positions for her, but I think she is still planning to apply for them in the future. Oh well. For now I just need her to finish already.

Preregister other collaborative study and prep the files for the first part of the data analysis. Stretch goal: run first part of analysis.

"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: mamselle on July 03, 2020, 07:32:26 AM
Besides ongoing work on an article, I'm still preparing Ppts to transfer my usual Saturday tours to an online format.

One of my students is an online ed. program director and gave me ideas last night for an easier way to do the voiceovers, so I'm more hopeful about getting that right.

Text and pix yet to be fully assembled: that's today's task.


I'm letting the article go for the moment until the PPts get done; aim is to have at least one or two of them ready for this weekend.

Most of the pictures are in place for the first one, with text and instructions to go; the second needs more pix and more work overall.

The third might be able to be done from the extensive handout I usually distribute, which is (thank goodness) mostly in .pdf form at this point, so I can cut and paste in the pix and retype text without a lot of thinking about it.

There are, of course, editing and other tasks for the "paying job," as well....and all the teaching starts again tomorrow afternoon.

So, up early and see how much I can get done before then is going to be the challenge for now.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: darkstarrynight on July 03, 2020, 09:12:14 PM
Thanks for keeping this up, Puget!

July goals

  • Finish long neglected paper and submit manuscript to target journal - my co-author and I are at the finish line!
  • Start manuscript from grant project
  • Finish up manuscript with superstar and rising star for target journal
  • Continue to help colleague transform part of her dissertation to an article - target journal identified
  • Start new project with the only person in my subfield who I have not collaborated with yet - meeting has been set for the end of the month
  • Finish multi-author report of project I got to present at an international conference two years ago!
  • Hope my conditionally accepted paper for journal special issue gets published, my third revision for another journal finally gets accepted, and my currently under review paper that I wrote with three current and former students gets a R&R

I gave my presentation yesterday for my "award winning study" to the organization as a webinar, so that is done. My collaborator and I should be done with "long neglected paper" by the end of the week! We have enough data for a second paper too, which is really exciting. I intend to get the grant study manuscript draft started this week and am still waiting for "rising star" on the trio paper to give me the green light to review the draft. Things are moving along so well in ways I have never experienced in terms of productivity. I guess I can stop beating myself up about the long neglected project because when discussing the manuscript with the target journal editor, the editor remarked that it sounded very interesting to hu and that the journal wants my grant project manuscript there too, though I had not submitted anything yet. *insert happy dance*



Homes for your orphans!

Good show.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


I woke up with a migraine and have a day of errands in town, so productivity will be low. My partner is leaving for a few days, however, which means that late-night work-mode is enabled. We'll see what happens.

Given the givens, I'll be satisfied with any of 1-3 plus 4:

  • Finish friend's book.
  • Put some work into July Paper.
  • Put some work into Foggy Paper.
  • Review Co-authored Paper 2 ahead of meeting with co-author tomorrow.

I know it's a genus.


June catch-up notes: Finished the task for friend. Check received. Yea!


   a. More work done on one PPt. Other up!

   b. Editing for "real job" now has several things partially started/to be finished.

   c. Email sendouts for this job also now due: dicey editing question: can you edit a friend's work and stay friends?? (gulp)
       Visuals to be chosen and layout to be started.

First student of the week in 20 min., better transition!

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 07, 2020, 10:51:54 AM

Given the givens, I'll be satisfied with any of 1-3 plus 4:

  • Finish friend's book.
  • Put some work into July Paper.
  • Put some work into Foggy Paper.
  • Review Co-authored Paper 2 ahead of meeting with co-author tomorrow.

Well, the plans were scuppered and (possibly) postponed until tomorrow, although other crap inevitably crowded in. So now I'm half-done the last chapter of (1), and put a small pile of work into (2). I thought about working on (3), but didn't feel up to it by the time I got to it.
I know it's a genus.


I've been making progress filling in sections of the grant and papers that I was outlining in June. A student at another institution is writing a post-doc fellowship application that would fund a position for her in my lab if she gets it, and she sent me a draft recently, so my goal for today is to give comments on that.

Also, a manuscript I wrote with one of my grad students got an R&R at a Very Fancy journal. A journal I thought would definitely reject this work. We found out about that a few days ago, and I am still excited about it!


Yesterday got consumed by class prep and meetings (though some were about papers my grad students are writing, so that sort of counts?) Today the only meeting I have is writing-related, so hopefully I can catch up on writing goals.

1. New round of feedback on MA student discussion section
2. Meet with collaborator to talk through grant revisions
3. Preregister other collaborative paper (left over from yesterday)
4. Prep data file for step 1 of analyses on that paper (left over from yesterday)

Quote from: nonsensical on July 08, 2020, 02:49:42 AM
Also, a manuscript I wrote with one of my grad students got an R&R at a Very Fancy journal. A journal I thought would definitely reject this work. We found out about that a few days ago, and I am still excited about it!
That's awesome nonsensical, congrats to you and your student!
"Never get separated from your lunch. Never get separated from your friends. Never climb up anything you can't climb down."
–Best Colorado Peak Hikes


Quote from: Sun_Worshiper on July 02, 2020, 11:37:26 AM
July Goals:

  • Get paper #1 under review - finalizing with coauthor now and we should be able to get it out soon... but this paper has had its share of setbacks so fingers crossed
  • Get paper #2 under review - got some feedback from colleagues, need to make a few edits before submitting, also coordinating with coathors but I think we are all wanting to get it out the door asap
  • Make progress on paper #3 (this is R&R) - working with coauthors to finalize; due to journal in August but I'd like to get it out in July
  • Complete and submit book chapter - about 2/3s complete and due at the end of July

Stretch Goals (if all other things are done early):

  • Submit IRB for new project
  • Make some progress on new paper with colleague

Waiting on coauthors for a couple of days gave me a chance to start working on this new paper.  Modest progress, but I'll take it.  This morning I heard from co-author on paper #1 and I think we are very close to submitting, maybe by the end of this week.


Today's gonna be another attenuated day, so:

  • Finish friend's book.
  • Work on July Paper.

Anything else is a bonus.
I know it's a genus.


Quote from: Puget on July 08, 2020, 06:01:29 AM
That's awesome nonsensical, congrats to you and your student!

Thank you! It is great to be wrong about things sometimes, especially when the thing I am wrong about is my guess that a journal will reject our paper.

It took all day to give feedback on the post-doc fellowship, but I am done now and the student has margins that are basically a wall full of bubble comments. Days like today make me grateful for times when I can work all day on something with no interruptions.


Quote from: Parasaurolophus on July 08, 2020, 08:47:18 AM
Today's gonna be another attenuated day, so:

  • Finish friend's book.
  • Work on July Paper.

The work on the paper was minimal, but all kinds of life crap got in the way today.
I know it's a genus.