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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Thanks, Langue_doc! Doing much, much better.  I felt like my head was in a vice.  I am really sensitive, apparently, to some particular odors.  Not all, but this definitely bothered me a lot more than husband, but it is also very allergy and very windy.  Who knows.  Thank you so much for the hint! I will work on it during puzzle break in a few!

In any case, I was not able to get to QB myself, nor with husband.  He had a word I needed, and I had one or some he did, but we still needed two more.   I'm glad we threw in the towel, because I don't think we would have gotten them.

On preview: ciao_yall, I always try titian just in case.  Nancy Drew's hair was titian colored, or something like that, from what I recall.  You never know, they might accept it sometime.


Finished the crossword. Hope you get the solution to LB, ab_grp.

ciao_yall, does your second word make you feel aggressive?

Goodnight all.


Got it! Thank you!! And have a good night.


Yes, ab_grp! That is always my first association with titian.

Langue_doc my second word makes me feel like someone patient and creative. Maybe my first word would make me feel aggressive if I were actually fighting something.

Oooh, big reveal tomorrow. Clearly we have different solutions.


Good morning, all.

Stuck at amazing with one pangram. I don't think I'm going to spend much time on the bee today, trying to chase down words to get to 239 for genius, and probably @342 for QB. Haven't looked at the solutions yet.

LB knits/shadowbox

Happy solving!


Good morning, all!

Like Langue_doc, I also got knits/shadowbox for yesterday's LB.    Ciao_yall, it sounds as though you have something different!  And ab_grp, what did you get?

I also have a solution for today's LB. 

I gave up on SB yesterday.  I did not remember attaint from a previous puzzle.  I also missed catmint, probably because I always call it catnip.  Inanity and intact were words I should have gotten.  I also missed minyan

Today's SB is going to be a slog.  If I get to genius, I'll be delighted; I'm currently at amazing.   But I have grading to do and errands to run, so I doubt I'll have much time to spend on it anyway.

Ab_grp, I'm glad you're feeling better and that the house is now odor-free.


SB - See, I could swear I put in anti but it wasn't checked. All the other words I missed were ones I probably would never have gotten: attaint, catmint, cayman, minicam, minyan, myna, natant. Writing them down might help the muscle memory next time. Oh well, on to today's.

ETA Stuck at amazing but got the pangram. Should get a flash of insight soon to tip into genius.

LB - I also got knits-shadowbox. For some reason in my brain last night I was thinking shadowbox-knits. Sorry for building up such anticipation for a different solution.

ETA 2fer, yay. Very bummed because the first word I found was really cool, b4ss.

Happy solving!


Two pangrams, and still two points short of genius. Aaarrrgh!

The puzzle-makers definitely belong to the leisure class that has unlimited free time.


Good morning!

I'm at 275, so still not Alpha, but I believe I have three pangrams.  It is a slog.  There have been a lot of stops and starts and "oh yeah! that one!" going on.  Still lots and lots of points left.  My guess is that the puzzlemakers don't really have a whole lot to do.  They can probably generate these pretty easily and automatically and then just have to go through the possible words list to see if there are any new ones to mark as accept.  So, I guess they do probably live a life of leisure!

On yesterday's, we missed minyan and caiman (but got cayman! argh!).  Husband had to give me catmint.  I always forget that one. 

Thanks to Langue_doc, I also got knits-shadowbox.  Excellent clueing!

Congrats on your 2fers, cathwen and ciao_yall!

Good luck, and happy solving!


Me too - 2 pangrams, still not at genius. Then I find another easy-ish one. Still mired in the La Brea Tar Pits of Amazing...


Made it to Alpha (316), still a ways to go.  Geez louise.  I'll go try LB and the sudokus for a bit.


Just got to Beta/275. 

If ever there was an SB targeting chronic procrastinators, this is it!  Now I *really* have to get to work.  I've graded the quiz, but I need to do some reorganizing of the material for next week. 


3 pangrams, hit genius. 43 words, 242 points. That were a slog.


Seems like good progress! It is quite a long list.  I got one more word, so three more to go.

But I did get a 2fer! The words go together well.


Great progress, ciao_yall!  And ab_grp, you're sure to hit QB!  And I bet you have the same LB solution as I do, because, as you say, the words go together.

I'm still at Beta (281), 11 words to go, and really running out of steam. I think I can confidently predict no QB for me today!