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Office position vs office size

Started by Thersites, August 03, 2020, 05:24:53 PM

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The factors more important than the question asked: 

* soundproofing
* reliable climate control that I can control
* proximity to a good restroom that is regularly cleaned with never a line
* ability for people with appointments to find it.  One professor gave instructions of 'come in the building using the west door.  Walk towards the east door.  When you see the sign for the physics office, look to the other side of the hall where there's what looks like a closet door.  Go through the closet door and turn left.  Go up the stairs and turn right.  Put your back to the clearly marked Men's Room door and walk forward slowly until you can see a path around the big plants.  Once you've cleared the plants, turn right.  My office is the fourth door on the left.  If you walk out onto a balcony with a garden, then you've gone too far; go back to the plants and try again." 

He was right, but those are way harder instructions than 'room 122 in the physics building near the CS department office on the first floor.'
Quote from: hmaria1609 on June 27, 2019, 07:07:43 PM
Do whatever you want--I'm just the background dancer in your show!


Quote from: Kron3007 on August 04, 2020, 08:35:40 AM
It's not the size that counts....

My priorities would be more related to proximity to my lab or other facilities that I use, windows/view, etc, more than square footage. 

Regarding high vs low traffic, I usually have my door closed so I wouldn't really care.  I also find that my mess will expand to fill any size space, so as long as it is a reasonable size, bigger is not really better.  I have a medium sized office and find it is more than enough space, so the other factors would be more important than more space.
Yes, I agree totally. There are other nuances to be considered! My first office at my current job was near colleagues (nice), had a great window overlooking nice landscaping (awesome), but got flooded (yuck) and was a couple blocks from my lab (horrible). New office: connected to the lab (most important), but sadly has no window (worst thing).  Size medium for both. For me being in the same building as, and close to, the lab with a window is the holy grail for offices...with lower traffic being better (less noise and distractions), though since I keep my exterior door shut it doesn't matter that much.


Quote from: the_geneticist on August 04, 2020, 11:23:27 AM
I've had four offices so far.  One was a windowless, tiny cubby that I had to share.  It was stuffy and cluttered and far from my lab, but had a rather nice squishy green chair.  I liked that I could close the door and no one knew I was there.

Nothing like a shared office, especially when there are only three desks (Battered metal desks that literally appeared to have come through a war) for three people sharing the office.  We had to stagger our office hours.  There was no sense in requesting a fourth desk, as there was no floor space for one.
For our light affliction, which is only for a moment, works for us a far greater and eternal weight of glory.  We look not at the things we can see, but at those we can't.  For the things we can see are temporary, but those we can't see are eternal.


Wry thought.

Some people think it's always just about position and size.

Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

Reprove not a scorner, lest they hate thee: rebuke the wise, and they will love thee.

Give instruction to the wise, and they will be yet wiser: teach the just, and they will increase in learning.


I resent that this poll is already closed.



When I had this dilemma, I chose the less convenient but quieter location, with more space. It's a long walk to the bathroom, break room fridge/microwave, and printer. But pre-pandemic I seldom got random student interruptions, and my window faces a quiet courtyard instead of frat row.


Lots of things were left out! 
Proximity to dean's office?
View (my view is excellent!  The other end of the building overlooks the roof, and the view beyond that is the parking garage).

When we selected offices, it was done on a rank, then time in rank criteria.  I said, "anything on the 'good view' of the building. My office is the one just outside the Dean's suite.  (No one wanted to be that close to the dean's office.  IF he needed someone to do something, MY office would mean he didnt have to walk far!! .... One department chair choose the polar opposite end of the Dean's office so as to minimize the probability that the dean would come and visit him!!)

Other things to consider is the direction of the sun.  IF the sun is glaring in so that you need sun glasses even with the shades down, (baking your office), or if there is an AC vent blowing on you, or there is a support column eating up space so that the university supplied (and required) furniture does not fit well (lots of lost space). 

So, IF my goal is to work and be left alone, then the out of the quieter room is better.  IF other things are important, like a view, then that drives the location choice.
"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"  Darth Vader