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NYT Spelling Bee

Started by nebo113, August 28, 2020, 05:56:09 AM

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Congrats on your QB, Langue_doc!

Thanks, and I like your 2fer 2! I had cocktail at one point but couldn't find a mate.  I also thought limerick might lead somewhere, so maybe someone got a solution with that one.

Congrats on your 2fers yesterday and today, ciao_yall!


Good morning!

QBwH to find margarita, magma, mirin, trimaran, and tangram, my last word.

Today I'm at genius with the pangram.

LB: numeric-cocktail. No 2fer yet today, so congratulations, ciao_yall, on your quick one!

Happy puzzling!


Good morning!

Got to genius with the pangrams (but they took a bit). Yesterday husband got QBABH and had to help me with ghetto, thong.

For LB I finally got phrenic-crackdown right before bed after a ton of tries.

Busy day, just had a wood guy out to look at floors (just replacing the connector things between rooms, thankfully), then a meeting and another chat with work pals later.  Hopefully I will get somewhere with puzzles!

Happy solving!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

I got to QB-2 yesterday, then got 2LL hints for outgone and eggnog, which I always seem to miss! Today I'm beyond genius, but have only one of the two pangrams.

LB: I had ph(r)enic-crackdown also. And I have a 2fer today.

Happy puzzling!



QBwH, last words nought, goth. LB wracked-diphone.

Genius with both pans and a 2fer today. Still missing a 4L so may need to at least go to the grid but trying to hold off.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius. Last word was tonne--I always have trouble with double letters and a final -e; despite having encountered belle and tonne in numerous bees, I don't see these words until the very end.

phrenic/crackdown; wracked/diphone

Two twofers today!

Happy solving!


Good morning!

Got the pangrams and near genius but another MD appt today to get ready for (PCP).  Yesterday we needed bee buddy for clade.  I was glad to guess (not remember, unfortunately) dace.

For LB I finally got exhalation-nymph.

I ordered tires online for the first time, and they are due to arrive today, so I am interested to see what that looks like.  Just a bunch of loose tires? Some big box of tires?

Happy solving!



QBwSBB... clade? Okay. LB exponential-lymph.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QBwH to find allocable and caboodle. I got dace by accident. Today I'm at QB-2 with both pangrams.

LB: I had exhalation-nymph. I have a 2fer today also.

May the tire delivery go well, ab_grp!

Happy puzzling!



Pangrams and above genius. Missed clade, celeb, and collab. Patted myself on the back for remembering dace.

expiation/nymphal, playmate/exhalation

Had a nice chat with the sleep doctor, as usual. I was bxxxxing about all the drudgery--fielding emails and complaints from students who are unmotivated/uninterested/make unreasonable demands--involved in teaching these days when he piped in to observe that his wife, who I think is also faculty somewhere, feels the same way.

ab_grp, hope your medical appointment goes well, and the tires are delivered without any problems. Would the delivery person just roll the tires from the truck onto your driveway? I've never seen tires enclosed in any kind of packaging.


Lots of solutions yesterday! Congrats! And congrats on another today, cathwen!

And thanks about the tires.  I have no idea how they will arrive, but I will let you know! They are each 19 lbs, which might be ok, but it would certainly seem to be easier to be able to just roll them into the garage.  They are due in the next few hours, and I'm glad I did not miss the delivery while I was out.

The MD appt went fairly well.  He wants follow up blood work in a couple months because my red blood cells are a little low, though they have been for years.  He did not mention my weight, which he did last year to say that I had gained weight, so I pointedly told him at the end that since he mentioned my pandemic weight gain last year I wanted to be sure he noticed that I lost a bunch of weight since then.  I didn't get much of a response but was high fiving myself for speaking up.  Also got an on-the-fly flu shot.  Too bad they don't do covid shots there.

I'm glad you had a good chat with the sleep doctor, Langue_doc, and that his wife and empathize with your student woes.  I actually got a referral to the sleep lab here since my overnight O2 has some issues according to a couple trackers.  I have tried some improvements at home (pillow, mouth tape, etc.), and they have helped a bit, but I figure I should go get it checked out in case.  Husband says his quality of life is way better since getting his apnea diagnosed and treated, but his is pretty severe.  I would guess mine looks more mild.  I hope the sleep doc here is as nice as yours.


Quick tire update: I walked away for a second and thought I heard something outside, and when I came back they were there.  Four tires were piled in one stack, and those plastic ties that you need heavy scissors for were holding sets of two tires together.  Anyway, they were easy enough to separate and carry into the garage.  I did try to roll the bottom two together because I forgot to nip one tie, but it was a little awkward.  Next up is to try the mobile installer.  I am interested to see how they do that on the road.


Good morning!

Pangram and above genius. Last words were lull and oleo.

emetic/conjugal, conjugate/email

ab_grp, glad to hear that your tires arrived. Would the mobile installers replace the tires and also take away the used ones?

Good for you for speaking up about your weight loss. Physicians are often too focused on weight at the expense of other conditions that might be far more harmful to one's health. It's also good that you're getting the sleep test as there are multiple reasons for sleep disturbances and once you get the proper diagnosis, the physician can get you the correct apparatus and also the correct pressure settings for your condition. I recall when I was first tested at another facility almost two decades ago, the sleep technician told me that apnea can be the result of smoking, weight, anatomical conditions, and in my case, poor lung capacity.

Happy solving!


Good morning!

QB yesterday with last words nucleon and coulee. Today I'm a bit past genius with the pangram.

LB: conjugal-liniment, conjugate-email/eliminate.. No 2fer yet today, though.

I got my Covid shot yesterday and feel a little achy today, but not as much as after the shingles shot. I get my flu shot Sunday. In retrospect, I wish I'd scheduled it with the Covid shot, but since vaccines tend to hit me hard, I didn't know whether that would be wise or not. Today I can at least function, albeit at a lower level than usual.

Wishing good health to everyone! And congratulations on wrangling the tires, ab_grp!

Happy puzzling!



QBw2LL to remember colleen. What's up with always having a lingering word? LB conjugate-email.

Quick 2fer today but haven't been doing so well on Connections.

Happy solving!