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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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GN4L, now at QB - 3 I think. Still haven't found the vulgarity. A few clinical terms but nothing to get too flustered about.


Good morning!

Just one more word to go to QB, so did get the GN4L and Alpha.  It's a short puzzle but a little tough.  I was happy to remember yttrium after being burned on it a while back, and I guessed tritium, must have seen that before.  My final words were rutty, tamari.  I usually get the latter earlier on.

Also got the schmofficial LB solution after trying down the wrong path for a while.  Congrats on your 2fers today, Langue_doc and cathwen! And I am going to be looking for that vulgarity too, ciao_yall!

Cathwen, sounds as though your grandson has been having amazing scientific adventures this summer.  How wonderful! He sounds very excited and engaged, and he has lots to teach you! Enjoy your family time after the meeting.

Definitely needed some coffee for the crossword this morning but finally got it.  Typical Thursday, I guess.

Happy solving!


Got a 2fer! But it didn't come quickly, and I wasn't sure one of the components was a word, so maybe there are others.  Haven't found any exciting vulgarities to speak of, either (did find a clinical term, as ciao_yall mentioned, but they have had worse than that, and I wouldn't say that's any kind of vulgarity?).


QB with Wordplay blog, last 2 words were ones everyone else was complaining about.

Still haven't found the vulgarity. Usually I find them pretty quickly.


Ciao_yall, I bet we got stuck on the same two words.  I, too, went to Wordplay and eventually found them, and they were the same two others seemed stuck on.  So, QBWATHICG.

I haven't found the vulgarity, either. 

Ab_grp, yes, he's a great kid in a lot of ways.  I am very pleased that he is intellectually curious and loves learning so much. 


I forgot to note that for the bee husband and I ended up comparing somewhat for the final words we needed.  We each needed one, but they were of slightly different lengths.  I had a suspicion that they were similar in nature, so that's the comparison we did (how many of those words of which lengths), and I think his penultimate word was my final word and vice versa.  I wonder if they are the same two words others here got stuck on! I guess it will be easier to describe tomorrow.  Congrats on the QBs!


I know it's a genus.


One weird combo, but once I got it, realized that it's a word I've seen before, most likely in other contexts.

It's a tricky one today, Parasaurolophus. When I reached genius this morning, I had only four- and five-letter words in addition to the pangram.

ab_grp, we probably have different LB solutions as my words are of the good old kind.

Got stuck on one wrong letter in the crossword. I had to review the words by checking each one, up as well as down on my computer so that I could see the clues alongside the puzzle. Just found it--whew!


Yeah, Parasaurolophus! I think these shorter ones can make it harder to get to G.

Langue_doc, hmm! I may keep looking around for a more obvious solution for LB just for fun, then.  And I'm glad you figured out your crossword issue! They can be so hard to spot!


Good morning!

Last word yesterday was nunhood. Took me a while to find an n-initial seven-letter word.

Pangram and genius today.


Happy solving, all!



QB - Last two words were nunhood, unhood. Both new words for me that apparently hung up a lot of other people on the Wordplay blog.

LB - farces-shelving and never did find the vulgarity. Unless the guy was freaking out over the word anal?

3 points short of GN4L already and barely into the LB.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Genius with pangram this morning.  Yesterday, my last word was nunhood—coming shortly after unhat and unhood

Ciao_yall, my hat is off to you for even attempting GN4L on this one.  I have plenty of 4Ls—all of them, actually (nytbee says there are 8 of them, and I have 8).  It took me a good while to find the pangram.  I don't think I would have reached genius without them.  I am at QB-5 and need 2 5Ls, 1 6L, and 2 8Ls.   

LB yesterday was cravings-shelf.  I found a 2fer today, too.

Congratulations on all of yesterday's successes!

Happy puzzling!


I found the pangram first off the bat - as soon as I could remember how to spell it properly. My word tipping into GN4L was a "bee special." Now I have 8 4Ls and am a ways away from QB points-wise so I think it will be a while, and a trip to Wordplay.

LB is slow today. All the vowels on one side is going to make for some multi-syllabic solutions.


Good morning/afternoon!

Four more words to QB, but I did get to GN4L, which I thought was tough today despite not that many 4s.  Still not at Alpha.  I still have a couple 5s to find and have run out of ideas on those for now.  At least the pangram was pretty easy! I think our final words were unhood, unhat.  I am not a fan of the puzzles where you could form a ton of other words with the prefixes and suffixes that are not accepted but have to try to guess which ones they might take.  I remembered nunhood from a previous puzzle since that had tripped me up.

For LB, I got chafers-shelving and never found the schmofficial one or a more obvious one.  Congrats on your 2fer today, cathwen!

Happy solving!


Finally hit QB with help from Wordplay blog. One I overlooked, one I didn't realize was a word or thought I had tried it, and 2 new ones.

LB - finally got a 3fer. Was *this close* to a 2fer but missing a key letter and b4ss which isn't really that close, but close enough that I screen shotted it. Saw a hint on the Wordplay blog but just the first/last letters and letter count. I didn't see the definitions and don't really want to. Yet.