claim: students will not party because they want to do the right thing

Started by polly_mer, August 19, 2020, 07:19:17 AM

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Syracuse U vice chancellor said the following to welcome a particular group of ~100 freshmen:

Quote from: Mike HaynieLast night, a large group of first-year students selfishly jeopardized the very thing that so many of you claim to want from Syracuse University—that is, a chance at a residential college experience. I say this because the students who gathered on the Quad last night may have done damage enough to shut down campus, including residence halls and in-person learning, before the academic semester even begins.

Make no mistake, there was not a single student who gathered on the Quad last night who did not know and understand that it was wrong to do so. Instead, those students knowingly ignored New York State public health law and the provisions of the Syracuse University Stay Safe Pledge. Even more selfish and unsettling is how the actions of those students willfully undercut the efforts of those who have worked tirelessly over the summer to set the conditions for the continuation of residential learning. Even more selfish and unsettling is how the actions of those students may prevent our seniors from claiming their final year of college on our residential campus. Even more selfish and unsettling is how the actions of those students could force a situation where some of their classmates may have to vacate the most safe and stable and supportive living situation they have ever known.

The ones seen on video of the event will be subject to disciplinary procedure.


So much rhetoric from the various university leaders:  "disappointing, reckless, selfish students, we're better than this!"

Students, faculty, and staff are admonishing university leaders for ignoring warnings, pleas, and accurate predictions all summer.  Example 1:

UNC-Chapel Hill Student Newspaper

QuoteHowever, Guskiewicz, Provost Bob Blouin and the rest of the administration are far too eager to attribute blame to parties other than themselves. Matters are rarely as complex as UNC makes them seem. The chancellor of a public university with a multi-billion dollar endowment is hardly powerless — not now, not ever.

We're angry — and we're scared. We're tired of the gaslighting, tired of the secrecy, tired of being treated like cash cows by a University with such blatant disregard for our lives.


Quote from: Cheerful on August 20, 2020, 02:25:12 PM
So much rhetoric from the various university leaders:  "disappointing, reckless, selfish students, we're better than this!"

Students, faculty, and staff are admonishing university leaders for ignoring warnings, pleas, and accurate predictions all summer.  Example 1:

UNC-Chapel Hill Student Newspaper

QuoteHowever, Guskiewicz, Provost Bob Blouin and the rest of the administration are far too eager to attribute blame to parties other than themselves. Matters are rarely as complex as UNC makes them seem. The chancellor of a public university with a multi-billion dollar endowment is hardly powerless — not now, not ever.

We're angry — and we're scared. We're tired of the gaslighting, tired of the secrecy, tired of being treated like cash cows by a University with such blatant disregard for our lives.

Yes, which is exactly right. Some percentage of students, perhaps a relatively small one, will act like schmucks. It isn't really clear to me how much the really reckless behavior even drove the spread at Chapel Hill, or will drive the spread elsewhere. It won't help, but the bigger problem is that the virus spreads really rapidly in communal living situations. I don't think it was reckless for schools to make plans to try reopen in the fall back in May and June. The reckless part is going ahead with those plans when you have high case counts in much of the country.


WE have 30,000 students. If 90% do the right thing as suggested above--that still leaves 3000 reckless partiers endangering everyone. I predict we will shut down the day after refunding for Fall tuition is not allowed--but I am a cynical-type...


If HC's fall semester is being conducted entirely online, what exactly is the college's interest in, or authority/ responsibility for, students' getting sick at off-campus parties anyhow?


Quote from: hmaria1609 on June 27, 2019, 07:07:43 PM
Do whatever you want--I'm just the background dancer in your show!


Quote from: bio-nonymous on August 20, 2020, 03:03:01 PM
WE have 30,000 students. If 90% do the right thing as suggested above--that still leaves 3000 reckless partiers endangering everyone. I predict we will shut down the day after refunding for Fall tuition is not allowed--but I am a cynical-type...

I have been predicting the same thing.

Except, we won't shut down; we'll go fully remote instead.

Then, in the Spring, we will do what we should have decreed a month ago: Only components of courses that must be taught in person and on specific apparatus may be taught live. Everything else must be taught remotely. Ditto for work done by staff.
back to the books.

Katrina Gulliver

Quote from: Hibush on August 20, 2020, 02:10:49 PM
Syracuse U vice chancellor said the following to welcome a particular group of ~100 freshmen:

Quote from: Mike HaynieLast night, a large group of first-year students selfishly jeopardized the very thing that so many of you claim to want from Syracuse University—that is, a chance at a residential college experience.

That line just gets me, because the kids who broke the rules were HAVING a "residential college experience" (ie, partying). If you're going to stay shut in your room, you may as well be at home.


Quote from: bacardiandlime on August 22, 2020, 03:18:12 AM

That line just gets me, because the kids who broke the rules were HAVING a "residential college experience" (ie, partying). If you're going to stay shut in your room, you may as well be at home.

Does anybody under 30 actually say "partying" any more. I keep seeing news stories talking about the kids and their "partying" and it is always a little cringe inducing


Quote from: hmaria1609 on June 27, 2019, 07:07:43 PM
Do whatever you want--I'm just the background dancer in your show!


Quote from: Caracal on August 22, 2020, 05:26:05 AM
Does anybody under 30 actually say "partying" any more. I keep seeing news stories talking about the kids and their "partying" and it is always a little cringe inducing

Usually they have more specific terminology. For example, there's a cultural divide between the terms "dayger" and "darty," (during which you "black out when its light out").  Of course those are different from "swaps" or "formals," and there's probably a few other subsets of "party" that I'm forgetting. But yeah, "partying" is what goes on there.


Northeastern sent letters to 115 students who, in an Instagram poll, allegedly said they would party.  Owners of the Instagram account gave their names to Northeastern officials!

QuoteIt has been brought to our attention that on a social media platform you have indicated an intent to gather in large groups and engage in parties while disregarding numerous government and university restrictions regarding safe distancing and social gatherings during the COVID-19 crisis, and encouraged others to do the same," Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Madeleine Estabrook wrote in the letter, which was obtained by The News. "This is unacceptable, will not be tolerated, and presents a danger to your health and the health of our community.

Students are required to send Northeastern a written response.

QuoteStudents who fail to complete these tasks, the letter reads, will have their offers of admission rescinded.


Quote from: RatGuy on August 22, 2020, 07:14:49 AM
Quote from: Caracal on August 22, 2020, 05:26:05 AM
Does anybody under 30 actually say "partying" any more. I keep seeing news stories talking about the kids and their "partying" and it is always a little cringe inducing

Usually they have more specific terminology. For example, there's a cultural divide between the terms "dayger" and "darty," (during which you "black out when its light out").  Of course those are different from "swaps" or "formals," and there's probably a few other subsets of "party" that I'm forgetting. But yeah, "partying" is what goes on there.

Does that mean administrators are sending the notices wrong?  Is there going to be a mass

Zounds!  Unaware were we that 'partying' meant 'doing a darty'!  Henceforth, we will only interact with one paramour for the whole semester and use Jitsi for virtual interactions with our friends and colleagues for the vital college experience of all-night discussions on life, the universe, and everything.  If only we had been properly informed from the beginning using the proper terms, this all could have been avoided.

Do college students really not know that 'partying' is 'gathering in a group for a social interaction for fun and games'?
Quote from: hmaria1609 on June 27, 2019, 07:07:43 PM
Do whatever you want--I'm just the background dancer in your show!


Quote from: polly_mer on August 22, 2020, 08:22:47 PM
Quote from: RatGuy on August 22, 2020, 07:14:49 AM
Quote from: Caracal on August 22, 2020, 05:26:05 AM
Does anybody under 30 actually say "partying" any more. I keep seeing news stories talking about the kids and their "partying" and it is always a little cringe inducing

Usually they have more specific terminology. For example, there's a cultural divide between the terms "dayger" and "darty," (during which you "black out when its light out").  Of course those are different from "swaps" or "formals," and there's probably a few other subsets of "party" that I'm forgetting. But yeah, "partying" is what goes on there.

Does that mean administrators are sending the notices wrong?  Is there going to be a mass

Zounds!  Unaware were we that 'partying' meant 'doing a darty'!  Henceforth, we will only interact with one paramour for the whole semester and use Jitsi for virtual interactions with our friends and colleagues for the vital college experience of all-night discussions on life, the universe, and everything.  If only we had been properly informed from the beginning using the proper terms, this all could have been avoided.

Do college students really not know that 'partying' is 'gathering in a group for a social interaction for fun and games'?

No, I just think its starting to be an embarrassing thing old people say.