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Being Asked To Teach Antiracistly?

Started by mahagonny, July 06, 2020, 04:18:31 AM

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Quote from: fishbrains on July 07, 2020, 08:14:01 AM

We currently only have one full-time African-American faculty member at our college.

And I know/hope other's experiences are a little different from mine right now. Sorry to sound negative.

We have many at this particular school.

QuoteNo. Just no, at least with my College's situation. Example: Our admins have encouraged us to engage in "meaningful conversations" with our Black colleagues to learn how they are affected by racism and to learn about their experiences at our college.

Can they take the option of reporting they have not experienced racism? Or would that mean we are lazy? I rather think the opposite. We are lazy when we put words in one's mouth.
Thing is, if a black person feels a draft in the faculty lounge or wherever, we need to know about it. Perhaps it is that they feel they need to hide the fact that they are devoutly Christian. Such things have been reported at CHE.
But the current situation is about the police killings and the reaction. And then the recent black -on-black violence in the cities. And the monuments. These are extremely important, but it is a leap to suppose that because these things of on, our teaching has been errant. It just seems like knee-jerk reacting. Those of us who love diverse classrooms want a little credit and trust I guess.