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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Two-fer two days in a row. fornication/glibly

Pangram and above genius today; well above genius yesterday, and QB the day before.

I had to spend several hours yesterday trying to troubleshoot chrome not opening after an upgrade. Today I have to see why the computer is slow, which sometimes happens when Windows decides to upgrade. Aaargh!

I think this is it for today's puzzling.

Happy solving, all!

ETA: fornicating/glibly



SB - Some new words... argh. Parasaurolophus congrats on genius yesterday! It was a long one. Slow start today but did get the pangram.

LB - Langue_doc, great minds think alike! fornicating-glibly as well, and already a 3fer.

Happy puzzling!
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


Good morning!

Today was definitely off to a slow start on the bee.  Yuck.  It took me a while to get to genius and then past that to get the pangrams.  But I have two words left, haven't compared letters or gone to Shunn yet.  Still, I think those options will be in my future.

Congrats on the 2fers! I had fornicating but couldn't figure out a mate. 

Cathwen, that sounds like a lot of work! I have to do a bunch of cleaning today and computer component removal.  I've been procrastinating but can't stand this graphics card screwing up my computer anymore.  Congrats on your 2fer with praxis.  I had tried that but couldn't find a mate for it.  I'm glad they accepted yours!

And congrats on breaking through, Parasaurolophus!

Good luck with your chrome and updates, Langue_doc.  I hope your computer gets back up to speed.  Congrats on your 2fers and bee accomplishments!

Have to start the hard sudoku and get that done by 4PM.  But it's also grocery day.

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

After my last posting, I did not get back to the puzzles, and so did not get a 2fer or get beyond Beta in SB yesterday.

Today I am at QB-2. 

LB is frustrating!  I have several terrific words, but cannot make them work with all the remaining letters.  To be continued!

Good luck to all puzzlers!


Good luck, cathwen! I am now down to one word, but husband has been struggling (getting closer), so we haven't compared yet or Shunned yet.  Argh! Hopefully next break.  I would like to get to QB by myself, but I am not sure that will happen.


Okay, husband finally got to two words, so we compared hashes, and he couldn't give me any letters.  So went to Shunn to get the first letter for final word.  No luck.  Went to first two letters, no luck.  I finally ended up guessing it by brute force, which I don't consider a very fun "win", but I guess impure QB.  I just ended up telling husband what it was, because there is no real way to hint about it since I don't think he's ever heard of it, either.

Got half my desk done, now have to do the other half with the problematic computer repair, then some new sudokus when they come out, and hopefully some LB luck.

Good luck!


Yeah I'm finding some 2fers but the system won't take them which it seems they should. Oh well.
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.



Almost genius, no pangram yet.

QB yesterday; tried twee just for the heck of it, and it worked; remembered nonet from a previous puzzle.

Two medical appointments today in faraway locations, so might not get much puzzling done.

Happy solving, all!


Good morning!

Genius with the pangram this morning.  Yesterday, I missed entente (which I usually get!!), and mentee.  Langue_doc and ab_grp, congratulations on making QB!  Ab_grp, was woot the word that was giving you and your husband so much trouble?  I don't know why I got that; I think it must have been part of a "brute force" effort (trying various letter combinations to see if something takes).  As always, I am amazed at what SB accepts and what it rejects.

As for LB, I was unable to find a 2fer yesterday, but I have found one today.  Ciao_yall, I hope that one of your 2fers took yesterday!

Happy puzzling!



SB - What on earth is a towhee? Well, I'm learning my critters, that's for sure.

LB - 2fer that wouldn't take was horizons-sprawler. I also tried whiplash-honorize. Did anyone get the schmofficial solution or another one?
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


 Ciao_yall, I tried those LB combinations, too!  I wasn't surprised that honorize was rejected, but given what else is accepted, I was surprised that sprawler was also rejected. 

A towhee is a bird—here in the Northeast, we have rufous-sided towhees.  They like to scratch around in dead leaves and their song sounds like, "Drink your tea!" 


Good morning!

Towhee was the word I finally guessed, just trying letter combos I hadn't tried.  No idea.  Sam likes his birds! Congrats to those that got that one! That's funny about what its song sounds like, cathwen.  There are some here that sound like they are singing "breakfast cheesesteak", but that might be wishful thinking on my part.

Still not at Alpha today, I think three words left but I guess they are long.  Husband is missing just one word, same letter as one I'm missing.  But, he heads back on site today, so I guess we will have less bee time in days to come.  There are couple not accepted today that are more or less annoying given others.  Today just seems tough again.

I had no luck on LB! I think it should have taken your solution, ciao_yall.  I surely didn't come near the schmofficial solution (though I did get plaza but, as usual, thought it left too many letters so didn't pursue it).

I managed to get all my cleaning/computer work done yesterday but now have other computer problems to deal with.  Hurrah.  Good to have more than one computer, I guess.  Still about a thousand conference sessions to watch.  Hope your appointments and trips to/fro go well, Langue_doc!

Happy solving!


We leaned on Shunn to try to get the bee done before husband headed out.  There are some specific terms in there, for sure. 


LB yesterday was tricky - starting and ending with vowels.

Genius, 3fer and 2fer b4ss.
Crypocurrency is just astrology for incels.


towhee and tomtit  appear quite frequently in puzzles. There are a couple more, but I can't recall them offhand.

Thanks for your good wishes, ab_grp. The first appointment was to get things ready for the cataract surgery next week. It's a new doctor, a referral through my eye doctor, who I first saw just before my trip. I was pleasantly surprised both times by how well organized the office was. The second one was with my sleep apnea doctor who I hadn't seen for a couple of years and who always greets me like a long-lost friend. We talked about online classes and how I liked teaching online. (His wife teaches online too.) After chatting about our respective trips, we got down to business which consists of the doctor looking at my sleep habits that the office downloads from the chip and discussing the patterns and what I am not doing. It's worth traveling so far to see this doctor and my PCP in the same practice as I get the treatment I need and also there's hardly any waiting. Today I got there quite early and was seen before my scheduled time.

As for the bee, got the pangram and enough words to get me way past genius.