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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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SB - bobolink. Yet another %&^$$*^ bird. Well, another new word!

LB - hypocritical-lane. I found pyrite but never got around to pyrotechnic which was appropriate for yesterday.

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

Just got to QB after comparing first letters for our final three.  We were each missing the same four-letter word, but the other missing ones were different.  There are 3 pangrams today.

My LB solution was licorice-enthalpy.  I had entropy recently and couldn't get a solution out of it so was glad to make one with enthalpy! All different solutions, and none the schmofficial one (yet?)! Pyrotechnic would have been a great one!

Bobolink was the one I kind of guessed and looked up.  There was a bobcat sighting in the neighborhood posted on Nextdoor, and I thought isn't there something like boblink? So I looked that up and found there was a bobolink.  Yay!

Have a safe trip home, cathwen.  It's great that you got to be back in place that you enjoy so much.

We spent way too long making a hollandaise sauce this morning, so I have to get on the hard sudoku and LB.

Happy solving!

ETA: Got a 2fer!


Queen, with a few hints from Wordplay to find some easy ones that just weren't connecting.

2fer as well.




SB - Last two words, with help from Wordplay, were mooing which I might not have guessed on my own, and gouging which is a headsmacker. Funny thing is I was looking at the hive thinking g-o-u-g... oh, gougeres, those tasty French cheese puffs and kept going.

This morning - genius, played around a bit to get the pangram.

LB - juniper-remarkable which was official. A couple of 3fers this morning and some fun words b4ss so far. ETA: 2fer!

Happy solving!


Fell just short the last couple of days, but I'll try harder today. It's a long one, though.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

We got home last night around 9pm, tired after a long drive.  It was a lovely weekend, though.

I was at QB-4 yesterday (gorging, gorgon, ignoring, norm), and no LB solution. 

Today I am at genius with the pangram, and a 2fer for LB.  I does look like a long, sloggy SB today.

ab_grp, you mentioned bobolink. When I lived in Upstate NY, our house was in a semi-rural area, near the dairy farm maintained by the university.  Driving by the dairy farm, I would regularly see bobolinks hanging out on the telephone wires.  I have been known to hit the brakes, exclaim, "Bobolinks!", put the car in reverse, and back up to see them.  My daughters still tease me about that to this day! They thought I was nuts.  They might not have been wrong!

Anyway--happy puzzling, everyone!


Good morning!

I'm at three words to QB today.  There are a couple bee words, but of course I don't know what's left.  Took a while to get the pangram! Good luck, Parasaurolophus! A lot of the words are common, just kind of hard to see them today for some reason.  I'm hoping the remainder are not prefix/suffix slogs.  Not sure why they didn't take norming yesterday.

I had the schmofficial solution as well yesterday.  Congrats on already getting 2fers, ciao_yall and cathwen!

Cathwen, that is a cute story! I used to drive by a farm on the way to work and just could not with the little lambs.  They were so adorable.  I always kept an eye out to see who all was out in the pen and often wanted to just stop and stay with them for a while.  Of course, I was on my way to work, so any procrastination would have been appealing, but the little lambs seem like they would have been a good excuse! Glad you got home safely, though long drives at the ends of lovely vacations can definitely require some additional rest.

Happy solving!



SB - Nudge from Shunn for 3 easy words, then went to Wordplay where I had thought I put in tote and had forgotten about entente. So I probably could have achieved QBAM but that was a long list!

Genius with pangram already.

LB - seamy-plutocrats.

A few good words this morning but no 3fer or 2fer just yet.

Lambs remind me of taking the Chunnel train through the English countryside. Bright blue skies, bright green meadows, lovely English manor, and fluffy white lambs gamboling across the verdant hillside. Such a lovely and sweet scene. Apparently it was the sight of lambs that made Paul and Linda McCartney go vegetarian. Not me, though.

That's all I got. Happy solving!


QB - 2. Checked Shunn and I know the first letter and how many letters.

Any bee specials I should watch out for or do you think they will appear? ETA QB! 2 easy ones. Maybe I gave up too soon....

3fers starting to kick in.


Good morning!

I think I'm about 5 words from QB, but we didn't get much time yet.  Congrats on QB, ciao_yall! Seems like you are up and at 'em early! Good to hear the list isn't too bad.  It's tough with just that I to work with.  I think our final word yesterday was boomlet.  Ugh! Well, impure team QB.  We'll see where we get after husband's meeting.

Congrats on the 2fer yesterday, too! I had no luck despite a huge number of contenders.  Wasn't near your solution or the schmofficial one.

I didn't know the Chunnel train even went through the countryside.  I guess I thought it just went the Chunnel route.  Though I guess maybe I have a misconception about what that even is.  Water? The Channel? It sounds like an edenic scene, but seeing my little lambkins also did not put me off lamb, let alone meat in general. 

Well, meeting has been postponed for a half hour, so back to the bee grind for a bit!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBABM!  One or two bee words, but mostly pretty common ones.

SB yesterday was at QB-4.  I missed bootee, botnet, mentee, and tonne

I don't yet have a 2fr for today's LB.  Yesterday I had plumcots-strayer.  I was surprised that plumcots was accepted; I tried it after I tried pluots, which I have seen in grocery stores for plum/apricot hybrids. 

Lambs are irresistible!  When we were in England three years ago, a couple of our hotels looked out on sheep pastures.  We loved watching the gamboling lambs and hearing the soft baaaaas.  It induced feelings of calm and joy.

Happy puzzling!


ab_grp Chunnel = Channel-Tunnel. It's the train that runs through the English Channel between England and France. It starts out in London, then cruises through the English countryside until it goes underwater. Pops out in France, takes you to Paris. Quite efficient!


Thanks for the heads up about the easy bee list, ciao_yall.  I made it to QBABM, and husband soon followed.  Congrats on your QBABY, cathwen!

And thanks for the Chunnel info, too.  I thought it was mostly for the Channel part.  I've never been to England.  Maybe someday! Nice to have an easy way to get from London to Paris.

Cathwen, that would be so peaceful, to have the pastures outside your window.  I'm not sure I'd leave the hotels!

And congrats on a different LB solution! I have heard of pluots but not plumcots.  I guess it's always worth a try.

Time to get on sudokus and try at LB again!


2fer! LMK if you want a hint.


Didn't get there yesterday, but did today. I couldn't for the life of me see the pangram until just now. D'oh.
I know it's a genus.