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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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QBwG today and slogging thru 2fer b4ss and 3fers. No 2fer yet.


Good morning!

Above genius, but no pangram yet.

Last word yesterday was foot--I'm sure I entered it just before entering footed.

poetic/clubman; LB seems to think that the latter is a word, so who am I to argue with them?

As for the lawlessness in the city, we got to this place thanks to a combination of the no-bail laws and the pandering of our politicians and the media to the criminals instead of focusing on the crimes and their impact on the victims. I was pleasantly surprised to see that The Daily News, our ultra-liberal newspaper is now on the side of law and order; here is an excerpt from today's op-ed page:
After the brutal Chinatown murder of Christina Yuna Lee, some pols are not only insisting that society failed Lee, but asserting that it failed the man accused of stabbing her more than 40 times. They should bite their tongues.

Stay safe, and happy solving!


Yesterday, last word was etouffee.

Found 2fer b4ss tapioca-ambulance and others: cupola-ambient, compliant-tube, contemptible-emulate, public-contemplate, publication-name. Just wasn't seeing utopia. Oh well.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I had the "official" 2fer yesterday:  utopia-ambulance.  No 2fer yet today, though. 

Not only that, but I haven't even gotten to genius on today's SB!  I'm at Amazing, no pangram.  Not looking like a good puzzle day!  Congratulations on GwP, Langue_doc!  And also on LB—a different solution from the "official" one.

Yesterday my two last words were étouffée and effete. 

Happy puzzling!


QB! You'll get there, cathwen and ciao_yall.


Good morning!

I'm down to a couple words left but no pangram yet, either! I am glad you finally found it and made it to QB, Langue_doc! Congrats! Yesterday I was missing tofu, and husband was missing etouffee.  I would definitely prefer the latter, but since our veggie child is here I feel a little dumb for not seeing the former.

Congrats on your 2fers yesterday, Langue_doc and cathwen.  The a and c on the same side as t made it difficult for me.

OneMoreYear, wow! I have played 2 Wordles (Dordle), but not four of them.  Maybe I'll check that one out.  Eldest daughter sent me a text last night with her Wordle result (for today?), so I guess we're doing that now.  Maybe she also read that story about the woman being held hostage.

Happy solving!


Argh.  Finally clawed my way to Genius and even found the pangram, so at least there's that.  No LB yet.  Sigh...


Well, congrats on the pangram, cathwen! I take a look now and then, but no luck so far.  I need to get on LB as well.  LinkedIn is taking up too much time today!  It seems to take so long to get anything done that should be simple these days.


Oh my good gravy, I finally found the pangram!! Still not at Alpha yet, 3 words to go, but I am now ok if that's it.  I am not sure why it was so hard to see today.

And I have a very promising contender and good contender on LB, so maybe I will have some luck there.


Good morning!

Yesterday was a Bad Puzzle Day!  I finally got the pangram, but I missed abbacy, belay, blabby, cicely, and clayey.  Ab_grp, I agree that this was a hard one.  Langue_doc, I am in awe of your QB!

And no 2fer!  I had catfish, but did not see hobgoblin.

Today I am at genius, but without the pangram.  And I have a 2fer for LB.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Pangram and genius so far.

Last word yesterday was lily. I found cicely because I was entering proper nouns as I usually do, just for the heck of it.

cabling/goatfish; must have come across the latter in one of the Planet Earth series.

Two-fer today--not very economical, but a two-fer all the same.

Happy solving, all!



QBWATHICG while running a series of reports. Two new words bicyclic, cicely. Good strategy Langue_doc on emetering proper names.

LB catfish-hobgoblin. Thought it was a weird solution but hey, turns out I can be weird and basic at the same time.

Barely started this morning.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Another tough bee day for me.  Just finally found the pangram and not to genius yet.  There are a lot of 4s, which I am avoiding! Yesterday cicely was last.  Husband had guessed it from Shunn assistance and gave me a hint: sounds like the name of a country.  ?! Oh boy.  Luckily we are not doing a geography game.  To be fair, he had a rough day yesterday.  We also needed Shunn help with abbacy.

Congrats on your 2fers yesterday! I thought flashlight might lead somewhere, but no luck.  And congrats again today, cathwen and Langue_doc! I'm sure ciao_yall will be there soon as well.

Langue_doc has made me want to watch Planet Earth again.

Happy solving!


GnP (apparently that's a thing today) and a pretty tight 2fer. Okay, no more procrastinating. Except that pangram...

ab_grp, agreed about the 4Ls. Haven't counted yet today but I wonder if Gn4L was even possible.


Finally found the pangram and now stand at QB-3.  Two are 4L words!  (The other is 5L.) How hard can it be to find a four letter word?  But I just don't see them (yet).  I may go to letter hints soon.