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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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SB - new word coxa (a hip bone) and coact which I guess is a word. Okay.

LB - cathwen I also got halibuts-swifter.

Gonna be a long bee today I can see...


Good morning!

I'm one word away from QB! We haven't compared letters yet or looked at Shunn, and I'm hoping to figure it out but am pretty dead tired, as our A/C on our side of the house went wacky yesterday afternoon and then died.  It was pretty quick from symptoms to end.  Since we are in 100+, not great for sleeping, but we are lucky to have the other unit to help a bit.  They are supposed to come this morning.  I hope they can fix it this morning!! So much for husband's day off and plans surrounding that.

coxa was our final word yesterday.  Don't think we've ever heard of it? coact has been in there before so is one I look out for (if I remember to... the bee words list continues to grow longer!).

I got the same LB solution as both of you.  I see that filibuster was part of the schmofficial solution, and I came across that last night and remarked to husband that it seems as though it would have to be part of a solution, but I couldn't figure out a mate and was distracted by the A/C panic.  Congrats on already getting one today, cathwen! Clean or not!

I never managed to solve the hard sudoku yesterday despite resetting it several times.  But I still have it up so will work on that and the others.  I flew through the other two and just somehow forgot how to sudoku on that one, I guess.

Happy solving!


GWP and 3fers. ab_grp are there a lot of "bee specials" today? I hit a wall at genius. Usually I take a break and new words keep trickling in but not this time.

And this cute story:


Ciao_yall, that is such a cute story! The bee brings people together.   What a journey! As for bee words, I don't recall too many.  It is more of a beekeeping exercise, for the most part.  There are a couple that are a little tougher.  Of course, I don't know what my remaining word is, so that could be a doozy! Also FYI there are 2 pangrams, in case you have just found the one so far.  Good luck!


 Ciao_yall, thanks for that link!  It really is a cute story.

I, too, am now one word away from QB, and it's driving me crazy.  I've gone to Shunn, but still the word is not coming to me.  Ab_grp, I wonder if we're casting about for the same word?  I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

ETA:  QB, and yes, the last word is a strange one (at least to me--perhaps you have heard of it.). I got it just by playing around with letter combos, regardless of whether they seemed to make sense or not.


Congrats on the QB, cathwen!! I know there's a slightly obscure short word, but mine is on the longer side (not the longest, though).  I will be curious to see if they are the same words or which one you struggled with!

We haven't gotten any further, as husband's day off continues with a spontaneous round trip of 2.5-3 hrs to Major City to pick up the A/C part that is needed but that can't be delivered until Monday.  So, he has just arrived and will hopefully return with the correct part so that the service guy can come back and fix that and the control board that shorted out.  Whee! I am here to navigate and take pictures as needed of the units.  If it didn't have to be such and out-and-back-as-fast-as-possible trip, we could have done lunch there or something.


Well into genius - found a few more easy ones. Sounds like Shunn is in my future, regardless, if not the Wordplay blog.

Strange 2fer - found a nice long word then made a guess with the remaining letters and it took.

ETA: Shunn. One word short. 4 letters, starts with FU. I keep playing with letters and nothing is happening...



Congrats all on your victories.

QB yesterday; got to genius before leaving for the doctors appointment.

ab_grp, I'm envious of the time it takes you to get to the city as I have to budget at least a couple of hours to get to my medical appointments. Today I left at 9 (a bus and then a subway) for my 11 AM appointment. I do get into the city half an hour early, but that's pretty much how long it takes me to see my doctors.

Still tired post cataract, the trip was exhausting unlike my usual trips.


That one's kind of tough, ciao_yall, though I had heard of it.  Good luck! You are very close if you are only two letters away!

Speaking of four-letter words starting with FU.... an update on husband's day off.  You might not be surprised to learn that... hahaha... after waiting in a long line, husband was told by the people at the store in Major City that the part the service guy called them about is not the correct part, and they don't have the one we need.  Where is it available? Take a guess! It's in Our City, just about two miles away from our house! LOLOLOLOLOL.  So, he's on his way back and will try at that place.  They assure him that it is the correct part and that they have it in stock and will hold it for him.  I will believe it's the correct part whenever it gets installed and the A/C functions after all this mess.  What a sh!tshow!!

On preview: congrats on your QB yesterday, Langue_doc! I'm sorry to hear that you are tired and had an exhausting trip, but I hope the appointment brought good news.  It can take only about an hour to get to Major City, or it can take two or more hours, depending on construction, traffic, accidents.  Probably the same potential issues for any such trip.  Hope you are home relaxing and have good luck with the bee!

ETA: We don't have any public transportation to/from Major City that I know of, so unfortunately that is not an option in any case.  I miss the Northeast and its railways!


I finally went to the Wordplay blog and the definition jumped out. Woohoo. The streak continues.

cathwen You have better luck than I do. I was playing with letters and nothing was working. Or maybe I wasn't hitting "enter?" Anyway, got it.

ab_grp Ugh, hate it when that happens! I live in a Major City so the challenge is figuring out which Starbucks to meet at. The one on the corner of 4th and Market? You mean the one next to Target or the one across the street...

Langue_doc, yeah, buses and public transportation can be exhausting.


Congrats, ciao_yall! At least he is home and even picked up a late lunch for us (BK).  Hopefully, he can relax a bit before service guy gets back here, and that part better freaking work!

But we did both finally get to QB, a team QB I guess.  No need to look at Shunn.  Husband had trouble with the one I think you had trouble with, ciao_yall.  The one I was missing was an annoying one I should have found given other words in the puzzle but was a beekeeping issue.

And I got all of today's sudokus done so am back to struggling sleepily through yesterday's hard one. Argh.  And I still have to look at LB!

ETA: got a 2fer! I found a word that used 11 of the letters, which made it a lot easier! But I have other good contenders I might follow up on later if I have time.


Congratulations, ciao_yall!  That was the word that was driving me crazy.  I had never heard of it.

Oh, do I know that bus and subway routine!  When I lived in Major City, I took a bus, a subway, and another bus to get to work.  It could take an hour, or it could take two, depending on how things were running.  Now that I'm in a neighboring state, it takes two hours by train, and a little less if we drive to the City.  Getting to campus from here takes an extra hour, though, but fortunately I rarely have to go in. 

Langue_doc, I hope that you can get some rest this weekend!

Ab_grp, I can just imagine how your husband must have felt after his long drive to your Major City, and all for nothing!  I hope that the service guy has installed your A/C part and that you are now lounging around in cool comfort.  And congratulations on QB!


Thanks, cathwen! It has definitely been a day.  Guy has not returned yet, as he had a couple other calls to go to first, but I am eagerly awaiting his arrival and successful repair.  That sounds like a lot of public transpo to have to take! And good that you don't have to go in that often now if you have an extra hour on top of that.  Yeek!

Finally got the hard sudoku from yesterday done, too! Whee! Maybe the unusual fast food infusion helped.  Now I can try to get a second 2fer!


Made it to beta today with two pangrams. Stewing about it not accepting 'porphyry' yesterday, though.
I know it's a genus.



Pangram and genius so far. Gave up on the bee yesterday as I had better luck with LB.

monarchs/submit and carnations/subhuman. Couldn't find a mate for machinations.

ab_grp, sorry to hear that you and husband had a frustrating time trying to get the parts; hope things are resolved now. As for your eyes, it's a good idea to get them tested. Eye technology has come a long way, so other than the blurriness associated with the dilation of your eyes, you won't experience any discomfort.

The transportation to the city isn't usually a problem as I schedule appointments on the day of the week/time of day when I am likely to find parking by the subway station about a couple of miles away. There are also fun things to do in the city, so I usually go to museums or parks before or after my appointments. Yesterday I was so exhausted (post-surgery exhaustion) that I didn't even check out the farmer's market around the subway station or sit in the park eating lunch while people watching, but instead, got on the subway right away as soon as I had picked up lunch from the nearby deli/grocery store, one of my favorite haunts. Having to take a bus to the subway station adds an additional hour to the round trip and is also often aggravating.

Thankfully, eye is healing properly.

Happy solving, all!