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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Made it to genius today but no pangram yet.  Yesterday's took me forever!! I had a few words left at the end of a yuck day, including farad.  Ugh.

And I got really close on LB again but couldn't put it together.  Congrats, Langue_doc and ciao_yall! (and cathwen, in case I don't get back here today)

I have my covid vaccine for sure this afternoon and maybe flu shot.  They wouldn't let me schedule it because it's been less than a year (Nov 2021).  Same happened to husband, but they gave it to him anyway, though I'm going to the health dept and he went to a pharmacy.  I haven't been to the health dept before and am hoping it will be a model of efficiency (fingers definitely crossed on that).

Happy solving!


Good afternoon! 

I did need a hint to find the last word yesterday—farad.  Today I'm at Beta with only a few words to go, but since the afternoon is rolling on, I might resort to hints. 

LB:  I had the "official" stamp-powerful.  Congratulations, ciao_yall and Langue_doc on yours!  I have not yet found a 2fer today, and it's not for lack of trying. 

Ab_grp, I hope you have minimal (or no) side effects from your vaccine(s)!  And that the health department is the model of efficiency that you hope for.

Happy puzzling!


Thanks, cathwen! It went better than expected in my opinion and worse than expected in husband's, but I managed to get both vaccines.  It really only took about 20 mins past my appt time.  Hopefully if I refrain from commenting specifically I will gain karma toward swift recovery.  ;-)

And congrats on your 2fer yesterday! Good luck with one today.  I need to get back to puzzling.


Finally got a 2fer! Still 5 words left in the bee, but at least I did get the pangram earlier in the day.  I was wondering if I ever would, but it was just escaping me for some reason.


Messy 2fer here as well. Back to the bee. Normally by now I would start looking at the hints but going out to dinner with some friends and the wife has expressed an interest in the Bee, so I'm leaving it undone to see if she gets anywhere with it.


I haven't finished today's Bee, but I'll get there in the morning. Didn't really have the time to devote to it today.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

QBw2LLH yesterday.  As soon as I found efficient, I saw inefficient, and that brought me to QB.  Today I am at Alpha, but completely stuck.

Speaking of stuck, I never did get a 2fer yesterday.  I had a number of very good words, but could not make them work with the leftover letters—so I am eager to see the solutions you all found.  No 2fer today yet, either. 

Ab_grp, I'm glad the vaccines did not hit you very hard!  Is your husband feeling better today?

Ciao_yall, dinner out with friends sounds great! 

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Made it to genius today but just one pangram so far.  We had team QB last night, but I think I needed about 3-4 words at that time.  I know incline, inefficient were some, but I can't remember any others from the list that I missed. 

For LB, I got canker-reputably

Cathwen, thanks! Husband got his vaccines a couple weeks ago and had no issues at all.  Yesterday he was my driver and emotional support animal and was mostly aggravated by some unregistered folks who were holding things up, ill prepared, not wearing masks, etc.  ;-)  He also had to deal with me whining and moaning and groaning, of course.  I am doing okay.  After feeling like someone took baseball bats to my arms last night, I didn't sleep too well.  It's funny looking at the stats on my trackers.  My resting heart rate and average heart rate were each about 10-14 beats per minute higher than normal, respiration up almost 2.5 breaths per minute, temperature's up but not into fever range yet.  Anyway, being warm and not being able to get your heart rate down can make sleep difficult, as well as not being able to do the typical flip-flop back and forth from one side to the other since they both hurt.  Skin sensitivity is not too bad right now.   I am wondering if there are also some times of months when it may not be a great idea for women to get these vaccines just from the inflammation perspective, and I believe that is more of a factor this time than previous.  But I am still upright and honestly not feeling too terrible.

Hope dinner went well, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!


Morning! QBw2LL, last word clientele. Also got canker-reputably.

So far, GwP but LB is a tricky one today.

Happy solving!



Found two pangrams and needed only 8-9 points this morning when I left for a bird walk. Needless to say, this was not a crack-of-dawn outing! Last word yesterday was clinic.


Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery from your shots, ab_grp.


Thanks, Langue_doc! I think I'm doing better.  Chills and skin sensitivity are (thankfully!!) much less awful, and I feel less feverish (it was pretty low anyway), so maybe that means it is passing! If so, it seems to have moved through much more quickly, which is good and bad.  I am definitely tired and am hoping for better sleep tonight.  My flu arm is not as bad as the covid arm anymore.  Woot!

I hope you were able to get your final points and that you enjoyed your more timely bird outing! I still have 7 words, including pangram. 

And congrats on your 2fer yesterday! I guess we all got the same non-schmofficial one! I have a bunch of contenders today but no solution yet.

ETA:  got a 2fer using words I thought I had tried together.  Hmm!


Finished yesterday's, but haven't finished today's yet. Still a few short. Will regroup in the morning.
I know it's a genus.


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius, but am at a loss for (more) words.

Last words yesterday were opah which I tried for the heck of it, and hoodoo which I finally remembered.

Tried jukeboxing, which didn't work, and then junking/gearbox.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got to genius with the pangram.  Yesterday I had 3 words left before we compared, and I got hooded from my husband despite having hood.  We needed help with opah, daphne.  Good luck, Parasaurolophus!

For LB, I had the schmofficial solution, juking-gearbox.  I had both words and thought I had tried them together long before that!

Doing much better today.  Still sore but a much better night sleep, and I think the worst has passed.  I have a call with a friend today that I'm glad to still be able to do!

Happy solving!

On preview: Congrats on your 2fer, Langue_doc! And on QB!



QBwH, needed reminders for hoodoo, headphone. LB junking-gearbox.

Happy solving!