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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Good morning!

Pangram and genius so far.  Yesterday we had team QB, but I was missing childhood, igloo.

For LB, I finally got the schmofficial woeful-lipstick right before dinner.  I had been looking for -ful words but hadn't even seen the latter until just then.  Whew.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram and genius so far.  Yesterday I needed hints to find cichlid. A new word to add to my Bee list!

No LB solution yesterday, although I did find woeful. How I then missed lipstick is beyond me.  No 2fer yet today!  Argh.

Happy puzzling!



QBwH for cichlid - always something, isn't it. Also woeful-lipstick.

HOA board meeting and hiking group later.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius. That's it for today--off on my trip. cathwen, I'll wave to you as I'm going along 15.

Last word yesterday was moola.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH yesterday to find maxima. Today I have the pangram and am a bit above genius.

No 2fer yesterday, but I have one today!

Langue_doc, enjoy your trip!  I'll wave back.

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got the pangram eventually and to genius eventually and will keep at it.  Long puzzle! Yesterday I got to QBABM again! My final word was bamboo.

No luck on LB despite what I thought were some very good contenders.  I'm very familiar with comorbidity but doubt that I ever would have thought of it.  Congrats on getting one today, cathwen!

Have a great trip, Langue_doc!!

Happy solving!



QBwSBB for maxilla. LB got a nudge for comorbidity-yaks.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB yesterday with BB. QB today too, with BB. It's going to be a busy afternoon and evening, hence my resorting to shortcuts. Couldn't fall asleep last night, despite my good intentions of going to bed before midnight, so turned to Wordle--found the solution on my second try.

Rain all morning, and probably rain most of the week. So much for walking and exploring the area.

Happy solving!



QBwH, last word inattentive. LB chords-swankier.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Still not to genius yet, but I finally have both pangrams.  Yesterday we needed bee buddy for dative, initiative, inattentive.  Congrats on your QBs and Wordle, Langue_doc! I felt lucky to get it in 3 today.

No luck on LB yet again.  Congrats, ciao_yall! Maybe today.

Sorry to hear about all the rain, Langue_doc.  I hope it clears up some for you or leads to other (good) adventures.

Happy solving! 


Good afternoon!

QBwBB, last word inattentive. Today I'm beyond genius with both pangrams.

LB: I also had chords-swankier. I have one today as well.

Sending wishes for sunshine, Langue_doc!

Happy puzzling!


Finally got to genius and got a 2fer!

Congrats on your 2fers yesterday and today, cathwen!


Good morning!

Got to genius with the pangram thus far.  Yesterday we needed bee buddy for notator, orotund, tandoor.  I will probably never remember that middle one.

For LB I got fright-thousand.

Happy solving!



QBwH and new words arrant, orotund. LB grounds-starfish.

Happy solving!


Good afternoon!

QBwH for tantara, nonart, and orotund, which seems to have stumped everyone. Today I have only two words to go, but where they're hiding is a mystery to me.

LB: frogfish-handout. I had the much more normal starfish, and missed grounds! I had never heard of a frogfish before, so my ichthyological knowledge is expanding.

Happy puzzling!