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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning/afternoon!

Finally slogged to genius after getting the pangram quickly.  Yesterday I did make it to QBABM, with last word hardhat.

I also got the schmofficial LB solution.  Congrats to all and to Langue_doc especially!

Good luck on the JFK round trip, cathwen, and on your holiday drive, Langue_doc.  I hope the weather stays pretty good for you and that the trips are safe.

We finally got here without too much traffic trouble last night and were looking forward to ordering dinner since there's no restaurant.  Got the luggage cart and carted 12 nights of luggage and some food up, took a sip of water, went to open wine, fire alarm went off.  Out we went.  Luckily we were back in quickly.  Fire alarm went off again before I got the wine open but turned off quickly.  I then prioritized the wine! No further issues, and dinner was a feast. Today we walked to the hospital to try out the route for tomorrow's 5:30AM reporting time.  Now hanging out and trying to relax.  Neither of us slept well and probably won't again tonight.

Happy solving!


ab_grp, sending good wishes for husband's surgery and speedy recovery. The fire alarm situation doesn't sound good, especially if someone recuperating from surgery needs to rush out the door every time the alarm goes off.

Amazing, no pangram. Missed a few words yesterday.

Off on the road trip soon--the wind advisory seems to have been downgraded from yesterday, but it's still going to be a loooong drive.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Finally got the pangram and to genius.  Yesterday we almost had team QB but needed help for mammalogy.

I tried a lot on LB but no luck.

Thanks for the good wishes, Langue_doc! It's been a long day already! On our way to check in. There was a person, exclaiming loudly, and being escorted out by security and then after our first check in when we went to the surgical check and she appeared again. The surgical check-in nurse had to call security again and take us up a back way to preop so that she would not get in the elevator with us. She was definitely amped up about something or on some thing I guess. It was a little nerve-racking because it made me think of some of the more violent Grey's Anatomy episodes.  Anyway, we got to see the behind-the-scenes of the hospital a bit! He got all hooked up and shaved in whatever order and took another shower and we met with a surgical team again and they wheeled him away so they are going to call me pretty much every hour. I'm back at the hotel since it's attached to the hospital and I can get there in about two minutes.  Trying to watch veep and eat breakfast and have a bunch of coffee. I hope your drive goes well!

Happy solving!

ETA: got a 2fer! And update 1 from the OR nurse was good!  Still a couple hours to go, of course, but good to hear.


Morning! QBwH for palmy, papally which I guess are words. I took a wild guess at mammalogy earlier. LB octave-explaining.

ab_grp, enjoy Veep and glad everything sounds good at the hospital.


Good morning!

It took me ages and ages to find the pangram today.  It was one of those situations where you work and work, then get up and go out and run errands, then come back, and it hits you in the face.  I'm currently at Beta.  Yesterday I needed help to find galop (which has been in the Bee recently!), laggy, and magma.

LB was the "official" octave-explaining.  I found one today, in spite of being a little dubious about the second word.

Ab_grp, it sounds as though your husband is in great hands with a team that is well-organized and mindful of your need to be informed—and not subjected to loud ravings.  Glad all is going well so far.  Continued good wishes for the surgery and recovery!

Happy puzzling!


Congrats to you on your 2fers yesterday, ciao_yall and cathwen! And on another today cathwen! I'm interested to hear what you got, because I think both of mine have been in there before. My second word is not one that I personally use ever, though.

Thank you both for your good wishes! The surgery actually took less time than dissipated. They had to make a few adjustments to the plan but it went very well. I just spent a couple hours over there but he is pretty much 99% drugs right now and has to get up at six for various physical therapy help/traumas, and I could really use the sleep as well.  They said he is making quicker progress than any other patient, but he's also probably a bit younger. I wish I could take his pain away. But despite the pain he was able to sit on the edge of the bed and put his feet on the floor and then stand up and then take one step so that is huge progress! He seemed to make a lot of progress just while I was there and had a lot of his tubes take it out, and etc. Anyway, thanks very much again for all the good thoughts his way because I think they have definitely helped! I know they have helped me! I know he feels like things are really terrible right now, but really this is a very successful outcome compared to what we feared could possibly happen.  His surgeon had to go right back into the operating room for an emergency surgery unfortunately. But I was really impressed with the cardiac critical care unit nursing staff as well.

Also, I am definitely enjoying Veep again! I made it through season one before heading over there, so I'm gonna try to finish season two tonight while I have some wine and leftover steak! Thanks again for the excellent recommendation, ciao_yall!


Morning! QBwH - in fact, needed several hints to get heel. Gah.

LB frequent-taxiway. I recall seeing taxiway before.

Anyway, Merry Xmas and Happy Channukah and whatever else you might be celebrating!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram (first word) and above genius. According to the bee, I had "a stroke of genius" yesterday. I have to disagree though as I had more than a stroke of genius!

ab_grp, sounds like husband is making good progress. Sending good wishes for continued progress and a speedy recovery. Can the doctors give him strong pain medicine? Hope your fire alarm is behaving now.

cathwen, good wishes on your drive to JFK and back. It's much colder in the city than where I am now, further north. This morning's temp in my neighborhood was 8 degrees, in the minuses with the windchill.

Sending you all Christmas Eve wishes. I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve services at one of the churches here and Christmas Eve dinner. Tomorrow is Christmas Day breakfast/brunch and Christmas dinner.

Happy solving!


Good morning/afternoon!

I didn't start beeing yet in case husband feels like working on it together.  And I kept nodding off while trying to find my final words heinie, thane, thee, thine.

I also got frequent-taxiway!

Glad your trip was safe, Langue_doc, and I hope your airport drive is too, cathwen!

Merry various holidays to all!

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

I needed hints to find heath, henna, and ninetieth, words I usually get.  Argh.  Today I am stuck at QB-1.  I may need help to find that last stubborn word.

LB:  I also had frequent-taxiway.  I found a 2fer fairly quickly this morning.

Ab_grp, your husband seems to be doing very well, considering what he's been through.  Taking that first step is not easy after surgery, especially given the kind of surgery he had.  It is reassuring to have a good cardiac care team at a hospital that, from what you've said, is very well organized.  Continued good wishes!

Langue_doc, we'll be leaving in a couple of hours.  It is very cold here (but up to a toasty 14º from 7º this morning).  We'll bundle up.  We'll have a simple supper tonight (due to all the running around)—although she might want to eat as soon as she gets off the plane, so we'll just play it by ear.  But tomorrow will be more elaborate.  Although not ridiculously so.  I just don't have the energy. 

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Happy Holidays to all of you!


Got to QB earlier, but still no luck on LB despite good contenders.  Congrats on your 2fer today, cathwen!

Husband is doing worlds better today even though it was probably more painful than yesterday.  He sat in a chair a couple times for a few hours and went for several brief walks.  Getting 3/4 chest tubes out really helped with breathing pain.  I also brushed his hair, and he brushed his teeth.  I think small normalities like that probably help.  He even ate dinner! Hopefully he'll have a good night sleep and tomorrow will be even better. 


Struggled manfully to GWP tonight.

Glad to hear your husband is doing well, ab_grp! And:if you liked Veep, definitely check out The Thick Of It (provided you haven't already).
I know it's a genus.


QBw2LL, last word bonobo. No 2fer just b4ss blanket-theoretical, blanker-ricochet. And lots of 3fers.

Will be off FB for the next few days so have a great few days and happy solving! Will be with you in spirit.


Good morning/afternoon!

Whew, finally made it to genius with all the pangrams.  I doubt I will get QBABM two days in a row with this long puzzle.

No luck on LB yesterday.  Maybe today!

Thanks for the good wishes and the recommendation, Parasaurolophus! I looked it up, and it looks great.  It's now on the list.

And enjoy your time off, ciao_yall!

Happy solving!



Dreary puzzle choice today by the NYT, especially because people hosting Christmas are going to be busy all day cooking, cleaning, entertaining.  NYT, you come across as someone who hates Christmas.

Just made it to genius, three pangrams so far. More socializing and Christmas dinner starting soon, so no more puzzling today.

ab_grp glad to hear that husband is making progress. Hope you have a Christmas celebration of sorts, despite being in a hospital setting.

Merry Christmas all, and Hanukkah greetings to those of you who observe the holidays.